Eng_10_B_files/110104 Eng 10 B syllabus

RS Carey & Sandra Skeith
English 10 A
951.695.4200 x464, x427
English 10 B
Course Description
Sophomore English integrates the reading and study of classic world literature and
contemporary multicultural fiction with writing and oral language, both in class and in
independent outside reading. Writing instruction includes literary interpretation, literary
style analysis, persuasive/argumentative writing, and the research process (including
MLA format). Grammar and English usage skills are integrated with writing instruction.
Vocabulary study includes vocabulary in the context of the literature and study of high
frequency SAT words.
Students in English 10 A will:
• Identify the difference between generalizations and evidence.
• Evaluate the effectiveness and credibility of an author’s argument and
• Synthesize content from multiple sources to write an argument (establish a
• Identify the function and interactions of characters and subordinate characters in
a work.
• Analyze flashbacks, flash-forwards, and setting in order to establish time and
sequence in a piece.
• Identify figurative language including: tone, mood symbolism, irony and allegory,
and evaluate their impact on the text and the reader.
• Write essays using active voice and precise diction in the present tense.
• Write well-organized essays with a controlling focus using a thesis, topic
sentences, and evidence from the text to support and develop claims or
• Identify the correct usage of colons, semicolons, ellipses, and hyphens or
• Use MLA formatting in their essays and MLA citation and documentation in their
research papers.
Required Literature
Animal Farm by George Orwell
1984 by George Orwell
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
Lord of the Flies by William Golding
Common Assessments
Students are evaluated for the following standards:
Benchmark #1 Week 4 assessment is the Narrator and Voice MC Test on terms
and reading short story “Stories up the River” with questions. (R 3.9)
Benchmark #2 Week 8 assessment is an Argument Analysis Essay based on the
reading of Suzanne Britt’s piece: “Neat People vs. Sloppy People.” (R 2.8)
Benchmark #3 Week 12 assessment is a multiple choice test on the MLA rules of
citation and documentation. (R 2.4 and WS 1.7)
Benchmark #4 Week 16 assessment is writing an argument/persuasive essay on
a two-sided issue. (W 2.4)
Major Projects
Please see class notes and calendar:
Outside Reading
600 pages, Reading Log, Outside Reading Exam
Writing 40%
Class/Homework 15%
III. Tests/Quizzes/Projects 25%
IV. Portfolio 10%
Final 10%
Late Work:
Class work 50%
Major Projects 10% per day
No late work during the last two weeks of the semester.
No extra credit allowed.
Level I: Friday intervention with teacher during SSR time.
Level II: During Students time with teacher (break, lunch, or before school)