Music Appreciation - Lutheran High School

SYLLABUS, 2015-16
Mr. Scholl (
This course is designed to give students an overview of the elements of music and the main
musical periods of traditional Western/European music through class lectures, listening to
musical examples in class, reading the text, actively engaging in class discussions, attending
live concerts of suggested performances, and completing research papers and/or oral
presentations pertinent to the course material.
Students will explore music theory by naming and identifying the elements of music including rhythm, melody, harmony, form, timbre, texture, and expressive elements –
through reading activities, listening activities, writing activities, and attendance at live
Students will be able to identify key eras of music through listening activities in class
and through individual research.
Students will identify selected composers and their monuments of music literature from
major Western historical periods, including our own, as representative of the thought
and life of the respective periods, through team research projects.
Students will be able to recognize music from non-European cultures and be able to
broaden their awareness of how music plays a role in most world cultures, through the
sharing of multi-cultural individual and team projects.
Students will heighten their ability to listen to music intelligently and attain higher levels
of musical discernment in approaching all types and styles of music, through careful
study of textbook and accompanying coursework materials.
Course Topics:
Quarter 1
Music vocabulary (throughout the year)
Music in other cultures
Music in the theater
Early Classical eras
Rhythm and the beat
Quarter 2
The voice as an instrument
Music and Christmas
Music and the Church
Quarter 3
Late Classical eras
Jazz, blues and R&B
Basic music theory
Middle Classical eras
Quarter 4
Music and technology
Modern music styles
Elements of music performance
Mr. Scholl 2
Music Appreciation
Quarter 1 Projects:
Monthly Composer Reports: Music related. One per month. (See book report form).
Due at the end of each month
Team/Class Project - "Music and Dance"
Due date: August 21 (Teams choose music and develop dance routine).
Individual Project - "Music and its Impacts on Culture"
Due date: October 7 (Four page double-spaced paper, presentation and ppt).
School-wide Learner Outcomes – 1, 2, 4 and 5
Quarter 2 Projects:
Monthly Composer Reports: Music related. One per month.
Due at the end of each month
Individual Project - "Music and Religion"
Due date: November 7 (Two page double-spaced paper, presentation and ppt).
Team/Class Project - "Music and Culture"
Due date: December 5 (Three page double-spaced paper, presentation and ppt).
School-wide Learner Outcomes – 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
Quarter 3 Projects:
Monthly Composer Reports: Music related. One per month.
Due at the end of each month
Individual Project - "Music and Love"
Due Date: January 28 (Pick a composer. Prepare a two page biography. Paper is to be
double-spaced, presentation and ppt (poster for extra credit))
Team/Class Project – “Music and Visual Entertainment”
Due Date: February 25 (Four page double-spaced paper, poster and ppt presentation)
School-wide Learner Outcomes – 1, 2, 4 and 5
Quarter 4 Projects:
Monthly Composer Reports: Music related. One per month.
Due at the end of each month
Individual Project - "Music and Technology"
Due Date: April 15 (Three page double-spaced paper, presentation and ppt)
Team Project - "Music and Performance"
Due Date: May 14 (Four page double-spaced paper, and ppt presentation)
School-wide Learner Outcomes – 1, 2, 4 and 5
Mr. Scholl 3
Music Appreciation
• Homework
• Tests
• Participation
• Journal
• Team projects
% of final grade
90%-100%=A; 80%-89%=B; 70%-79%=C; 60%-69%=D; 59% and below=F.
Course expectations and late work: Assignments are due at the beginning of class on the
due date for full credit. Late work will be accepted the next day for a maximum of 60%; after
that a zero will be given. For each legitimate absence, one equivalent day will be given for
make-up work. All written assignments require complete sentences and correct spelling.
Course Materials:
• (1) Textbook – (must be covered).
• (1) Journal (student) - You are required to have a spiral-bound notebook dedicated for
use as a journal.
• Pencils or pens (student)
Plagiarism: Do not use someone else's words or ideas unless you give them proper
credit. Always cite quotations or paraphrased material. Plagiarized work receives a zero for
the assignment.
Projects: You will have one individual project and one team project for each quarter. Specifics
of the assignment will be given in class. For team projects, work must be completed by the
whole team, not just one person. A portion of time may be given in class for projects.
Textbook Assignments: Pay attention to all assigned readings. Journal assignments,
worksheets They are due at the beginning of class. Points will be deducted for late work.
Journal: Write in your journal about the information you are learning, thoughts you have about
music, notes from videos, lessons taught in class, vocabulary words, and questions that you
may have about the material. Two complete pages of written work are required for every
week or you will not receive full credit. Journals are worth 20 percent of your grade - so take
them seriously! Journals are to be turned in on the last class day of each month
Quiz: From readings, and listening quizzes cover material from lessons, workbooks, videos,
and vocabulary assignments. Quizzes will take place after every 3rd chapter in the
Videos: Write notes, comments or questions you may have about the videos in your journal.
Mr. Scholl 4
Music Appreciation
Lutheran High School Standards:
A student at Lutheran High School will:
-Respect People
-Respect Policy
-Respect Teaching & Learning Process
-Respect Property
-Respect Purpose
Mr. Scholl’s Expectations:
-Be on time!
-Be prepared.
-Be courteous.
-Be ready for what God has for us.