Work Program BIOLOGY HL 2009 Syllabus This work program is applicable to all students, including International Students at the Queensland Academy for Science, Mathematics and Technology. Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................................................... 2 COURSE ORGANISATION AND ASSESSMENT PLAN ................................................................................ 3 INTERNAL ASSESSMENT COVERAGE ......................................................................................................... 6 UNIT OVERVIEWS ........................................................................................................................................... 7 SAMPLE UNIT OVERVIEW #1 PLANT SCIENCE ................................................................................................... 8 Unit Overview: .......................................................................................................................................... 8 Theory of Knowledge: ............................................................................................................................... 8 IB Learner Profile: ..................................................................................................................................... 8 Syllabus Objectives (Overview): ............................................................................................................... 9 SAMPLE STUDENT PROFILE ....................................................................................................................... 13 ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................... 14 PREDICTED DATA FOR IBIS ........................................................................................................................... 14 Course Organisation and Assessment Plan NOTE Core (SL) Biology Includes Topics 1 – 6; Additional Higher Level (HL) Biology Continues with Topics 7 – 11 Assessment Year 10, Term 4 Year 11, Term 1 Year 1, Semester 1 Sem / Item # Unit Title 1. Ecology & Evolution 2. Living Cells 3. Cell Biochemistry Key concepts & Key ideas Time (hrs) 15 12 6 (This is the syllabus objectives that will be covered) PSOW 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3.1 3.2 BIOLOGY CAMP Communities & Ecosystems Greenhouse Effect Populations Evolution Classification Statistics Cell Theory Prokaryotic Cells Eukaryotic Cells Membranes Cell Division Chemical Elements & Water Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins Category (Assignment, IA, Exam, Portfolio) Technique, Description& Conditions Weekly Quizzes (roughly 1 per topic) DCP CE IA Toowong Creek PRACTICE DESIGN IA (24%) Exam End of Term Exam (76%) HL:100% IB SL:100% IB HL & SL: 60 Weekly Quizzes (roughly 1 per topic) D DCP CE IA Stradbroke Island Ecology DESIGN DCP CE IA (24%) Exam End of DP 1 Semester 1 Exam (76%) – Topics 1, 2, 3 &5 HL:100% IB SL:100%IB HL & SL: 60 Year 11, Term 2 Year 11, Term 3 Year 11, Term 4 Year 12, Term 1 Year 1, Semester 2 Year 2, Semester 1 4. Genetics & Inheritance 5. Cell Biochemistry 20 21 3.3, 7.1 3.4, 7.2 4.1 4.2, 10.1 4.3 4.4 10.2 10.3 DNA Structure (SL & HL) DNA Replication (SL & HL) Chromosomes, genes, alleles & mutations Meiosis (SL & HL) Theoretical Genetics Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology Dihybrid Crosses & Gene Linkage Polygenic Inheritance 3.7, 8.1 3.8, 8.2 3.6 3.5, 7.3 & 7.4 Cell Respiration (SL & HL) Photosynthesis (SL & HL) Enzymes (SL) Transcription & Translation (HL) G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 Community Ecology Ecosystems & Biomes Impacts of Humans on Ecosystems Conservation of Biodiversity Population Ecology Weekly Quizzes (roughly 1 per topic) Exam End of Term Exam (76%) – Topics 7.1, 7.2, 4 & 10 HL:100% IB SL:100% IB HL & SL: 50 Weekly Quizzes (roughly 1 per topic) D DCP CE IA Exam Respiration DESIGN & Respiration DCP CE IA (24%) End of DP1 Semester 2 Exam (76%) – Topics 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 & 10 HL:100% IB SL:100% IB HL & SL: 90 Weekly Quizzes (roughly 1 per topic) DCP CE IA Photosynthesis DCP CE IA Exam End of Term Exam (76%) – Option G (Paper 3) HL:100% IB SL:100% IB HL & SL: 35 Proteins & Enzymes (HL) Digestion D DCP CE IA Digestive Enzymes DESIGN DCP CE IA (24%) Transport in Angiospermophytes The Transport System Gas Exchange The Kidney Exam 13 9.2 6.2 6.4 11.3 End of Semester Exam (76%) - Topics 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.1, 6.2, 6.4, 7, 8, 9.2, 10, 11.3 + Option G HL: 100 % SL: 100% HL: 1 x 90 (P1&3), 1 x 120 (P2) SL: 1 x 90 (P1&3), 1 x 120 (P2) 8 9.1 11.2 Plant Structure & Growth Muscles & Movement 6. Option G: Ecology & Conservation 22 7. Digestion 6 7.5;7.6 6.1 8. Transport & Excretion 9. Structure & Growth Year 12, Term 2 Year 12, Term 3 Year 2, Semester 2 10. Reproduction 11 11. Defence 7 12. Homeostasis 6 13. Human physiology 22 9.3 6.6 11.4 6.3 11.1 Reproduction in Angiospermophytes Reproduction (SL) Reproduction (HL) Defence against infectious disease (SL) Defence against infectious disease (HL) 6.5 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 Nerves, Hormones & Homeostasis Hormonal control Digestion Absorption of digested foods Functions of the liver The transport system Gas exchange DCP CE IA Optional DCP CE IA (24%) Exam End of Term Exam (Mock Exam – Cycle 1) (76%) Topics 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 4, 10, 8, 9, 6, 11 + Option G Paper 3 HL: 100 % SL: 100% HL: 1 x 60, 1 x 120 SL: 1 x 60, 1 x 120 DESIGN OPTIONAL DESIGN IA Mock Exam Mock Examination (76%) IB Past Papers HL: 60;135;75 SL: 45;75;60 TABLE KEY Formative Task, Formative IB Task, Summative Task, Summative IB Task, IB Questions, Time Allocation Internal Assessment Coverage Internal Assessment Occurrence Toowong Creek Ecology Year 10, Term 4 Ecology of Stradbroke Island Year 11, Term 1 Genetics Year 11, Term 2 Respiration Year 11, Term 3 Photosynthesis Year 11, Term 4 Digestive Enzymes Year 12, Term 1 Human Physiology Year 12, Term 2 OPTIONAL Design Year 12, Term 3 Design DCP CE Unit Overviews 1. Living Cells – Topics 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 2. Cell Biochemistry – Topics 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 & 3.4 3. Ecology & Evolution – Topics 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 1 4. Genetics & Inheritance – Topics 7.1, 3.5;3.6;7.3;7.4, 7.2, 4.4, 4.2; 10.1, 4.1, 4.3, 10.2, 10.3 5. Cell Respiration & Photosynthesis – Topics 3.7; 8.1; 3.8; 8.2 6. Option G: Ecology & Conservation – Topics G1, G2, G3, G4, G5 7. Digestion – Topics 3.6, 7.5, 7.6, 6.1 8. Transport & Excretion – Topics 7.5; 7.6, 6.1, 6.2, 11.3, 6.4 9. Structure & Growth – Topics 11.2, 6.3; 11.1, 6.5, 6.6; 11.4 10. Reproduction – Topics 9.3, 6.6, 11.4 11. Defence – Topics 6.3, 11.1 12. Homeostasis – Topic 6.5 13. Further human physiology – Topics H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6 Sample Unit Overview #1 Plant Science BIOLOGY HL UNIT PLAN Group 4 Year Level: 11 Topic 9: PLANT SCIENCE Duration: 11 hours Unit Overview: Plants are autotrophic organisms that manufacture their own energy from simple inorganic molecules via photosynthesis. Flowering plants dominate plant life. Structural adaptations facilitate the various functions within plants. Plants undergo both photosynthesis and cellular respiration. They also transport water and nutrients from the soil, and the products of photosynthesis and respiration. Flowers provide a means of plants to increase genetic diversity Theory of Knowledge: What aspects of TOK will students need to consider in this unit? What ways of knowing will students need to consider? What areas of knowing will students reflect upon? Based on phylogeny (evolutionary history), many biologists are now using three groups of angiosperms. This system is likely to be dynamic as more information is analysed, how might it change again in the future? Many lands of the world have been made less productive because of the agricultural over-use. How can this land be brought back into effective production and how can presently productive lands be maintained as such. If higher temperatures result from global warming, what effect might global warming have on plant transpiration rate? How might this affect food availability in the world? IB Learner Profile: Select aspects of the IB Learner Profile that will be implicit and explicit in the delivery of this unit. Indicate how these aspects of the profile will be addressed. Inquirers Students will conduct investigations – Design, Data Collection and Open-minded Processing and Concluding and Evaluating. Knowledgeable Students will gain an in depth understanding and mastery of plant Caring structure and function, this will be facilitated through the learning and assessment cycle. Thinkers Students will have undertake the solution of problems in this topic Risk-takers ranging from simple to complex conceptual problems. They will be asked to bring their expertise to new and unfamillar problems and scenarios to plan experimental investigations. Communicators Balanced Principled Reflective Students will be encouraged to undertake considerable responsibility for their own learning process, they will also be encouraged to thinking about how they are learning and how they are progressing through the set material and problems and to consult with other students and their teacher as difficulties arise. Syllabus Objectives (Overview): 9.1.1 Draw and label plan diagrams to show the distribution of tissues in the stem and leaf of a dicotyledonous plant. 9.1.2 Outline three differences between the structures of dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous plants. 9.1.3 Explain the relationship between the distribution of tissues in the leaf and the functions of these tissues. 9.1.4 Identify modifications of roots, stems and leaves for different functions: bulbs, stem tubers, storage roots and tendrils. 9.1.5 State that dicotyledonous plants have apical and lateral meristems. 9.1.6 Compare growth due to apical and lateral meristems in dicotyledonous plants. 9.1.7 Explain the role of auxin in phototropism as an example of the control of plant growth. 9.2.1 Outline how the root system provides a large surface area for mineral ion and water uptake by means of branching and root hairs. 9.2.2 List ways in which mineral ions in the soil move to the root. 9.2.3 Explain the process of mineral ion absorption from the soil into roots by active transport . 9.2.4 State that terrestrial plants support themselves by means of thickened cellulose, cell turgor and lignified xylem. 9.2.5 Define transpiration. 9.2.6 Explain how water is carried by the transpiration stream, including the structure of xylem vessels, transpiration pull, cohesion, adhesion and evaporation. 9.2.7 State that guard cells can regulate transpiration by opening and closing stomata. 9.2.8 State that the plant hormone abscisic acid causes the closing of stomata. 9.2.9 Explain how the abiotic factors light, temperature, wind and humidity, affect the rate of transpiration in a typical terrestrial plant. 9.2.10 Outline four adaptations of xerophytes that help to reduce transpiration. 9.2.11 Outline the role of phloem in active translocation of sugars (sucrose) and amino acids from source (photosynthetic tissue and storage organs) to sink (fruits, seeds, roots). 9.3.1 Draw and label a diagram showing the structure of a dicotyledonous animal-pollinated flower. 9.3.2 Distinguish between pollination, fertilization and seed dispersal. 9.3.3 D raw and label a diagram showing the external and internal structure of a named dicotyledonous seed. 9.3.4 Explain the conditions needed for the germination of a typical seed. 9.3.5 Outline the metabolic processes during germination of a starchy seed. 9.3.6 Explain how flowering is controlled in long-day and short-day plants, including the role of phytochrome. Student Assessment (Overview): Satisfactory completion of student workbook Design/DCP/CE Term test (held early in T1 of year 12) Accommodations for Differentiated Learning Gifted Student: What opportunities are available for students to be extended / accelerated / enriched within the curriculum and demonstrate this learning? English as a Second Language (ESL) Student: What consideration will be provided for students for whom English is a second language in relation to assessment and curriculum access? Students with Special Needs: What consideration will be provided for students with special needs in relation to assessment and curriculum access? Materials and Resources Technology – Hardware x x x Laptops Data Projectors Digital Camera Television VCR / DVD MP3 Player Mobile technology PDA Video Camera Other microscopes Technology – Software x x x x Database / Spreadsheet Desktop Publishing Email Software Editing Software Internet / Web Browser Multi-media Animation Software Web page development Word Processing Other clickview Printed Materials x x Text book Work book Note book Task sheet and criteria x Reference materials X Other Student activity sheets Other x Blackboard (course materials posted) Respondus / Quizzes (online) Studymate Wikis & Blogs Other Professional Learning What PD will teachers require in order to be able to effectively deliver this unit? Is there unique pedagogical knowledge / equipment knowledge etc. that is required? Command Terms: Glossary Terms: What key command terms must student be able to know and understand after completing this unit? What key terms must students be able to know and understand after completing this unit? Active translocation, Active transport, Adhesion, Amylase, Apical meristem, Auxin, Define Give the precise meaning of a word, phrase or physical quantity (for glossary terms). Draw Represent by means of pencil lines (plan diagrams for stem and leaf and flower of dicots). Label Add labels to a diagram (as above). List Give a sequence of names or other brief answers with no explanation. Measure Find a value for a quantity (for limiting factors during Elodea respiration & photosynthesis practical). Estimate Find an approximate value for an unknown quantity. Compare Give an account of similarities and differences between two (or more) items, referring to both (all) of them throughout. (between structures and/or function for monocots vs dicots). Evaluate Assess the implications and limitations (related to function of plant organs). Key Concepts / Key Ideas (From syllabus) Week Focus Topic 1 2 Plant structure and growth 9.1.1 – 9.1.7 3 Transport in angiospermophytes 9.2.1 – 9.2.11 Cell turgor, Cellulose, Cohesion, Cotyledon, Dicotyledonous plant, Embryo, Evaporation, Fertilization, Fungal hyphae, Germination, Gibberellin, Ion diffusion, Lateral meristem, Lignified xylem, Micropyle, Monocotyledonous plant, Phloem, Phototropism, Phytochrome, Pollination, Seed dispersal, Stomata, Testa, Transpiration, Xerophyte, Xylem. Learning experiences Nature walk – plant identification and drawings Classification activity of monocot and dicot sample plants Cross sections of leaves and stems Microscopic examination of stem, root & leaf cross sections - link structure with function for plant tissue components Photosynthesis and Respiration in Elodea practical – link to photosynthesis limiting factors Students should be able to: identify and distinguish between structural features of monocot an dicot plants draw and label plan diagrams for dicot stem and leaf cross section Resources Texts: Clegg (2007) Biology for the IB Diploma, Ch10, pp294-319 Damon et al. (2007) Higher level Biology for the IB Diploma. Ch 9. pp238-264. IB Study Guides: Biology, pp83-88 Allott, A., and Mindorff, D., Biology: Course Companion pp110-126 Biozone Student Workbook; Year 11 and Year 12 Student workbook Assessment link structure to function of plant tissues Students able to: Describe the processes of transpiration and transport of water, nutrients and ions in plants 4 Reproduction in angiospermophytes 9.3.1 – 9.3.6 Dicot flower and seed dissection and drawing Students able to: Identify and draw structures of dicot flowers and seeds Understand the processes involved in flowering and seed germination Clickview: In focus: Introduction to Plants (senior version) In focus: Plants, light & water (senior version) Practicals/ Activities: Plants at QASMT walk Stem and leaf dissection Cell respiration and photosynthesis in Elodea Flower & seed dissection Powerpoint presentations and student activity sheets: G:\Coredata\Curriculum\Group 4\Biology\Resources\Plant science (also available for students on eLearn) Growth trolley: Cotton wool in petri dishes with a selection of monocot and dicot seeds. Samples of monocot and dicot stems and leaves (collected by students during Reflections: What aspects of this unit did students seem to enjoy / struggle with? Were there aspects that required more time / less time etc? Students enjoyed the workbook. Though it would be good to hold some content out of workbook to be specifically taught/covered in class only. Sample Student Profile Assessment Overview Term Year 11 YEAR 11 SEMESTER 1 THREE SUMMATIVE ITEMS Year 10 1 2 4 1 per topic) Week 3 Investigation into Digestive Enzymes Week 9 End of Term Test Weekly Quizzes (roughly 1 per topic) Week 6 Ecology D IA Week 9 End of Term Test HL & SL: 60 YEAR 11 SEMESTER 2 THREE SUMMATIVE ITEMS 3 YEAR 10 SEMESTER 2 THREE SUMMARIVE ITEMS Weekly Quizzes (roughly Weekly Quizzes (roughly 1 per topic) Week 7 Ecology D DCP CE IA Week 8/9 TOPICS End of Semester Exam Weekly Quizzes (roughly 1 per topic) Week 5 Genetics DCP CE IA Week 9 End of Term Test Weekly Quizzes (roughly 1 per topic) Week 5 Respiration DCP CE IA Week 8/9 TOPICS End of Semester Exam HL: 90 SL: 90 Year 12 Weekly Quizzes (roughly 1 per topic) Week 5 Enzymes Design DCP CE IA End of Semester Exam HL: 1 x 60, 1 x 120 SL: 1 x 60, 1 x 120 Weekly Quizzes (roughly 1 per topic) Physiology Design DCP CE IA Week 9 End of Term Test Weekly Quizzes (roughly 1 per topic) Mock exams IB Papers HL: 60;135;75 SL: 45;75;60 Weekly Quizzes (Paper 3 Practice Qs) Week 6 Photosynthesis D DCP CE IA Week 9 End of Term Test Formative Task, Formative IB Task, Summative Task, Summative IB Task, IB Questions, Time Allocation Predicted Data for IBIS Predicted data determined by analysis of all assessment of students throughout the IB course with attention to fullest and latest data. The PSOW score is also included for the predicted score of each student. Final % weightings of practical and exam work will mirror the IB weightings (24% Practical work, 76% exam results) for the predicted result.