What Abiotic and Biotic Factors Characterize Biomes?

What Abiotic and Biotic Factors
Characterize Biomes?
Abiotic Factors
Biotic Factors
-Proximity to mountain ranges ­Animal Life
-Proximity to oceans
­Plant Life
-Soil Type
Oct 4­9:23 PM
Boreal Forest
Average Precipitation: 30-84 cm per year
Average Temperature: -54-21 Degrees Celsius
Plant Species:Broad band of dense conical shaped trees
Have wax-covered needle-like leaves that
prevent excessive loss of water
Example: Evergreens
Animal Species: Staying warm is major challenge
Many species have feathers or fur
Small extremities
Examples: birds, beavers, deer,
mountain lions
Characteristics: Long, cold winters and summers are
Sometimes referred to as the Taiga
Average precipitation: 15-25 cm per year (low)
Temperature range: -34-12 degrees Celsius (very cold)
Plant species: Adapted due to nutrient poor soil.
Seed dispersal by wind, avoid damage by laying low
to the ground
Some species have nitrogen fixing bacteria in the
Contains short shrubs and grasses
Animal species: Many animal species migrate due to long
harsh winters
Examples: Polar bears, caribou, birds
Soil: Nutrient poor, permafrost-permanently frozen
Characteristics: Cold temperatures, harsh winters,
short growing season
Oct 4­9:53 M
Temperature Forest
Average Precipitation: 75-100 cm per year
Average Temperature: -30-30 Degrees Celsius
Plant Species:Coniferous trees
Deciduous trees lose leaves and are dormant in
the summer time
Examples: Oak, birch, and maple trees
Animal Species:Adapted to constantly changing seasons
Camouflage for animals that do not hibernate
Examples: squirrels, rabbits, skunks, birds,
Characteristics: Well-defined seasons, summers are hot,
winters are cold
Oct 4­10:05 PM
Temperate Woodland and Shrubland
Average precipitation: 38–100 cm per year
Temperature range: 10°C–40°C
Plant Life: Mixed shrubs and evergreens
Dense, low plants that contain flammable oils make fire a constant threat
Some plants need fire to germinate seeds
Animal Life: Animals tend to be browsers
Characteristics: Summers are very hot and dry, winters are cool and wet
Oct 4­10:36 PM
Oct 4­10:30 PM
Temperate Grassland
Average precipitation: 2–26 cm per year
Average precipitation: 50–89 cm per year
Temperature range: ­40°C–38°C
Plant Life: Grassland Plants
Periodic fires and grazing by herbivores maintained plant communities
Animal Life: Camouflage and burrowing are two common protective adaptations Characteristics: Open, exposed environments causes predation to be constant threat for smaller animals
Oct 5­9:48 AM
Tropical Savanna
Temperature range: high: 20°C–49°C; low: ­18°C–10°C
Plant Life: Many plants store water in their tissues
Minimized leaf surface area cuts down water loss
Specialized photosynthesis in some plants, called C4
Animal Life:Animals receive water from the plants they eat
Large or elongated ears are supplied with many blood vessels, aides in the lose of body heat and regulate body temperature
Characteristics: Varying temperature ranges from day to night
Oct 5­9:57 AM
Tropical Seasonal Forest
Average precipitation: 50–130 cm per year
• Average precipitation: >200 cm per year
Temperature range: 20°C–30°C
Plant Life:
• Temperature range: 20°C–25°C
Animal Life:Many animals migrate during the dry season
• Characteristics: rainfall is seasonal
• Plant Species: Adaptations for little amounts of precipitation
Characteristics: Receives more seasonal rain than desert, but less than tropical rainforest Frequent fires, compacted soil
Action from large animals prevent some areas from turning into dry forest
Oct 5­10:05 AM
• Animal Species: Many of the animals will migrate in search of food and water
Oct 5­4:30 PM
Tropical Rain Forest
Average precipitation: 200–1000 cm per year
Temperature range: 24°C–27°C
Abiotic factors: humid all year; hot and wet
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May 20­4:33 AM
Oct 5­4:40 PM
Sep 30­9:48 AM