COURSE GUIDE Product Management Name of course: Product Management Course of study: IMM Study code: MCCE-VMPMGTP-10 Year of study: Year 3 Number of blocks: 1 ECTS credits: 3 Lecturers: Hans van Briemen Date: 2008/2009 Course Description Practical module on managing a product portfolio (day-to-day business) and translating information about markets and target groups into marketing concepts for the future. Prerequisites All year 2 marketing courses. Relation with other courses Market research, Market analysis, Rational Marketing, Applied Marketing Management. Competencies and Learning Objectives The course aims to give students insight into the everyday work of a Product Manager and uses assignments to give them practical experience with the most important marketing concepts. These assignments require students to think up a new concept for a specific target group and selected company and then prepare its market introduction. Professional products : product managers are the central point in a company. One of the professional products they must deliver is a marketing plan (this will be practised in a different course); they must be able to write a briefing, draw up a budget, formulate a price calculation and make forecasts and planning schedules. A great many professional products are bundled into one portfolio. Professional tasks: analysing, organizing, guiding, managing, time management Professional actions: negotiating, presenting, in-company promotion of ideas Competencies: organizing, analysing, calculating, persuading, creativity These competencies are covering the domain competence 1 and 4 on level 3. 3. Specific course objectives: 1 1. Assessment of marketing strategies : Learning from past successes and failures and allocate and explain the reasons. Propose changes and improvements in marketing strategies to increase success likelihood ratio. 2. Internal and external Analysis: Students need to be able to understand and analyse the company’s internal resources as well its market environment in order to be able to assess its Strengths and Weaknesses and its Opportunities and Threats in its different markets. This needs to be done in a tangible and weighted way to avoid irrational and emotional decision making. 4. Pricing strategies. Students needs to be able to define pricing strategies depending on product types and product lifecycles. 3. General: Students will develop techniques to minimize uncertainties and maximize their chances to success in marketing decision making. Didactic forms The course will be taught by means of: • a seminar to explain the marketing concepts and assignments; • consultancy sessions with 2 teams simultaneously, so that each team can have their questions about the assignments and portfolio answered; • feedback. During consultancy sessions, 1 team will present an assignment and receive feedback from the other team and the lecturer; • SharePoint. All students are given the same assignments, but must implement these assignments for different target groups and companies/sectors. The teams must therefore assess each others’ assignments to learn about other target groups and markets. All assignments and presentations are open to everyone and can be seen on SharePoint. Literature Syllabus on Sharepoint Assessments Portfolio: 50%.Presentations, feedback and final assessment: 50%.Both the weekly assignment and the final report assessments are weighted 50% for the final grade and should both be at least 5.5. The Assignments 2 Exact instructions for the weekly assignment will be handed out in class and deals with the subject from the theory lecture. The weekly schedule of activities is as in the following table Seminar Week tasks Consultancy Feedback 1 Introduction to the course Principles of product management and the innovation process Assignments 1.1 and 1.2 1.2 2 Thinking up concepts (brainstorm techniques) Assignments 1.3 and 1.4 3 5 Market research briefing, positioning & branding Communication and packaging briefing, planning Commercial calculations 6 Assessing the proposals 7 Presentation proposal including commercial presentation and dummies Assignments 1.5 t/m 1.8 Assignments 2.1 to 2.3 Assignments 3.1 and 3.2 Assignment 3.3 Assignments 4.1 to 4.3 Idea phase concept Top of flop KSF of a product introduction Developing the idea phase Learning and practising brainstorm techniques Developing a concept Assessing the concept, market research questions Assessing the briefing, positioning, price strategy Assignment/role play based on a case Presentation and assessment of top of flop Commercial presentation and launch proposal Feedback to the launch proposal 8 9 Organization/ extra week Submit revised launch plan 4 1.3 1.5 to 1.8 2.1 to 2.3 3.1 3.2 4.3 Evaluation By departmental evaluation form. 3 Weekly activity (Block 1) The theory lecture of 60 minutes each deals with the following subjects Week Topics Book Chapters to study Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Macro and Micro analysis Strategic Marketing Planning SWOT analysis Product Price Promotion Place CH4 CH 3 Handout Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Study hours: block 1 Week 1 till 7: Assignments: Exam: 5 hours x 7 = 35 hours 50 hours 3 hours 4