English 101 - profkev.com

Kevin J. Bessenbacher
Los Angeles Pierce College
Course Syllabus
English 101 – College Composition
By Appointment
kjb@profkev.com (put “English” in the subject line)
Required Texts:
• A World of Ideas, Jacobus, 8th ed. ISBN# 0-312-38533-1
• Interpreter of Maladies, Lahiri, ISBN# 0-395-92720-X
• MLA Handbook, Gibaldi, 7th ed. ISBN# 978-1603290241
• A Collegiate Dictionary (e.g., The Oxford American Dictionary).
• Bluebooks (3) for In Class Essays
Course Description:
- Prerequisite: completion of English 28 (C or better) or appropriate skill level
demonstrated through the English placement process.
- Emphasizes expository writing and research, demonstrating rhetorical organization,
range of diction, clear sentence and paragraph construction, and command of the
conventions of English usage. Develops analytical and interpretive reading skills.
Applies to the Associate Degree.
Course Procedures and Policies:
- Attendance:
ONE absence will be allowed free of penalty. Each subsequent absence will result
in a 20 point drop in Participation grade. Students with excessive absences may be
removed from the roster. **NOTE: Students must formally drop the class with the
registrar or they will receive a final grade of F.**
A student who leaves during a break will be counted as absent.
Two tardies = One absence.
- Grading
300 (100 ea.)
100 (50 ea.)
Three Research Papers (MLA Format)
Three ICEs (lowest grade dropped)
= 550
Research Papers are six page essays following strict MLA format. The assignments for
each paper can be found on the schedule page of the website. Late papers will lose
twenty percent the first day after which they become a zero grade; no emailed papers
will be accepted; papers MUST be turned in to me or my mailbox by the end of class the
day it is due. NO EXCEPTIONS! Grading is based on the following scale:
MLA Format
20 (intro, conclusion, transitions, arrangement)
20 (quality of information and backup: evidence, quotes)
In-Class Essays are to be written only in bluebooks (see bookstore) using an ink
medium of blue or black. Students may use the cover page of the bluebook to take
notes or make an outline. Please do not double space, and only write on one side of the
Presentations will take place during the last days of class and should meet the time
limits of 7 to 10 minutes. Points will be deducted for those who exceed or fall short.
Students will be graded on content (the quality of information provided), presence
(how well the content is conveyed), and time. Any extra props used can add to the
grade so long as they assist the audience in grasping the material. Students should not
simply read from prepared material; this will result in a drop in presence grade. A
multimedia center will be available for PowerPoint and similar presentations. Students
should ensure that they are speaking for at least 7 minutes total.
Participation consists of quizzes based on the assigned readings. For every class
meeting, all students shall be prepared to demonstrate knowledge of the readings.
Students who neglect to do the readings will lose 20% of the total grade.
- Conduct:
All assignments must be the student's own work and can never have been turned
in for a grade in any other class. Any plagiarized work will receive a zero grade which
may result in a course grade of "F" and/or removal from the college.
Talking out of turn will NOT be tolerated. A student who talks while another is
addressing the class will be asked to leave for the remainder of the class period thereby
losing any points accrued during the portion of time before removal. A student who
persists in talking will be dropped from the roster without exception. Anyone addressing
the class should be treated as a VIP and given your complete attention. Anything less
is unacceptable and will result in a drop in your participation grade and possible
removal. All papers must never have been previously turned in for a grade and must
exclusively be the student’s own work.
ALL electronic devices (Cell Phones, iPods, PDAs, Laptops, etc.) will be turned OFF
at the beginning of class. Vibrate mode is not considered off! A student whose device
disrupts the class will only be allowed back accompanied by cookies (of the student’s
choice) for all class members on the day of the following meeting. A student who uses
an electronic device while class is in session--this includes texting--WILL be removed
from the roster. See me prior to class for emergency cases (pregnancy, illness, etc.).
I hereby reserve the right to alter any of the conditions found herein as I see fit
to ensure a prosperous learning environment throughout the semester.