Pre-AP Biology Syllabus 2014-2015 - Katy Independent School District

Biology – PreAP/GT
Teacher: Ashley Griffiths
Email: ashleyMGriffiths@katy
Room: S424
Phone: 281-237-3479
Course Description: This course will introduce the fundamentals and unifying concepts of biology. The
course emphasizes scientific method, cellular and molecular biology, and the human body. The course also
examines the principles of heredity, the modern system of classification, and the studies of the diversity of
life from the simplest microorganisms to plants and animals. The development of study skills and
laboratory techniques are emphasized throughout the course.
Textbook: Biology
Authors: Holt-McDougal
Online textbook:
Supplies: paper, pencils, pens, colored pencils or markers, small binder, (hand sanitizer or box of tissues or
box of nitrile gloves)
Daily Work
All daily work and homework will be collected and randomly graded. Late work will receive a zero
Tardiness: If you enter the classroom after the bell has rung, you will be counted tardy, and the school
tardy policy will be followed.
Absences: If you are absent from class, you have two days to get the work made up. If work was assigned
before you were absent, it is due the day you return. This includes tests and projects. However, if you
know in advance that you are going to be absent, it is highly recommended that you get your work before
you leave so you won’t be behind when you return. It is your responsibility to request the appropriate
makeup work.
Exams and Makeups: Exams will be administered on odd days of the month and will consist of multiple
choice, short answer, essays, and a minimum of five questions will come from the assigned text reading.
The same exam will administered the next school day before or after school. Failure to take the test within
five school days will result in a zero. Retests will follow school policies.
Tutorials: Before school on Monday and Wednesday from 6:30-7:10, after school on Thursday from 2:453:10. Please let me know in advance if you need to schedule a different time.
Classroom Expectations:
The highest degree of good behavior is expected at all times. Be prepared: have materials out before the
bell and proper attitudes. Minor disruptions will result in detention with me. Major disruptions will result in
an office referral. No food or drinks – this includes gum and candy unless given special permission by me.
For safety reasons, lab materials are off limits except during lab time or when given specific directions.
Each student will be given one pass for each six weeks. It can be used or revoked for any reason at the
teacher’s discretion. Cheating on any assignment or test will follow district policy and result in a zero and
possibly more severe consequences as seen fit by the principals. Technology is allowed for educational
purposes only. Personal devices used without permission will be collected according to district
1st six weeks
Cell Transport
2nd six weeks
Cell division
Protein synthesis
3rd six weeks
4th six weeks
5th six weeks
6th six weeks
Animal systems Ecology
Plant systems
Parent Acknowledge Form
Print Student Name: _________________________________________
Pd. ___________
Please sign and have your student return this page indicating you are aware of its contents and that you
have discussed this information with your child.
Parent signature: ______________________________________________
Date: _________
Student signature: _____________________________________________
Date: _________
If you would like email communication of upcoming tests and projects, please clearly print your email
Email: ______________________________________________________
Important Information
To Contact Mrs. Griffiths:
1. Call the school anytime:
281-237-3479 and leave a message
2. E-mail anytime (best way to catch me):
Biology Textbook – Holt-McDougal – online textbook access information:
User name : ________________________________
Password: ___________________________________
Online Textbook:
1. Go to
Log in by typing your user name and password.
Edmodo –
User name : ________________________________
Password: ___________________________________
Group Code (to Register) _______________________
To access missing assignments
1. Go to
2. Log in using your User Name and Password
3. Click on my Class “Griffiths”
4. To find missing assignments click on folders tab on the left side of the screen
5. then click on public folders
6. click on the Unit folder that we are currently working on.
Calendar – is an icon on the right hand side of the page