Anthro 101: General Anthropology (Introduction to Anthropology s 4 subfields) Dr. Nicole Hess Fall 2014 Syllabus details, etc. What happened to this person? Researchers in the first two subfields of anthropology that we will be covering can often answer questions about these odd-seeming finds… Biological Anthropology and Archaeology… Biological Anthropology • • • Lucy Australopithecus afarensis Also called Physical Anthropology It is the study of the biology and evolution of the morphological and behavioral traits of humans and their close relatives, such as nonhuman primates and fossil hominins. There are several subfields in Biological Anthropology. Biological Anthropology • Evolution, with an emphasis on natural selection (the type of evolution that produced the adaptations that all organisms, including humans, have) • A small amount of molecular biology overview (DNA, protein synthesis, genes) • • For fun: Pinker on genes: steven-pinker • Synthesis of the principles Biological Anthropology • Evolution of divergent life forms (how humans differ and share similarities with other living things) Biological Anthropology • Primates – – – – – Primates of the past? (not as much evidence as would be nice) Non-human primates of the present Primate behavior Jane Goodall chimpanzee films Biological Anthropology • Fossil hominins Biological Anthropology • Evolution and human behavior Biological Anthropology • The Hadza film • How do modern huntergatherers get food, and does it tell us about how our hominin ancestors got food? • Does it tell us anything about how our bodies evolved to get food, and should that impact our diets?... • the-colbert-report-videos/ 263270/february-03-2010/johndurant Biological Anthropology • Human variation (biological variation within the human species) Archaeology • The study of the material culture and ecological context of historic and prehistoric human societies • Overview – History – CRM (cultural resource management) – Terms – Methods – Dating – Ethical issues – Archaeology subfields What happened to this person? Researchers in the first two subfields of anthropology that we will be covering can often answer questions about these odd-seeming finds… Biological Anthropology and Archaeology… Archaeology Bioarchaeology: a synthesis between the fields of Biological Anthropology and Archaeoology Trepanation Bart Hughes Archaeology • Africa: A History Denied film Great Zimbabwe Archaeology • The Inca cloth of an Incan tunic Inca architecture Archaeology • The Perfect Corpse film Sociocultural and Linguistic Anthropology • Concepts, e.g., cultural relativism, ethnocentrism • Brief discussion of the Nacirema • World map depictions Sociocultural and Linguistic Anthropology • Terms • Ways of grouping cultures by their traits – Band-Tribe-ChiefdomState – Kinship – Etc. • Yanomamö films emphasizing various anthropological topics Sociocultural and Linguistic Anthropology • Dead Birds film Sociocultural and Linguistic Anthropology • Linguistics, emphasizing themes in Pinker s text The Language Instinct – Pinker on Colbert, 1st episode: – 81914/february-07-2007/steven-pinker • Final Yanomamö films emphasizing missionaries and culture change: My Town is Ocamo and New Tribes Mission Roots of Anthropology in Colonialism • First Contact film (Papua New Guinea) • Ethnocentrism • Cultural Relativism