Diagnosing kidney cancer This information is an extract from the booklet Understanding kidney cancer. You may find the full booklet helpful. We can send you a free copy – see page 7. Contents • • • • How kidney cancer is diagnosed Staging Number staging Grading How kidney cancer is diagnosed Often people are diagnosed by chance after having a scan for another reason. Some people go to see their family doctor (GP) with symptoms, such as blood in their urine. If you have blood in your urine (haematuria), your GP may refer you to a ‘one-stop’ haematuria clinic. At this clinic, all the tests needed to make a diagnosis can often be done at the same time. If tests or symptoms suggest you could have a kidney cancer, you should be seen by a specialist within 14 days. At the hospital You’ll see a urologist or a specialist nurse who will ask you about your symptoms and general health. They’ll also examine you and arrange some of the following tests. Blood tests You will have blood samples taken. These help your doctors to check how well your kidneys and liver are working. They also show the number of blood cells in your blood. This is called a blood count. Questions about cancer? Ask Macmillan 0808 808 00 00 www.macmillan.org.uk Page 1 of 7 Diagnosing kidney cancer Ultrasound scan This test can help to diagnose kidney cancer. It uses sound waves to build up a picture of the kidneys, ureters and bladder. It’s a painless test and only takes a few minutes. If your bladder is to be looked at as well, you will need to have a full bladder for the scan. The hospital will give you instructions about this. You lie on your back and the person doing the ultrasound spreads gel over your tummy (abdomen) area. They then move a small device, which produces sound waves, over your tummy. A computer turns the sound waves into a picture. Ultrasound can look for changes in the shape of the kidneys. It can help to show if a lump is a cyst (a fluid-filled lump) or a tumour. It can also show the position of a cancer and measure its size. CT (computerised tomography) scan This test is used to check the kidneys and organs in the tummy area (abdomen) and chest. A CT scan takes a series of x-rays, which build up a three‑dimensional picture of the inside of the body. The scan takes 10–30 minutes and is painless. It uses a small amount of radiation, which is very unlikely to harm you and will not harm anyone you come into contact with. You will be asked not to eat or drink for at least four hours before the scan. You may be given a drink or injection of a dye, which allows particular areas to be seen more clearly. This may make you feel hot all over for a few minutes. It’s important to let your doctor know if you are allergic to iodine or have asthma, because you could have a more serious reaction to the injection. You’ll probably be able to go home as soon as the scan is over. MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan Some people have an MRI scan instead of, or as well as, a CT scan. This test uses magnetism to build up a detailed picture of areas of your body. The scanner is a powerful magnet so you may be asked to complete and sign a checklist to make sure it’s safe for you. The checklist asks about any metal implants you may have, such as a pacemaker, surgical clips or bone pins. Page 2 of 7 Questions about cancer? Ask Macmillan 0808 808 00 00 www.macmillan.org.uk Diagnosing kidney cancer You should also tell your doctor if you’ve ever worked with metal or in the metal industry as very tiny fragments of metal can sometimes lodge in the body. If you do have any metal in your body, it’s likely that you won’t be able to have an MRI scan. In this situation, another type of scan can be used. Before the scan, you’ll be asked to remove any metal belongings including jewellery. Some people are given an injection of dye into a vein in the arm, which doesn’t usually cause discomfort. This is called a contrast medium and can help the images from the scan to show up more clearly. During the test, you’ll lie very still on a couch inside a long cylinder (tube) for about 30 minutes. It’s painless but can be slightly uncomfortable, and some people feel a bit claustrophobic. It’s also noisy, but you’ll be given earplugs or headphones. You can hear, and speak to, the person operating the scanner. Chest x-ray If you don’t have a CT scan of the chest, you will have a chest x-ray to check the health of your lungs. Guided biopsy This is done if you need to have a sample of tissue taken from the kidney (a biopsy). The doctor uses an ultrasound scanner or CT scanner to guide them to the exact area of kidney where the biopsy will be taken. The doctor injects some local anaesthetic into the skin to numb the area over the kidney. They then guide the needle through your skin into the kidney. And, they draw a small sample of tissue into the needle. The sample is then sent to the laboratory to be checked. You may need to stay in hospital for a few hours, or overnight, after this procedure. Waiting for test results Waiting for test results can be a difficult time. It may take from a few days to a couple of weeks for the results of your tests to be ready. You may find it helpful to talk with your partner, your family or a close friend. You can also talk things over with one of our cancer support specialists on 0808 808 00 00. Questions about cancer? Ask Macmillan 0808 808 00 00 www.macmillan.org.uk Page 3 of 7 Diagnosing kidney cancer Staging The stage of a cancer describes its size and whether it has spread. Once your doctors know the stage of the cancer, they can plan your treatment. The structure of the kidneys Adrenal gland Lymph nodes Fat layer Capsule Medulla Renal vein (to vena cava) Renal artery Kidney Cortex Ureter The most commonly used staging system for kidney cancer is the TNM system: T refers to the tumour size. N refers to whether lymph nodes are affected. M refers to whether the cancer has spread to other parts of the body (metastases). Tumour size (T) T1 – The cancer is only in the kidney and is no larger than 7cm. •T1a – The cancer is no larger than 4cm. •T1b – The cancer is larger than 4cm but not larger than 7cm. Page 4 of 7 Questions about cancer? Ask Macmillan 0808 808 00 00 www.macmillan.org.uk Diagnosing kidney cancer T2 – The cancer is larger than 7cm and is inside the kidney. T3 – The cancer is growing into the fat around the kidney or into a major vein (the vena cava and renal vein) close to the kidney. But it is not growing beyond the outer covering of the kidney (capsule). See page 11 for an illustration of the kidney. T4 – The cancer has spread outside the capsule that surrounds the kidney. It may have grown into the adrenal gland. Lymph nodes (N) N0 – There are no cancer cells in any lymph nodes. N1 – There are cancer cells in one or more lymph nodes. If the cancer cells have spread to the lymph nodes, the nodes are said to be positive. Metastases (M) M0 – The cancer has not spread to other distant parts of the body. M1 – The cancer has spread to distant parts of the body such as the bones, lungs, liver or brain. If the cancer has spread, it’s called secondary or metastatic kidney cancer. Number staging The T, N and M stages may be grouped together to give a number stage for the cancer. These range from stages 1–4. Stage 1 The cancer is 7cm or less and is inside the kidney. There is no spread to the lymph nodes or other organs. This is the same as T1 N0 M0 in the TNM system. Stage 2 The cancer is larger than 7cm and is inside the kidney. There is no spread to the lymph nodes or other organs. This is the same as T2 N0 M0 in the TNM system. Questions about cancer? Ask Macmillan 0808 808 00 00 www.macmillan.org.uk Page 5 of 7 Diagnosing kidney cancer Stage 3 The cancer is growing into the fat around the kidney or into one of the major veins close to the kidney (the renal vein or the vena cava) but has not grown outside the capsule that surrounds the kidney. It has not spread to the lymph nodes. This is the same as T3 N0 M0 in the TNM system. Or the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes but has not grown outside the capsule around the kidney. This is the same as T1–T3 N1 M0 in the TNM system. Stage 4 The cancer has grown through the capsule that surrounds the kidney and may have grown into the adrenal gland. It may have spread to the lymph nodes. It has not spread to parts of the body far from the kidney. This is the same as T4 Any N M0 in the TNM system. Or the cancer has spread to distant parts of the body. It can be any size and may have grown through the capsule surrounding the kidney and may have grown into the adrenal gland. It may have spread to the lymph nodes. This is the same as T1–T4 Any N M1 in the TNM system. Grading Grading refers to the appearance of the cancer cells under the microscope. The grade gives an idea of how the cancer may behave. The Fuhrman system is the most common grading system for kidney cancer. It ranges from 1–4; the higher the number, the more abnormal the cells look. A grade 1 cancer is usually slow‑growing. It is less likely to spread than a higher grade, such as a grade 4 cancer. Page 6 of 7 Questions about cancer? Ask Macmillan 0808 808 00 00 www.macmillan.org.uk Diagnosing kidney cancer More information and support More than one in three of us will get cancer. For most of us it will be the toughest fight we ever face. And the feelings of isolation and loneliness that so many people experience make it even harder. But you don’t have to go through it alone. The Macmillan team is with you every step of the way. To order a copy of Understanding kidney cancer, or any other cancer information, visit be.macmillan.org.uk or call 0808 808 00 00. We make every effort to ensure that the information we provide is accurate and up to date but it should not be relied upon as a substitute for specialist professional advice tailored to your situation. So far as is permitted by law, Macmillan does not accept liability in relation to the use of any information contained in this publication, or thirdparty information or websites included or referred to in it. © Macmillan Cancer Support 2013. Registered charity in England and Wales (261017), Scotland (SC039907) and the Isle of Man (604). Registered office 89 Albert Embankment, London, SE1 7UQ REVISED IN JUNE 2015 Planned review in 2017 Questions about cancer? Ask Macmillan 0808 808 00 00 www.macmillan.org.uk Page 7 of 7