High School Course Requirements for Admission to Iowa Regents

High School Course Requirements for Admission to Iowa Regents Universities
The University of Northern Iowa
4 years, including one year of composition; may also include one year of speech,
communication, or journalism.
The University of Iowa
4 years with an emphasis on the analysis and interpretation of literature, composition, and
Iowa State University
4 years of English/language arts emphasizing writing, speaking, and reading, as well as
an understanding and appreciation of literature.
The University of Northern Iowa
3 years, including equivalents of algebra, geometry and advanced algebra
The University of Iowa
3 years, including two years of algebra and one year of geometry for admission to the
College of Liberal Arts. 4 years, including two years of algebra, one year of geometry,
and one year of higher mathematics (trigonometry, analysis, or calculus) for admission to
the College of Engineering.
Iowa State University
3 years, including one year each of algebra, geometry, and advanced algebra.
The University of Northern Iowa
3 years, including courses in general science, biology, chemistry, earth science, or
physics; laboratory experience highly recommended.
The University of Iowa
3 years, including one year each from any two of the following: biology, chemistry, and
physics for admission to the College of Liberal Arts. 3 years, including at least one year
of chemistry and one year of physics for admission to the College of Engineering.
Iowa State University
3 years, including one year each of courses from two of the following fields; biology,
chemistry, and physics.
Social Studies
The University of Northern Iowa
3 years, including courses in anthropology, economics, geography, government, history,
psychology, or sociology.
The University of Iowa
3 years with U.S. and world history recommended for admission to the College of Liberal
Arts. 2 years with U.S. and world history recommended for the College of Engineering.
Iowa State University
2 years, including one year of U.S. history and one semester of U.S. government for
admission to the Colleges of Agriculture, Business Administration, Design, Education,
Engineering, and Family and Consumer Sciences. 3 years, including one year of U.S.
history and one semester of U.S. government for admission to the College of Sciences
and Humanities.
Foreign Language
The University of Northern Iowa
2 years of foreign language in high school with a C- or above in the last term will meet
the university graduation requirement.
The University of Iowa
2 years of one foreign language for admission to the College of Liberal Arts. 2 years of
one foreign language. (Freshman may be admitted to the College of Engineering on a
conditional basis with an opportunity to complete two semesters of a foreign language at
the university.)
Iowa State University
Foreign language courses are not required for admission to the Colleges of Agriculture,
Business Administration, Design, Education, Engineering, and Family and Consumer
Sciences. 3 years of a single foreign language for admission to the College of Sciences
and Humanities.
2 years of additional courses from the required subject areas, foreign languages, or fine
Elective courses are not required for admission to The University of Iowa
Elective courses are not required for admission to Iowa State University.