Mrs. Brown Social Studies 22 Ancient Greece & Rome – Test Study Guide Greece 1. What is this building? Where was it built and why? 2. Name three famous Greek Philosophers: 3. What does Philosophy mean? 4. Socrates inspired a teaching method of question and answering that is used today. What is it called? 5. Know these gods/goddesses and their role ZeusAthenaPoseidonHades- 6. How are leaders chosen in a DEMOCRACY? Who got to participate in choosing leaders? 7. What two groups fought each other in the Peloponnesian Wars (name the city state and their alliance) 8. Who was the foreign conqueror who took over Greece in the 330s BC? a. Where did he come from? b. What name did he give cities after himself? 9. What does Polytheistic mean? 10. Besides architecture and philosophy, what are other areas where Athens made contributions to the modern world? (BE SPECIFIC) ROME 11. According to the legend, who was Rome named for? 12. Near what river did Rome begin? Why did people settle by a river? 13. Why kind of government did Rome have before it became a Republic? 14. Name & define the two main social classes of Rome: a. b. 15. What was the purpose of having 3 different branches of government in the Republic? 16. What power did the consuls have that our President also has (Means “I forbid it”)? 17. What did SPQR mean (in English)? 18. What was done with SPQR in the Roman Republic, and why? 19. Why did Julius Caesar do that led his friends on the Senate to kill him? 20. What type of government did the Senate fear Rome would return to? 21. After Caesar’s death, what type of government did Rome become? 22. Who was Rome’s first Emperor? 23. What language came from Ancient Rome? What languages did it influence? 24. What was the purpose of these great Roman engineering achievements: Aqueducts – Coliseum – Hadrian’s Wall- 25. How did the Emperor’s use Bread & Circus to control the people? 26. Know 3 possible causes for the Fall of Rome a. b. c. Ancient Greece Map (Note sheet #4) * Know the location of Athens, Sparta, Mt. Olympus, Crete & Aegean Sea Roman Expansion Map (Note sheet #18) 28. What three continents did the Roman Empire include? 29. Name 5 modern day countries that were part of the Roman Empire Europe Map *Know the location of these countries: Greece, Italy, Great Britain, Turkey, France & Spain *Know these capitals: London, Athens, Rome, Paris *Know these bodies of water: Tiber River, Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic Ocean.