Intermediate l Conversation Lesson 43 Lesson 43: Who Killed the Radio Star? Hi! How are you today? Todayʼ’s lesson is about “W h o K ille d th e R a d io S ta r? ” Have fun learning English! Warm-‐‑‒up | Useful Expressions D ire ctio n s : Listen and repeat. V o ca b u la ry • s ta tis tic s-‐‑‒ the collection of data or the number of people doing something from the rest of the crowd • p lu n g e -‐‑‒ to decrease quickly • a c c e s s ib ility -‐‑‒ the quality of being easily reached when needed • c lic h é -‐‑‒ an idea that has become overused • v e to -‐‑‒ to refuse or be against someone/something in a voting • a n ti-‐‑‒ s o m e th in g -‐‑‒ opposed to or against something (⇔c o n -‐‑‒something) E x p re ssio n s • fa ce lik e a w e t w e e k e n d -‐‑‒ face of a person that looks very unhappy • s n o w jo b -‐‑‒an attempt to persuade or deceive someone by praising them or not telling the truth • tu n e in to a ra d io / te le v is io n -‐‑‒ to adjust the controls on a radio or television • b u m p o n th e ro a d -‐‑‒ a trial in a smooth sailing boat or easy-‐‑‒going life • c a n o f w o rm s-‐‑‒ things that are not easy to understand • Iʼ’ll s e c o n d th a t . -‐‑‒ “Me too.” or “I agree with that.” (an expression to show your agreement with that) 1 Copyright © since 2013 Engoo All Rights Reserved. Intermediate l Conversation Lesson 43 Activity 1 | Dialogue D ire ctio n s : Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher. Harry and Neil are talking about the statistics of the people watching TV and listening to the radio nowadays. H a rry : How is your life as a radio DJ, Neil? N e il: Not bad, I guess. H a rry : Then why do you have a fa c e lik e a w e t w e e k e n d ? N e il: Well, our s ta tis tic s have p lu n g e d because more and more people prefer to watch TV than listen to the radio nowadays. H a rry : Humm... N e il: But we are still operating. My company is still trying to do a s n o w jo b on our listeners to convince them to keep on tu n in g in to our radio station. H a rry : I guess that is just a b u m p o n th e ro a d . I believe that people still want to listen to music these days. N e il: I hope so, my friend. How about you? How is your life being a TV reporter? H a rry : Well, it is also a c a n o f w o rm s ! Because of the Internet and its easy a cce s s ib ility people also donʼ’t watch television that much anymore. 2 Copyright © since 2013 Engoo All Rights Reserved. Intermediate l Conversation Lesson 43 N e il: That excuse is a c lic h é already. The problem is that some shows are not interesting enough. But the television has always been the first to broadcast the news, reports and shows, not the Internet, and thatʼ’s why I think most people prefer to watch TV instead. H a rry :Iʼ’ll se co n d th a t . I v e to the Internet. N e il: We are in an a n ti-‐‑‒in te rn e t party! C h e c k y o u r u n d e rs ta n d in g : Answer the following questions. 1. Why does Neil seem not so happy? 2. What did Harry say about the television nowadays? 3. Did Neil agree on what Harry said about the television? 3 Copyright © since 2013 Engoo All Rights Reserved. Intermediate l Conversation Lesson 43 Activity 2| Discussion D ire ctio n s : Discuss the issues listed below about Social Media with your teacher. • The online world and the social networking sites • Few people listen to the radio. • Some people tend to believe in the opinions of others in Social networking sites, than the facts broadcasted on TV. 4 Copyright © since 2013 Engoo All Rights Reserved. Intermediate l Conversation Lesson 43 Activity 3 | Free Conversation D ire ctio n s : Take turns with your teacher in answering the questions 1. Do you think that listening to the radio is no longer a trend today? 2. What do you think about the Internet and how it affects people these days? 3. Do you still watch television? 4. Which would you prefer, watching news on TV, or watching/reading it on the Internet? 5. Is the Internet always convenient for you? 6. Do you think the Internet is a helping hand to the students who are doing their research? Why or why not? 5 Copyright © since 2013 Engoo All Rights Reserved.