9th Grade Resources English (Vocab book website) http://www.argo217.k12.il.us/departs/English/blettiere/vocabslideshows.htm Math www.quickmath.com www.webmath.com www.math.com http://www.purplemath.com/ Math I textbook www.classzone.com 1. Log in to the website; select Sign In at the top. 2. Create a student account. Select “Create Account”. 3. You will be asked to enter an activation code. You will see two boxes. In the first box enter: 2553876 and in the second box enter the number 10. 4. Write down your username and password somewhere that you can find it. Biology textbook www.glencoe.com and biologygmh.com (these sites are compatible with the Biology textbook) Biology Project sites http://www.biology.arizona.edu www.cellsalive.com Spanish www.studyspanish.com www.drlemon.net www.spaleon.com www.quia.com www.colby.edu/~bknelson/SLC/index.php (or google "colby & Spanish exercises) Latin Textbook: http://www.cambridgescp.com/page.php?p=clc^oa_book1^intro This site includes the stories from the text, practice vocab and grammar quizzes, and links to relevant websites for each chapter. Quia: http://www.quia.com/shared/latin/ Students can search various activities/games on this site relevant to their textbook. Is very helpful for vocabulary and grammar practice. Culture/History: http://www.roman-empire.net/index.html A great site for all this Roman culture. Mythology: http://mythweb.com/ Students can review mythological stories told in class. End of Course Test (EOCT) Online Tutorials (The following 9th grade classes require a EOCT at the end of the class: 9th Lit, Math I, Biology.) www.usatestprep.com username: allatoonaga password: newton55 Skills Tutor (lessons for science, English and math) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Go to www.myskillstutor.com Student login=first name last name (all lower case, no spaces-ex. johndoe) No password-you will be prompted to create a password at your first login (USE YOUR STUDENT ID as your password if you do not already have one for skills tutor). Site Code: allatoona01 Complete the lesson that you need. This is available 24/7-at school, home and the local library. If you cannot login please notify your school counselor.