Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Our Team ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Our 2011 Highlights ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Our ECU Committee Representation ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Our External Representation .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Our Acknowledgement of Country ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Our Teaching Program ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 19
Our Indigenous Tutorial Support Scheme .............................................................................................................................................................................. 22
Our Invited Keynote and Other Presentations ....................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Our Publicity and Promotion .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 25
Our Research - New in 2011 ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Our Research - Ongoing in 2011 ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 28
Our Publications ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Our Reports ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 31
Our Cultural Competence and other Professional Development ........................................................................................................................................... 32
REPORT CONTENT: Professor Colleen Hayward & Tracey Lee Edwards
DESIGN AND LAYOUT: Tracey Lee Edwards
March 2012
FRONT COVER IMAGE: The ‘outdoor art gallery’ at ECU’s NAIDOC Celebration of Indigenous Art Exhibition, July 2011.
Kurongkurl Katitjin is Edith Cowan University’s Centre for Indigenous Australian Education and Research, based in the Faculty of Education & Arts.
‘Kurongkurl Katitjin’ is a Nyoongar phrase meaning ‘coming together to learn’.
Our mission is ‘to provide excellence in teaching, learning and research in a culturally inclusive environment that values the diversity of Indigenous Australian history and cultural heritage’. Kurongkurl Katitjin is a relatively small Centre with huge responsibilities to our students, our colleagues, the ECU community and the broader community, both Indigenous and non-Indigenous.
As we head into another busy year, it is important that we take a little time to reflect upon and celebrate last year’s achievements.
This document summarises the work, the initiative, the drive and the achievements of our dedicated staff and students in 2011.
Kurongkurl Katitjin dedicates this publication to our colleagues Dr Ann Galloway and Alison Weston, whom we sadly lost in 2011. Their memory will never be forgotten and their contribution to our Centre, always remembered. Rest in Peace Ann and Ali.
NOTE: Throughout this document, there are several different spellings of the word ‘Nyoongar’. This reflects the diversity of the country and the people within it.
ECU’s protocol is to use this spelling of ‘Nyoongar’ to acknowledge that the majority of its campuses are in Wadjuk country.
Kurongkurl Katitjin is a dynamic team of Indigenous and non-Indigenous staff working to improve the life circumstances of Indigenous Australians.
Staff are supported by Adjunct staff appointments recruited to build our capacity and build our Indigenous profile and our relationships with industry and other stakeholders. In 2011, our team comprised:
Staff Member
Karen Anderson
Essam Ashraf
Graham Barker
* Gail Barrow
Position Profile
Information Officer Anomie has a Bachelor of Arts (Anthropology), Graduate Diploma of Arts (Media Studies) and is currently a
Master of Arts (Creative Arts) candidate. Her areas of focus within the Australian Indigenous Health InfoNet is ear health and hearing, eye health, road safety and respiratory health. With a background in online communications and experience as a researcher and writer with several Nyoongar community organisations,
Anomie also compiles content for the HealthBulletin and provides research support for the Director.
Senior Research Assistant Karen is primarily responsible for data analysis and report writing. Her role is to collect literature for current research projects, literature reviews and provide summaries of all relevant journals.
Multimedia Officer Essam has a Bachelor of Computer Science and a Master of Computer Science.
Assistant Library Technician Graham holds a Certificate IV Microcomputer Technology and a Diploma of Library and Information
Cultural Awareness Officer Gail is a senior Noongar woman with family links to the lands of the Koreng and Wudjari people of the south coast of Western Australia. Both her parents were teachers, with Gail’s father being the first Aboriginal teacher, and Principal, in WA. Gail has extensive teaching experience, having taught in the southwest,
Goldfields, Kimberley and metropolitan areas of WA. Additionally, she has represented the Indigenous community and agency employers on a range of committees both locally and nationally, including as Chair of the Course Advisory Committee for the Aboriginal and Intercultural Studies course of the Curriculum
Council of WA. Gail is also experienced with delivering Cultural Awareness programs and in work-place assessment. She is assisting the development of Kurongkurl Katitjin into an Interpretive Centre.
Staff Member
* Jason Barrow
~Jasmina Brankovich
Leah Bulloch
Jane Burns
Matt Byrne
~ Bruce Campbell
Michelle Catto
Carlos Cerna
Cultural Awareness Officer
Jason is a Noongar man with extensive family ties throughout the south-west of Western Australia. He has a background in Environmental Science, Heritage and Cultural Tourism, Land Management, Land Care and in delivering Cultural Awareness and other educational programs. He has coordinated research projects and stakeholder management initiatives and has completed the Australian Indigenous Leadership Centre’s
Certificate IV course for emerging Indigenous leaders. In addition to coordinating ECU’s ITAS (Indigenous
Tuition Assistance Scheme)program, Jason is also leading the development of Kurongkurl Katitjin into an
Interpretive Centre and Indigenous Cultural hub of ECU. Jason has a growing national profile in the area of Indigenous men’s social and emotional wellbeing through his continued involvement with Mibbinbah
Men’s Spaces of which he is a foundation board member.
Research Officer
Multimedia Officer
Senior Research Officer
Research Associate
Jasmina holds a PhD in the history of social policy and Bachelor of Arts (First class Honours) in History. Her background is in Aboriginal health and education over the past 10 years of working in government agencies and universities, as well as teaching Australian history. Jasmina finished up with the Australian Indigenous
Health InfoNet in November 2011.
Leah has a Bachelor of Communications (Film & Video and Multimedia) (Honours).
Jane has a Bachelor of Health Science (Honours) and is responsible for the Australian Indigenous
Health InfoNet focus areas of ear health and hearing, eye health, infants and young children, women,
Indigenous Environmental Health Workers, health promotion, births.
Matt is an experienced teacher and teacher educator. He is involved in Aboriginal education and research, undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and has completed his PhD. He is actively involved in the development and delivery of courses within and outside the university sector on developing the cultural competence of non-Indigenous undergraduates and professionals so that they are able to work respectfully in partnership to improve outcomes for Indigenous people.
Senior Lecturer Bruce’s background is in social theory with special interest in policing and social regulation, the environment and Indigenous history and politics. He taught politics, sociology and the sociology of law at Murdoch in the
1990s and for the last 11 years has been teaching Indigenous politics, history and environmental perspectives at ECU. He has extensive experience in private business and local government. His qualifications include
BA (Politics, Philosophy and Sociology and Asian Studies) Hons, PhD Sociology (Murdoch University). Bruce finished with Kurongkurl Katitjin in July 2011.
Research Officer Michelle has a Master of Public Health specialising in Addiction Studies and Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander Health and a BA (Psychology and Education). Michelle is responsible for the Australian Indigenous
Health InfoNet focus areas of alcohol, illicit drugs, volatile substances and tobacco.
Stakeholder Database Officer Carlos is commencing his studies at Edith Cowan University in Bachelor of Computer and Network Security.
He is responsible for the key stakeholder communication database as well as other administrative duties.
Staff Member
Karla Cerna
~ Chao Hung Chiang
~ Sue Copcutt
* Tracey Lee Edwards
~ Neil Ferguson
Jackie Goldfinch
* Graeme Gower
Caitlin Gray
Millie Harford-Mills
Marketing Officer
Multimedia Officer
Assistant to Neil Thomson
Communications and Events
Research Assistant
School Officer
Senior Lecturer
Research Officer
Admin Assistant
Karla holds a Bachelor of Communications (Advertising and Media Studies), Graduate Diploma in Film and
Television (Screen Studies), Master of Film and Television.
Joe has a Master of Computer Science, and a Bachelor of Information Science. Joe finished up with the
Australian Indigenous Health InfoNet in January 2011.
Sue has a Bachelor of Arts (Writing & Editing) with an invitation to undertake Honours studies. In her previous role, she worked as Assistant to the Director and Relief Editor at the National Native Title Tribunal’s
Principal Registry, which assists in the facilitation of timely and effective outcomes for disputes about native title in Australia. Sue finished up with the Australian Indigenous Health InfoNet in June 2011.
Tracey Lee Edwards is a young Indigenous woman with an extensive public relations and event management background. Having worked in Indigenous Affairs for 11 years, she has become deeply involved in the health, education and welfare of Indigenous people across Western Australia. Tracey Lee has managed significant communication and events strategies in Aboriginal child health research and is currently involved with the promotion and marketing of Kurongkurl Katitjin. She has a growing national reputation due to her voluntary work at local and national levels, including through her membership of a range of boards and committees.
Neil has a public service background, with experience as an interviewer, trainer and data analyst. Neil’s primary role is in qualitative data analysis for large scale studies in Aboriginal education. He has also contributed to studies as a writer for both paper and online formats. In addition to his work in research,
Neil lectured in critical thinking for the School of Communication and Arts at ECU. Neil completed Honours
(First Class) at Murdoch University in 2010. His thesis was in the area of the science/religion dialogue. Neil left Kurongkurl Katitjin in 2011 to take up a position in the School of Communications and Arts.
Jackie was recruited to Kurongkurl Katitjin from the Telethon Institute for Child Health Research, where she worked for over 8 years. She has an extensive background in administrative service duties and currently provides support and advice to the Centre in her role as School Officer.
Graeme is a senior lecturer in education and Aboriginal studies with 32 years experience in Aboriginal
Education. He is a leading proponent in developing and teaching units of study in Indigenous cultural competence at a local and national level. Graeme is currently undertaking a PhD.
Caitlin has a BA (Psychology) and is a Master of Public Health candidate. She is responsible for the Australian
Indigenous Health InfoNet focus areas of cardiovascular health, physical activity and immunisation. She also maintains population groups including: Infants and young children, adolescents, women, men, rural and remote and urban.
Millie is currently studying a Bachelor of Communication and is responsible for updating the Australian
Indigenous Health InfoNet ’s funding and job opportunities section as well as supporting marketing and promotional activities.
Staff Member
* Colleen Hayward
Joanne Hoareau
Tara Hoyne
~ * Maxwell Jackson
Helen Jones
~ Samantha Kenny
Head of Centre
Colleen is a senior Noongar woman with extensive family links throughout the south-west of WA. She comes from a teaching family with both her parents and two siblings having been teachers. Her father was the first Aboriginal teacher, and Principal, in WA. For more than 30 years, Colleen has provided significant input to policies and programs on a wide range of issues, reflecting the needs of minority groups at community, state and national levels. She has an extensive background in a range of areas including health, education, training, employment, housing, child protection and law & justice as well as significant experience in policy and management. In much of this work, she draws on her qualifications including Bachelor of Education,
Bachelor of Applied Science in Aboriginal Community Management and Development and a Post Graduate
Certificate in Cross Sector Partnerships from Cambridge University. Among her many achievements, she has been recognised for her long-standing work for and on behalf of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across Australia by being named a finalist in the national Deadlys Awards in the category of
Outstanding Achievement in Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health (2008) and by winning the 2008
National NAIDOC Aboriginal Person of the Year Award. Colleen is also a recipient (2006) of the Premier of WA’s prestigious Multicultural Ambassador’s Award for advancing human rights and anti-racism in the community and is the 2009 inductee into the WA Department of Education’s Hall of Fame for Achievement in Aboriginal Education. In 2010-2011, she was a foundation member of the inaugural Board of the National
Congress of Australia’s First Peoples.
Assistant Library Technician Joanne has a background in community services and art. She holds a Bachelor of Psychology, a Graduate
Diploma in Information and Library Studies, and a Certificate IV in Library Services.
Development and Marketing
Promotion and Recruitment
Tara holds a BA, Post Graduate Diploma Business (Marketing), MBA.
Executive Officer
Research Assistant
Max is a Balladong-Wilmen Noongar with a Bachelor of Commerce Double Degree (Marketing/Information
Systems) and is undertaking study towards a Graduate Certificate in Tertiary Teaching. He plans to use his skills to engage Indigenous students and broaden the cultural education opportunities of non-Indigenous
Australians. Max is also a strong participant in Indigenous social groups and is one of the main contacts at ECU for Indigenous community engagement thus helping to build ECU’s social profile and leading to growth of Indigenous student enrolments. Max finished up with Kurongkurl Katitjin in March 2011.
Helen has a Bachelor of Communication Studies (part) and has wide experience in administration and small business management. Helen assists the Director of Health InfoNet in stakeholder contact, conference and meeting scheduling and general administration and also assists senior staff.
Samantha’s primary role as Research Assistant is to collect literature for current research projects and literature reviews, provide summaries of all relevant journals, as well as prepare and format data for analysis. She is also responsible for project administration. Samantha finished up with Kurongkurl Katitjin in December 2011.
Staff Member
* Terry Kessaris
Andrea MacRae
~ * Daniel McAullay
Research Officer
Adjunct Lecturer
Naoibh McLoughlin
~ Caitlin Maling
Information Officer
Research Officer
Tim Meehan
~ Richard Midford
Web Developer
Associate Professor
Terry belongs to the Alawa and Mara clans in the North East of the Northern Territory. She joined ECU from Charles Darwin University and brings a range of community-based as well as academic experience to enrich her teaching role in Kurongkurl Katitjin. Her research interests are Whiteness studies, Indigenous
Education and Aboriginal English. Terry is undertaking her PhD.
Andrea has a BA (Honours) and an MA (Communication Studies) and is responsible for the Australian
Indigenous Health InfoNet focus areas of oral health, offender health, family violence, and heath facts. Andrea is part of the team responsible for alcohol and other drugs, and is also responsible for the coordination of the yearly Overview of Australian Indigenous health status and the plain-language summary.
Daniel is a member of the Nyoongar community of the south-west of WA. He has a Bachelor of Science
(Nursing), a Master of Applied Epidemiology and a PhD awarded through the Australian Primary Health
Care Research Institute at the Australian National University. He currently holds a lecturing position at
Kurongkurl Katitjin and is working to develop the Indigenous health service model for the new Wanneroo
GP Super Clinic. Daniel finished up with Kurongkurl Katitjin in October 2011.
Naoibh has a Bachelor of Science (Honours), and is responsible for supporting various research officers at the Australian Indigenous Health InfoNet under the focus areas of substance use, kidney health, cancer, offender health, older people, palliative care, and WA state.
Caitlin holds a Bachelor of Arts with majors in psychology and criminology and a Master of Philosophy in
Criminological Research (Cantab). Working for the Australian Indigenous Health InfoNet, Caitlin maintains the Offender health web resource, the Closing the gap web resource; and the pages for rural/remote, family violence and policies and strategies. Caitlin finished up with the Australian Indigenous Health InfoNet in July 2011.
Tim has a Bachelor of Business Administration and a Graduate Diploma in Information Technology
Richard Midford is an Associate Professor at Edith Cowan University. He also holds an adjunct appointment as Associate Professor at the National Drug Research Institute and maintains a private practice with Perth
Psychological Services, of which he is a director. He is particularly interested in how alcohol and other drug harm prevention programs can be developed in partnership with local communities, prevention of alcohol and other drug harm in workplace settings and in the development of effective school drug education. Over the past six years he has received over A$2 million in competitive grant or commissioned research funding.
The School Health and Alcohol Harm Reduction Project (SHAHRP), of which he was a chief investigator, received the award for excellence in research at the inaugural National Drug and Alcohol Awards in 2004.
He has published over 100 journal articles, monographs, books and book chapters on his work.
Staff Member
* Noel Nannup
~ Gary Partington
Christine Potter
Honorary Professor
Research Officer
Miranda Poynton
Katherine Ride
* Sandra Rogers
Lawrence Rutherford
Pauline Shanley
Information Officer
Research Officer
Administrative Officer
Library Technician
Business Manager
Noel is a Noongar Elder who specialises in providing high level Indigenous cultural advice. His Honorary
Doctorate (Murdoch University) is in recognition of his long-term commitment to Indigenous education, most notably through his work in cultural competence and awareness training designed to engender increased knowledge and respect of Indigenous people. Noel also is ECU’s Cultural Ambassador and supports Kurongkurl Katitjin’s development into an Interpretive Centre and Indigenous Cultural hub of
Gary is an honorary Professor with an extensive background in Indigenous education and research with a particular focus on the schooling of Aboriginal students in WA. He has conducted extensive research on
Aboriginal education in remote areas of WA as well as in urban and regional districts. He has also lead two longitudinal studies. His previous research has concentrated on school and classroom practice in relation to
Aboriginal education and he has written extensively in the field. Gary left Kurongkurl Katitjin in December
2011 to take up a position in the School of Education.
Christine has a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (Psychology), is a Certified Practicing Accountant and also holds a Bachelor of Business. She is responsible for the Australian Indigenous Health InfoNet focus areas of respiratory disease, tuberculosis, physical environment, Indigenous Environmental Health Worker practitioners, physical environment, road safety, Closing the gap, injury and is Deputy Editor of the
Miranda has a BA Communications and Cultural Studies and is responsible for undertaking information searches across health and health-related areas, adding information to the Australian Indigenous
Health InfoNet website.
Katherine has a Bachelor of Science (Honours) and a Graduate Diploma of Public Health Nutrition. She is responsible for the Australian Indigenous Health InfoNet focus areas of nutrition, diabetes, and overweight and obesity, and physical activity. She is also coordinator for the Health InfoNet nutrition and diabetes yarning places, and Research Coordinator for the national Healthy Lifestyle Worker project.
Sandra holds a Graduate Certificate in Indigenous Sector Management; and is a candidate for Master of
Arts (Indigenous Sector Management).
Lawrence holds a number of qualifications including Bachelor of Social Science in Human Services, Graduate
Diploma of Education (Primary) and a Diploma of Library and Information Services. Lawrence conducts ongoing literature search relating to the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, maintains the collection of material and provides regular updates of the bibliography.
Pauline holds a Bachelor of Business (Accounting and Business Law), Post-graduate Diploma Business
(Human Resource Management) and Diploma of Professional Coaching.
Staff Member
* Robert Somerville
~ Greg Stratton
Sasha Stumpers
Neil Thomson
Avinna Trzesinkski
Position Profile
Adjunct Associate Professor Robert is a Martu man who has played an active and senior role in Indigenous education and training for more than 30 years. In addition to a range of teaching and school administrative positions, he has curriculum experience; was District Superintendent of the Kimberley; Manager of Indigenous Education;
District Superintendent of the Goldfields; Director of the Systemic Indigenous Schools Program; Director of Indigenous Education (Operations); and District Director of the Joondalup Education District. He is in his ninth year as Director of Indigenous Education for the WA Department of Education where he has championed such aspirational programs as ‘Follow the Dream ‘and ‘Dare to Lead’. In addition to this extensive involvement in education and training, Robert brings a wealth of state public service experience, being one of the most senior Aboriginal public servants in WA. Robert holds an adjunct appointment in
Kurongkurl Katitjin.
Research Officer
Director, Australian
Indigenous Health InfoNet
Research Officer
Greg has worked predominantly in the field of literacy, language and learning for over twenty years, the last
15 years in the university sector. His research interests include literacy, social semiotics, discourse analysis, learning systems, narrative analysis, literature and film. His research has been presented at international conferences and published in international journals. Greg has an English Degree and a Post-Graduate
Diploma of Education from Curtin University. He also has a Masters Degree in Education (Language and
Literacy) from ECU and is currently undertaking a PhD at Murdoch. Greg finished up with Kurongkurl
Katitjin in July 2011.
Sasha is a research officer with the Australian Indigenous Health InfoNet and has been a member of the team since 2006. Her current areas of research responsibility include: WA/WAIHPN, cancer, kidney health, older people, palliative care, social indicators/issues, policies and ethics. Sasha’s tertiary qualifications include a BA (Honours) (Psychology) and a near complete PhD (Community Psychology).
Neil is the Director of the Australian Indigenous Health InfoNet.
Neil’s long-term involvement in Indigenous health is based on tertiary training in medicine, public health, mathematics, anthropology and public health. After five years of clinical medical practice including positions in the Kimberley region of WA, he has almost 30 years experience in Indigenous health, where his special interests have been in the transfer/ translation of research and other information to inform policy-making, planning and service delivery. In
1997, Neil was responsible for establishment of the Internet-based Australian Indigenous Health InfoNet , an innovative way of contributing to ‘closing the gap’ in health between Indigenous and other Australians by developing and maintaining the evidence base to inform practice and policy in the area of Indigenous health.
Avinna has a Bachelor of Science (Health Promotion) from Curtin University. Avinna is responsible for the
Australian Indigenous Health InfoNet focus areas of eye health, Indigenous health workers and substance use (alcohol use).
Staff Member
~ * Keith Truscott
Belinda Urquhart
Fiona Wilson
* Ken Wyatt
Senior Lecturer
Research Officer
Information Officer
Adjunct Professor
* Indigenous Australian
~ Departed Kurongkurl Katitjin employment during 2011
Keith’s traditional roots go back to the Antakarinyin people in the north of South Australia. His family is part of the Stolen Generations era. As well as his long association teaching in Kurongkurl Katitjin, he is
President of the Aboriginal Studies Association of Western Australia (ASAWA) and his qualifications include
BA (Anthropology Major) – UWA; Grad Dip. Bus. (Entrepreneurship) – ECU; Bachelor of Divinity (Melbourne
College of Divinity) and M.Soc.Sci. (ECU). He likes to maintain interest in supporting his local Indigenous community activities and is currently completing work towards his PhD. Keith finished up with Kurongkurl
Katitjin in July 2011.
Belinda is a research officer at the Australian Indigenous Health InfoNet . She has been a member of the team since 2007 and has research responsibilities for several areas including: social and emotional wellbeing; dementia; sexual health; hepatitis; HIV/AIDS; and general infectious diseases. Belinda’s tertiary qualifications include a Doctor of Psychology (specialising in community psychology), a Post Graduate
Diploma in Psychology, and a Bachelor of Arts (Psychology).
Fiona is responsible for undertaking information searches across a variety of health and health-related areas, adding information to the Australian Indigenous Health InfoNet website and general administrative tasks for the research team.
Ken Wyatt has a strong Noongar, Yamatji and Wongi heritage and believes that education and access to the knowledge society involves life-long learning and is the key to change and making informed decisions of choice. Ken commenced his working career as a primary school teacher for 16 years before moving into leadership roles in the Public Sector, including Director of Aboriginal Education and Director Schools
Swan Education District WA Department of Education and as Director of Aboriginal Health in Western
Australia and New South Wales. In 2010, Ken became the first Indigenous member of the Australian House of Representatives, representing the electoral division of Hasluck in Western Australia for the Liberal Party of Australia. Ken holds an adjunct appointment in Kurongkurl Katitjin.
2011 was an especially busy year for Kurongkurl Katitjin and, while more detail is provided elsewhere in this report, our highlights are numerous and noteworthy.
Commencement of ECU’s Cultural Ambassador Initiative
Partnership with Mount Lawley Senior High School to support the Follow the Dream program
Date Personnel
January 2011 Gail Barrow; Jason Barrow; Tracey Lee Edwards;
Colleen Hayward; Noel Nannup
February 2011 Tracey Lee Edwards; Colleen Hayward
Development of an Indigenous specific Timeline fact sheet for International Women’s Day
Featured in the Department for Communities 2011 IWD Cenentary Poster
Filming for IWD 100 women
Hosted the two-day meeting of the National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples
Information Stall and tool-making demonstration for Harmony Week at Joondalup Campus
Information Stall and tool-making demonstration for Harmony Week at Mount Lawley Campus
Launch of the Elders Room
Development of the inaugural Reconciliation Action Plan
Development of an Indigenous specific Timeline fact sheet for Law Week
Launch of the inaugural Reconciliation Action Plan
March 2011 Gail Barrow; Tracey Lee Edwards
March 2011 Gail Barrow; Brenda Cherednichenko;
Tracey Lee Edwards; Colleen Hayward
March 2011 Tracey Lee Edwards; Colleen Hayward
March 2011 Tracey Lee Edwards; Colleen Hayward
March 2010 Jason Barrow
March 2010 Jason Barrow
May 2011
May 2011
May 2011
May 2011
Gail Barrow; Jason Barrow; Tracey Lee Edwards;
Jackie Goldfinch; Colleen Hayward; Noel Nannup
Tracey Lee Edwards; Colleen Hayward and all contributors
Gail Barrow; Tracey Lee Edwards
Tracey Lee Edwards and all contributors
Launch of Kurongkurl Katitjin’s new website
June 2011
NAIDOC Celebration of Indigenous Art Exhibition
Major NAIDOC feature - unveiling of outdoor art gallery
Acquired two custom Indigenous designed tables for Elders Office
July 2011
July 2011
July 2011
Attendance at and contribution to Indigenous Education discussion at WIPC:E Conference in Peru,
South America
Development of an Indigenous specific Timeline fact sheet for Mental Health Week
August 2011
October 2011
Completion of Report to the David Wirrpanda Foundation on the Evaluation of the Dare to Dream
Program: Kwinana
November 2011
Development of an Indigenous specific Timeline fact sheet for Education Week
Compilation of ECU’s Indigenous Alumni
November 2011
November 2011
Launch of the Rock Solid Foundation tribute to ECU Indigenous Alumni
Development of an Indigenous Alumni commemorative booklet
21 Invited Keynote or Presentations
19 Acknowledgements of Country
November 2011
November 2011
2011 overall
2011 overall
Tracey Lee Edwards
Jason Barrow, Tracey Lee Edwards and all contributors
Jason Barrow; Tracey Lee Edwards;
Jackie Goldfinch
Jason Barrow; Noel Nannup
Gail Barrow; Jason Barrow;
Tracey Lee Edwards; Colleen Hayward
Gail Barrow; Tracey Lee Edwards
Gail Barrow; Tracey Lee Edwards;
Jackie Goldfinch; Colleen Hayward;
Daniel McAullay
Gail Barrow; Tracey Lee Edwards
Gail Barrow; Jason Barrow;
Tracey Lee Edwards; Colleen Hayward;
Robert Somerville
Jason Barrow; Tracey Lee Edwards;
Colleen Hayward; Noel Nannup;
Jackie Goldfinch
Tracey Lee Edwards; Colleen Hayward
Jason Barrow; Colleen Hayward;
Daniel McAullay; Noel Nannup
Colleen Hayward
Six seasonal editions of Our Place Newsletter released
3 new research projects and grants won
2 reports completed
2011 overall
2011 overall
2011 overall
Tracey Lee Edwards and all contributors
Gail Barrow; Jason Barrow;
Tracey Lee Edwards; Colleen Hayward;
Daniel McAullay; Richard Midford;
Neil Thomson
Gail Barrow; Jason Barrow;
Tracey Lee Edwards; Colleen Hayward;
Daniel McAullay
Kurongkurl Katitjin recognises University Service as an important component of our work and contribute to various ECU Committees and groups, including:
ALTC Aboriginal Narratives Project Steering Committee
Child Health Promotion Research Centre Consultative Committee
Communications Working Group
Curriculum 2012
Environmental Management
Equity Committee
Expert working group on Indigenous engagement with Sciences (National)
Faculty Teaching & Learning Committee
Green Office Program
Indigenous Consultative Committee
Indigenous Employment (Development & Implementation) Sub-Committee
Indigenous Knowledge & Engagement Network women@ecu
Faculty of Business & Law Planning Advisory Committee
Faculty of Education & Arts Board
Faculty of Education & Arts Course Committee
Faculty of Education & Arts Executive
Faculty of Education & Arts Research & Higher Degrees Committee
Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group
Research & Higher Degrees
School of Education Consultative Committee
School of Speech Pathology Consultative Committee volunteering@ecu yarning@ecu
Colleen Hayward
Colleen Hayward
Tracey Lee Edwards
Graeme Gower
Jason Barrow
Colleen Hayward
Graeme Gower
Graeme Gower
Jason Barrow
Tracey Lee Edwards; Colleen Hayward; Alison Weston
Tracey Lee Edwards; Colleen Hayward; Terry Kessaris
Jason Barrow; Tracey Lee Edwards; Colleen Hayward; Terry Kessaris
Colleen Hayward
Colleen Hayward
Bruce Campbell; Colleen Hayward; Terry Kessaris; Neil Thomson
Greg Stratton
Colleen Hayward
Colleen Hayward; Neil Thomson
Tracey Lee Edwards; Colleen Hayward
Graeme Gower
Colleen Hayward
Colleen Hayward
Jason Barrow
Jason Barrow; Tracey Lee Edwards; Colleen Hayward; Terry Kessaris
In addition to our University Service through ECU Committees, Kurongkurl Katitjin recognises the need to engage beyond ECU. Our involvement is of direct benefit to both ECU and Kurongkurl Katitjin, building the profile and reputation of both, especially in the Nyoongar community; as well as ensuring Indigenous input and views to the decisions of key groups. In 2011, this representation included:
Aboriginal Teaching Assistants Network
Advanced Personnel Management Reconciliation Action Plan - Advisor
Amnesty International Indigenous Advisory Panel
Australian Indigenous Leadership Centre Board
AIATSIS: Peer Reviewer for Australian Aboriginal Studies Journal
Catholic Education Aboriginal Committee
Celebrate WA Committee
Central Institute of Technology Aboriginal Employment & Education Training Committee
Child Death Review Advisory Panel for WA Ombudsman
Citizen of the Year Children and Young People Lifetime Achievement Award Selection Panel
Citizen of the Year Sir Ronald Wilson Leadership Award Selection Panel
Citizen of the Year Wesfarmers Indigenous Leadership Award Selection Panel
Citizen of the Year Wesfarmers Indigenous Young Person Award Selection Panel
Curriculum Council Aboriginal Advisory Committee
Curriculum Council Aboriginal and Intercultural Studies Course Advisory Committee
DEEWR National Partnership Literacy and Numeracy Expert Group
Editorial Board of Australian Journal of Teacher Education
FaHCSIA Indigenous Engagement Working Group
Follow the Dream Program
Healthway Arts Advisory Committee
Hearing Services Consultative Committee
Heart Foundation Board
Max Jackson
Colleen Hayward
Colleen Hayward
Colleen Hayward
Colleen Hayward
Max Jackson
Colleen Hayward
Tracey Lee Edwards
Colleen Hayward
Colleen Hayward
Colleen Hayward
Colleen Hayward
Colleen Hayward
Gail Barrow; Ann Galloway
Gail Barrow
Colleen Hayward
Ann Galloway
Colleen Hayward
Jason Barrow; Tracey Lee Edwards; Colleen Hayward
Daniel McAullay
Daniel McAullay
Daniel McAullay
History Council of WA
Horizon Power Indigenous Advisory Committee
Injury Control Council of Western Australia
International Indigenous Infant Mortality Collaboration (IIIMC)
International Women’s Day Steering Committee - City of Perth
Leadership WA Board
Medical Journal of Australia – Peer Reviewer
Mibbinbah Ltd – Indigenous Men’s Space
Ministerial Council on the Prevention of Child Abuse
Mount Lawley Senior High School - Follow the Dream Management Committee
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Higher Education Consortium
National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples Inaugural Board
National Heart Foundation of Australia, A&TSI Health Advisory Committee
National Heart Foundation of Australia (WA Division), Heart Health Committee
National Indigenous Road Safety Working Group
National Indigenous Tuition Assistance Scheme
NHMRC Harmonisation of Multicentre Ethical Review Indigenous Research (HoMER) Subgroup
Northern Corridor Noongar Men’s Group
Northern Territory Chronic Diseases Network Website Committee
Nyoongar Sports Association Board
PALS Judging Panel
PALS Expo Working Group
Productivity Commission – Key Informant on various matters
Red Cross Indigenous Social & Emotional Wellbeing Technical Reference Group
Telethon Speech and Hearing Centre Board
WA Aboriginal Health Information & Ethics Committee
WA Constitutional Centre Board
Gail Barrow
Colleen Hayward
Richard Midford
Daniel McAullay
Colleen Hayward
Colleen Hayward
Colleen Hayward
Jason Barrow
Colleen Hayward
Colleen Hayward
Colleen Hayward
Colleen Hayward
Neil Thomson
Neil Thomson
Neil Thomson
Jason Barrow
Daniel McAullay
Max Jackson
Neil Thomson
Colleen Hayward
Tracey Lee Edwards
Tracey Lee Edwards; Colleen Hayward
Colleen Hayward
Colleen Hayward
Colleen Hayward
Daniel McAullay
Colleen Hayward
Committee/Board/Other Representative
WA Department of Corrective Services Research & Evaluation Committee
WA Disability Services Commission Access for Indigenous People Committee
Colleen Hayward
Neil Thomson
WA Indigenous Sexual Health Advisory Committee
WA Marine Science Institution Kimberly Marine Research Program
Neil Thomson
Jason Barrow; Colleen Hayward; Noel Nannup
WA Youth Award Judging Panel, Commissioner for Children and Young People: Participate Award Tracey Lee Edwards
Wesfarmers Indigenous Advisory Panel
Wesfarmers Reconciliation Action Plan
Wyemando Bequest Inc & Jimmy Pike Trust
Youth Studies Australia, Consulting Editor
Colleen Hayward
Colleen Hayward
Ann Galloway
Richard Midford
In recognition of the unique place of Indigenous Australians in this country and in acknowledgement that ECU campuses are on Nyoongar land, ECU initiates a
Welcome to Country or Acknowledgement of Country at all formal events and functions. While not specifically listed, Kurongkurl Katitijin’s Elder-in-Residence
Dr Noel Nannup performed many of the Welcome to Country addresses at events including ECU Graduation Ceremonies and the Vice-Chancellors Oration.
Additionally, requests for an Acknowledgement of Country by external organisations and their events were highly sought after and assisted in the building of
ECU’s profile in the broader community. In 2011, such events included:
New Year Sector Breakfast
Oz Concert
Too Solid Music Festival
International Women’s Day Edith Cowan Memorial Lecture
Bassendean Multicultural Festival
Investiture Ceremony
State Reception to farewell WA Govenor Ken Michael
CitWA Awards Gala Presentation
Swearing-in Ceremony for new WA Governor
Opening of the SCA Spectrum Gallery
Engage with Research@ECU
Australasian Racing Ministers Conference
Investiture Ceremony
‘End of Polio’ Breakfast
State Reception for Queen and Duke of Edinburgh
Annual General Meeting
Board Meeting
2011 International Volunteer Day & Closing Event
State Meeting
Governor of Western Australia
Date Presenter
21/01/11 Colleen Hayward
25/01/11 Colleen Hayward
The Coalition of Peoples
Town of Bassendean
Government House
Department of the Premier and Cabinet
26/01/11 Colleen Hayward
08/03/11 Colleen Hayward
26/03/11 Colleen Hayward
08/04/11 Colleen Hayward
11/04/11 Colleen Hayward
Celebrate WA
Department of the Premier and Cabinet
Department of Racing, Gaming and Liquor
Government House
Colleen Hayward
Colleen Hayward
Colleen Hayward
Colleen Hayward
Colleen Hayward
Colleen Hayward
Rotaract Club of Subiaco, Rotary and Rotaract of WA 05/10/11 Colleen Hayward
Premier of WA 27/10/11 Colleen Hayward
Volunteering WA
The Smith Family
09/11/11 Colleen Hayward
25/11/11 Colleen Hayward
04/12/11 Colleen Hayward
07/11/11 Colleen Hayward
Kurongkurl Katitjin has previously run a much larger teaching program but in the last few years we’ve focussed our teaching effort in working with Indigenous Bridging students through the Indigenous University Orientation Course (IUOC) and Indigenous and non-Indigenous students participating in the Post Graduate course on Indigenous
Sector Management.
Our undergraduate focus is on teaching into courses in other Faculties rather than in running our own courses. In 2011, Kurongkurl Katitjin was also involved in providing a range of sessional lectures and tutorials as well as in the following units, some of which were taught internally and others externally:
ACS2122 Aboriginal Perspectives on the Environment
ACS4101 Aboriginal Perspectives on the Environment
EDF3101 Working with Indigenous Australian Children, Youth and their
IAS3110 Indigenous Australians, Cultural Competence and Speech
IAS3303 Political Economy of Indigenous Australia
Bachelor of Science, Minor in Indigenous
Graduate Certificate in Indigenous Sector
Management, Master of Arts Indigenous Sector
Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Education,
Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Social Science,
Bachelor of Speech Pathology
Bachelor of Arts Speech Pathology
Unit Coordinator
Bruce Campbell (111) Graeme Gower (112)
Bruce Campbell (111) Graeme Gower (112)
Graeme Gower (111) Graeme Gower (112)
Graeme Gower (112)
IAS4103 Political Economy of Indigenous Australia
IAS3104 Indigenous Peoples and the West
IAS4103 Indigenous Peoples and the West
IAS4113 Indigenous Australians, Cultural Competence & Health
Bachelor of Planning, Bachelor of Urban and
Regional Planning
Graduate Certificate in Indigenous Sector
Management, Master of Arts Indigenous Sector
Museum Studies Major, Museum Studies
Minor, Minor in Indigenous Studies
Graduate Certificate in Indigenous Sector
Management, Master of Arts Indigenous Sector
Master of Physiotherapy
Bruce Campbell (111) Graeme Gower (112)
Bruce Campbell (111) Graeme Gower (112)
Bruce Campbell (111)
Bruce Campbell (111)
Graeme Gower (111)
IAS4115/4115 Indigenous People, Cultural Competence & the Criminal
Justice System
ISM5101 Leadership in the Indigenous Sector
Bachelor of Laws
ISM5107 Indigenous Enterprise
ISM5114 Issues in Indigenous Policy Studies
ISM5208 Project 1
Graduate Certificate in Indigenous Sector
Management, Master of Arts Indigenous Sector
Graduate Certificate in Indigenous Sector
Management, Master of Arts Indigenous Sector
Graduate Certificate in Indigenous Sector
Management, Master of Arts Indigenous Sector
Graduate Certificate in Indigenous Sector
Management, Master of Arts Indigenous Sector
ISM5209 Project 2 Graduate Certificate in Indigenous Sector
Management, Master of Arts Indigenous Sector
IAS5100 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health: context and policy Graduate Certificate in Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander Health, Graduate Diploma of
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health
IAS5102 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Status Graduate Certificate in Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander Health, Graduate Diploma of
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health
IAS5103 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Project
ACS1122 Regional Studies: Noongar
ACS1121 Aboriginal Perspectives on Cultural Arts
Graduate Certificate in Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander Health, Graduate Diploma of
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health
Diploma in Indigenous Services (archived
December 2010), Minor in Indigenous Studies
Diploma in Indigenous Services (archived
December 2010), Minor in Indigenous Services
Unit Coordinator
Graeme Gower (111)
Bruce Campbell (111) Graeme Gower (112)
Bruce Campbell (111) Graeme Gower (112)
Bruce Campbell (111) Graeme Gower (112)
Bruce Campbell (111) Graeme Gower (112)
Bruce Campbell (111) Graeme Gower (112)
Neil Thomson (111, 112)
Neil Thomson (111, 112)
Neil Thomson (111, 112)
Keith Truscott (111)
Keith Truscott (111)
ACS3133 Aboriginal Communities
ACS4133 Aboriginal Communities
ABB1126 Academic Reading and Writing 1
ABB1136 Academic Reading and Writing 2
ABB1127 Mathematics 1
ABB1137 Mathematics 2
ABB1128 Skills for Tertiary Learning 1
ABB1138 Skills for Tertiary Learning 2
ABB1129 Introduction to Computing 1
ABB1139 Introduction to Computing 2
EAP0203 Diverse Learners and the Education Assistant
SSE2011 Society and Environment Curriculum in the Early Years
CCA 3101
Minor in Indigenous Studies
Bachelor of Science (Occupational Therapy)
Indigenous University Orientation Course
Indigenous University Orientation Course
Indigenous University Orientation Course
Indigenous University Orientation Course
Indigenous University Orientation Course
Indigenous University Orientation Course
Indigenous University Orientation Course
Indigenous University Orientation Course
University Preparation Course
Bachelor of Education
Environmental Humanities
Unit Coordinator
Peter Milnes (111)
Peter Milnes (112)
Terry Kessaris (111, 112)
Terry Kessaris (111, 112)
Natasa Bacovic (111, 112)
Natasa Bacovic (111, 112)
Terry Kessaris (111, 112)
Terry Kessaris (111, 112)
Natasa Bacovic (111, 112)
Natasa Bacovic (111, 112)
Gail Barrow (Sessional 111, 112)
One lecture per semester)
Gail Barrow (Sessional 111, 112)
One lecture per semester)
Rod Giblett (CREATEC)
Guest lecture by Jason Barrow
The Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme Tertiary Tuition (ITAS) aims to improve the educational outcomes of Indigenous students in tertiary courses to the same levels as those for non-Indigenous Australians.
Funded by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) under the Indigenous Education Direct Assistance (IEDA) program, Kurongkurl
Katitjin facilitates ITAS for Indigenous Australian students at Edith Cowan University.
The table below provides comparative performance indicators for 2010 and 2011.
Performance Indicator
Number of Indigenous students receiving ITAS
Number of tutors delivering ITAS
Number of hours of individual tuition delivered
Number of units in which Indigenous students were accessing ITAS
Number of units of study with a passed outcome
Number of units of study with a failed outcome
Whilst the numbers of students accessing ITAS in 2011 was down slightly on the previous year, a particular highlight is the passed and failed ratio. This went from about 3:1 to more than 5:1. This means that for every 5 units passed, there was only 1 fail. A fantastic outcome for all of our students and tutors.
In 2011, we continued our efforts in building the profile of Kurongkurl Katitjin, within ECU as well as locally and nationally. Taking up the invitation to provide keynote presentations was a deliberate strategy to assist in this process. Where such presentations were local and national, they brought the added benefit of simultaneously raising the profile of ECU as a serious and committed entity in Indigenous Affairs. The following record of involvement illustrates the breadth of topic and organisational interest:
Australian Primary Health
Care Research Institute
Senior Officers of Aboriginal
Education Attendance Forum
4th International Meeting on Indigenous Child Health
Forum Host/Sponsor Date Presenter
The Australian National University 25/02/11 Daniel McAullay
NSW Department of Education and Training
Canadian Paediatric Society and the American Academy of
28/02/11 Colleen Hayward
4-6/03/11 Daniel McAullay
Kyoto Sangyo University exchange students
National Rural Health
Executive Development
Harmony Week Fairs
National Rural Health Alliance
Jason Barrow
Colleen Hayward
Colleen Hayward
Thammasat University Thai
Exchange Students Pt1
Thammasat University Thai
Exchange Students Pt2
ECU Joondalup Campus
ECU Mount Lawley Campus
Jason Barrow
ECU, Faculty Education and Arts 20/04/11 Jason Barrow
Noel Nannup
ECU, Faculty Education and Arts 24/05/11 Jason Barrow
Invited Keynote
Policy failures in health care for the important early years
Indigenous School Attendance: The
Health Factor
Accuracy and Completeness of
Information Describing Indigenous Infant and Child Mortality: Can We Believe All
We Read?
Australian Aboriginal Cultural history, breaking the myths and stereotypes
Close the Gap Invited Keynote and
Invited Presenter and
Aboriginal Australians at Wesfarmers:
Assumptions and Challenges
Australian Aboriginal Cultural history
Nyoongar Tool making, a hands on experiential demonstration
Nyoongar Tool making and Boomerang
Throwing, a hands on experiential demonstration
LGMA Women in Local
Government Conference
Rural Health West Aboriginal
Health Conference
USA Exchange Students
Forum Host/Sponsor
Local Government Managers
Australia WA Division
Rural Health West
Date Presenter
03/06/11 Colleen Hayward
03/07/11 Colleen Hayward
ECU, School of Business and Law 04/07/11 Jason Barrow
Leadership Plus National
Australian Indigenous Leadership
Scottish Health Informatics
University of St Andrews, UK
Joondalup Learning Precinct ECU/Kurongkurl Katitjin
13/07/11 Colleen Hayward
4-9/09/11 Daniel McAullay
22/09/11 Jason Barrow
CRANAplus Annual
CRANA plus
National Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander
Education Conference
National Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander
Education Conference
Department of Education and
Training, Northern Territory
Department of Education and
Training, Northern Territory
Women’s Leadership Forum Wesfarmers
12/10/11 Colleen Hayward
Colleen Hayward
Colleen Hayward
Colleen Hayward
ECULTURE presentation on
ECU International
The Smith Family
ECU/Kurongkurl Katitjin
ECU/Kurongkurl Katitjin
10/11/11 Colleen Hayward
01/12/11 Jason Barrow
08/12/11 Jason Barrow
Rio Tinto ECU/Kurongkurl Katitjin 12/12/11 Jason Barrow
Invited Keynote
Invited Keynote
Invited Presenter
Invited Keynote
Invited Panellist
Invite Keynote co-presentation
Invited Keynote
Invited Keynote
Strengths in Diversity
Ensuring change builds a better future for people
Yanchep National Park tour & Nyoongar
Aboriginal Cultural History
Challenge Thinking, Problem Solving
Introductory Analysis of Linked Health
Kurongkurl Katitjin building/grounds tour
Why Support for the Full Spectrum of
Practice is Important
Income management, sanctions and school attendance – what is the relationship?
WA Aboriginal Child Health Study – 5 years on
Leadership - It starts with you
Diversity: Differences Challenge
Kurongkurl Katitjin building/grounds tour
Kurongkurl Katitjin building/grounds tour
Kurongkurl Katitjin building/grounds tour
In addition to our targeted promotional strategies and activities, external publicity about Kurongkurl Katitjin was inadvertently highlighted across various mediums throughout the year.
Youtube - website
Perth Now - website
The Sunday Times Newspaper
Campus Daily - University News website
Noongar Radio 100.9fm
WA Government House - website
School Matters Magazine, Department of Education (WA)
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education
Conference - website
WA Today - website
Australian Senior - website
Date Staff Topic
February 2011
March 2011
March 2011
Daniel McAullay Policy failures in health care for the important early years
Colleen Hayward Push on for first woman to be WA’s governor
Colleen Hayward Push on for first woman to be WA’s governor
March 2011
May 2011
July 2011
Gail Barrow
Tracey Lee Edwards
Colleen Hayward
100 Women Celebrate 100 Years
Tracey Lee Edwards Law Matters
Colleen Hayward Swearing In Ceremony of 31st Governor of
Western Australia
August 2011 Gail Barrow WA Aboriginal Education Awards
October 2011 Colleen Hayward WA Aboriginal Child Health Study – 5 years on
October 2011 Colleen Hayward ‘It was beautiful’: the Queen’s garden party a success
December 2011 Colleen Hayward Ten years, tens of thousands of volunteers and a celebration
Aligned with ECU priorities, research is a high priority for Kurongkurl Katitjin most notably, but not exclusively, through the Australian Indigenous Health InfoNet and the Centre for Indigenous Australian Knowledges (CIAK).
A number of research projects were won during or started from 2011, including some in partnership with other universities and others that extended the bounds of usual funders. New research projects in 2011 are as follows:
Funding Body
Department of Health & Ageing
Department of Health & Ageing
Indigenous Health: Translating Web
Knowledge into Prevention Practice
Australian Indigenous Health InfoNet Phase 5,
Eye InfoNet
Australian Indigenous Health InfoNet Phase 5, mental health resource portal
Timeframe Investigators and Research Partners
2011-2012 Richard Midford
2011 - 2012 Neil Thomson; Avinna Trzesinski; Anomie
2011 Neil Thomson; Belinda Urquhart
Our new research built on a solid foundation of continuing research projects as follows:
Funding Body
National Health and Medical Council; WA
Department of Education; WA Department of Health
Keeping Kids on Track (Happy Kids)
National Health & Medical Research Council Capacity Building Grant for Population Health and Health Services Research: Building mental wealth: Improving mental health for better health outcomes among Indigenous
Australian Research Council School Drug Education for Junior High
School Students – Developing and Trialling
Evidence-Based Classroom and Whole School
Approaches (This project is manged through the Faculty of Education and Arts)
National Drug Research Institute
Department of Health & Ageing
National Drug Research Institute
Online support for the Indigenous Offender
Health Research Capacity Building Group
Resources for the Healthy Lifestyle Workers
Cohrane review - Workplace interventions for alcohol and other drug problems
Australian Department of Health and Ageing Research, develop and evaluate resources to address preventable chronic disease among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations
Curtin University of Technology
Menzies School of Health Research
Indigenous offender web resource
Development, maintenance and updating of an Indigenous Lung InfoNet web resource
Timeframe Investigators and Research Partners
Gary Partington; Ann Galloway; Neil Thomson;
Daniel McAullay; Narell Black; Bruce Roper;
Kerry Rowe; Michael Robinson; Natalie Weissofner;
Samantha Burrow; Rachel Payne
Jan Piek; David Vicary; Dianne Wynaden;
Dawn Bessarab; Patricia Davidson; Jill Downie;
Colleen Hayward ; Sandra Thompson
[Grant Holder – Curtin University]
Richard Midford, Helen Cahill, Tanya Chikritzhs
Richard Midford, Neil Thomson
Neil Thomson, Richard Midford
Rina Cercarelli, Richard Midford, Steve Allsop, Ken Pidd
Neil Thomson; Jane Burns; Kathy Ride
Neil Thomson; Andrea MacRae
Neil Thomson; Jane Burns; Anomie
Funding Body
David Wirrpanda Foundation
Stronger Smarter Institute/QUT
ECU Industry Collaboration Grant Fund
Australian Learning & Teaching Council
WA Office of Road Safety
Department of Health & Ageing
Department of Health & Ageing
Department of Health & Ageing
Department of Health & Ageing
WA Department of Health
Evaluation of the Dardi Girlz Project
Stronger Smarter Learning Communities
Regional Research and Case Study
Bridging the gap between cultural practices and mainstream visitor management approaches to develop an integrated monitoring framework for Australia's northwest
Creating cultural empathy and challenging attitudes through Indigenous narratives
Provision of services associated with the design and maintenance of an internet-based clearinghouse for Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander road safety resources, 2009-2011
Australian Indigenous Health InfoNet Phase 5, core funding
Australian Indigenous Health InfoNet Phase 5, chronic disease funding
Australian Indigenous Health InfoNet Phase 5, drug and alcohol
Australian Indigenous Health InfoNet Phase 5,
Ear InfoNet
The health of Indigenous Western Australians: web resource
Australian Indigenous Health InfoNet : better use workshops to better inform practice
Timeframe Investigators and Research Partners
2010-2011 Colleen Hayward; Daniel McAullay;
Tracey Lee Edwards; Gail Barrow: Jackie Goldfinch
Colleen Hayward; Gail Barrow; Jason Barrow;
Daniel McAullay; Tracey Lee Edwards
2010 - 2013 Neil Thomson and all AIH staff
2010 - 2011 Neil Thomson; Sasha Stumpers; Kathy Ride;
Caitlin Gray
2010 - 2011 Neil Thomson; Michelle Catto; Andrea MacRae;
Avinna Trzesinski; Naoibh McLoughlin
2010 - 2013 Neil Thomson; Jane Burns; Anomie
Pascal Sherrer; Colleen Hayward
Cobie Rudd; Moira Sim;
Neil Thomson; Christine Potter
Neil Thomson; Sasha Stumpers
Richard Midford,
Colleen Hayward
Neil Thomson
Research partner - ACHWA
Kurongkurl Katitjin recognises the necessity of publishing our work, much of which is not only good practice but also unique in terms of the contribution it makes to the knowledge base about Indigenous issues.
Much of our effort in 2011 again was in conducting research rather than getting research findings published. However, a small number of publications were successful, as follows:
Midford, R., MacLean, S., Catto M., Thomson, N., Debuyst, O . (2011) Review of volatile substance use among Indigenous people. Australian Indigenous Health Bulletin 11(1)
Williams, C., Jamieson, L., MacRae, A ., Gray, C . (2011) Review of Indigenous oral health. Australian Indigenous Health Bulletin 11(2)
*Grace, J., Krom, I ., Maling, C ., Butler, T., Midford, R . (2011) Review of Indigenous offender health. Australian Indigenous Health Bulletin 11(2)
*Lee, L., Midford, R .,Malone, S. (In Press) The Dampier Peninsula Prevention Project: Working with a group of remote Australian Aboriginal communities to address alcohol and drug use, International Journal of Health Promotion and Education.
* Midford, R., Maclean, S., Catto, M., Thomson, N., Debuyst, O . (2011) Review of volatile substance use among Indigenous people. Australian Indigenous Health Bulletin
* Peer Reviewed
In addition to publishing the findings of some of our work, a number of reports were produced. These reports signify the successful completion of respective research projects. The completed reports are:
Hayward, C., McAullay, D. & Edwards, T.
Evaluation of the Dare to Dream Program: Kwinana ; Report to the David Wirrpanda Foundation and the Rio Tinto WA Futures Fund,
November 2011.
Hayward,C ., McAullay, D ., Barrow, J.
& Barrow, G . Stronger Smarter Learning Communities: Report on WA/NT Sites ; Report to the Stronger Smarter Institute, QUT,
August 2011
2011 also saw the realisation of Cultural Competence courses being incorporated into ECU’s professional development calendar. These courses were highly successful and have engendered much interest across ECU. These courses and other cultural activities conducted in 2011 include:
VCPMG Timeline Experience
Nyoongar Language lesson with the Vice-Chancellor
ECU Student Recruitment Team
Staff Professional Development - ECU ML
Staff Professional Development - ECU JO
Staff Professional Development - ECU ML
Rio Tinto
11 May 2011
23 May 2011
27 May 2011
2 June 2011
22 June 2011
24 June 2011
21 July 2011
22 September 2011
8 December 2011
12 December 2011
Gail Barrow; Jason Barrow; Colleen Hayward
Jason Barrow; Noel Nannup
Jason Barrow
Matt Byrne; Graeme Gower
Matt Byrne; Graeme Gower
Matt Byrne; Graeme Gower
Matt Byrne; Graeme Gower
Matt Byrne; Graeme Gower
Matt Byrne; Graeme Gower
Gail Barrow; Jason Barrow; Colleen Hayward