Anatomy 35 Exam study guide Unit 2 Muscular System • Be able to identify and label muscles from images out of your text book and visual analogy guide. • What are the functions of muscle? • What is the structure of skeletal muscle? Be sure you know the connective tissue membranes that surround each muscle fiber, fascicle, and muscle. • How are muscles named? Be able to give examples. • What are the muscle types based on the orientation of fibers? • What are the functional groups of muscle by action? • Describe the microstructure of muscle. • What is a sarcomere? Be able to describe it. • What are thick filaments? What are thin filaments? • What is a motor unit? • What is the motor end plate? • Where are calcium ions stored in muscle cells? • What is a cross bridge? • Compare and contrast skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, and smooth muscle. • You will be tested on human muscle origins insertions and actions from the list of muscles listed in your lab manual Sample Essay Questions • Describe the mechanism of the stimulus of a skeletal muscle cell by a motor neuron. • Describe the sliding filament model of skeletal muscle contraction. Start with the release of acetylcholine by a motor neuron and include al of the stages through contraction and end with the muscle cell returning to its resting state by elastic recoil. • How is a muscle capable of generating more force? Describe The difference between picking up a pencil versus picking up your anatomy text book using the same muscles. • Compare and contrast single unit versus multi unit smooth muscle.