PHONE: 620-647-3577
Cell Phone 620-583-2567 (Emergency Only)
RECTORY: P.O. BOX 276, 320 N. Main, MOLINE, KS. 67353
Web Site:
Mission Statement: To become Eucharistic Parishes by showing Reverence and Devotion to the Most Blessed
Sacrament through Adoration, Prayer, Worship and Ministry to one another.
PHONE: 620-879-2360
Be Watchful
November 27, 2011
Our Lady of the
Miraculous Medal
First Sunday of Advent
November-Month of the Holy Souls
5:00 pm
7:00 am
9:00 am
11:00 am
No Mass
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
8:00 am
8:00 am
7:00 pm
5:00 pm
7:00 am
9:00 am
11:00 am
St. John Berchmans
First Sunday of Lent
St. James
Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
St. James of Marches
St. Saturninus
St. Andrew
St. Eligius
First Friday
St. Bibiana
St. Francis Xavier
Second Sunday of Advent
St. John Damascus
St. Barbara
Paul Finch/Paul and Faye
Intention of Celebrant
For Parishioners
Living/Dead Member/S.H. Altar Soc.
Intention of Celebrant
+Pearl Modica/Sara Shively
Intention of Celebrant
Intention of Celebrant
+Pearl Modica/Carolyn Shaw
Intention of Celebrant
Living/Dead Members/St. Mary’s Altar S.
Intention of Celebrant
For Parishioners
+William Honas/Hank/Joyce Honas
Respectful Silence in Church is Requested
Confessions: By appointment
Baptism: By appointment
Weddings: Schedule with priest six months before wedding.
Adoration in Moline: First Sunday of each month 7:30 to 1:30
Adoration in Caney-First Sunday of each month 12-6 pm
Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick: If there is a serious illness
or accident call 620-647-3577 at Moline and at Caney call 620879-2360 or 620-879-2728. In case of an emergency at Caney,
call Holy Name @ 620-251-0475 or St. Andrew’s at 620-3311789
FROM PASTOR: As we enter into Advent and prepare for Christ's return, we do so with new texts for Mass.
Today we begin using the new translation of the Roman Missal. But these new Mass texts are more about
continuity than change, more about Tradition than translation. Let us see these changes as an opportunity to
pray with even greater fervor
The Time is Here:The Revised Translations for the Mass
will start this weekend. Please use the new missals to follow
along for the responses to be used at Mass. The music for
the Mass is in the missal; please lend your voice by singing
along, it is the voice that God gave you. Your best effort to
sing will be pleasing to your heavenly Father.
Adoration next Sunday after Mass in Caney and Moline:
Advent prayer for Adoration. “O Jesus, come into my heart
on Christmas morn, to wash away my sins and remain
therein eternally. O Mary, Mother of my Savior, prepare for
Jesus a cradle in my heart. Amen” Come and Adore Jesus.
Advent: is a time of openness to God’s future. This Advent let us
Gospel Reflection: The Lord Jesus expects us to watch in
great anticipation for the most important event of all-his
return in glory at the end of time. Jesus warns his listeners
to not be caught off guard when that day arrives. We are
not only to watch for Christ, but to watch with Christ. The
Lord wants us to have our hearts and minds fixed on Him
and his Word. He wants us to be ready for his action and
grace in our lives. Those who “wait” for the Lord will not
be disappointed.
Reflection: “How well are you preparing, “spiritually”
for Advent?”
Blessings for Advent Wreath are posted on the web site.
be willing to set aside some time each day to search for God-or
even better become aware that God has found us-and let this
change our lives. In the Advent liturgy there resounds a message
full of hope, which invites us to lift up our gaze to the ultimate
horizon, but at the same time to recognize the signs of God-withus in the present. During Advent the Lord speaks to the heart of his
people and, through them, to the whole of humanity, to proclaim
Knights of Columbus have placed a baby crib in the back of
each parish and are asking for donations on infant care supplies
that will be given to the Midwest Pregnancy Care Center. The
cribs and supplies will be distributed by the center to needy
mothers at Christmas. The Knights appreciate your help for this
worthy cause.
Catholics Come Home ads will air on all major TV
networks from December 16 to January 8.
Daily Mass Readings for the week
Mon. Is 2:1-5; Ps 122: 1-9; Mt 8: 5-11
Tues Is 11: 1-10; Ps 72: 1-2,7-8.12-13,17; Lk 10: 21-34
Wed Is 10: 9-18; Ps 19: 8-11; Mt 4: 18-22
Thur Is 26: 1-6; Ps 118; 1,8-9,19-21,25-27; Mt 7: 21,24-27
Fri Is 29: 17-24; Ps 27: 1,4, 13-14; Mt 9: 27-31
Sat Is 30: 19-21,23-26; Ps 147: 1-6;Mt 8:35-10:1,5-8
Sun Is 40: 1-5,9-11; Ps 85:9-14; 2Pt 3:8-14; Mk 1: 1-8
Stewardship: Recognizing and Receiving God’s Gifts
“Advent is the season of anticipation of the coming of our
Lord. The readings help us to keep in mind that we should be
prepared for Him to come. Isaiah expresses the yearning of the
Israelites for God to again bless them with His presence. They
had turned away in sin but long to return to grace unknown
and therefore we should always be ready. These scripture
passages indicate that each of us has our assigned task and
each should be watchful. May our individual watchfulness
contribute to each other’s readiness.”
Word of Life
“Every child conceived by vitro fertilization is truly deserving
of respect and love. Each is a human person, regardless of the
manner of conception. The problem is that the way they are
brought into the world does not live up to their dignity.” Pope
Benedict XVI
Parish News
Moline: Altar Society Meeting after Mass on Dec. 10th
Sedan: Christmas Brunch December 11 after Mass. Please
bring a covered dish for brunch.
Caney: Baptism:
Ann Marie Stone will be
baptized today after Mass. She is the great granddaughter of
Bill and Cookie Stone of Cedar Vale. She will be presented
with a rose, white cloth (bib), and candle from the Altar
Altar Society Meeting Dec. 7 at 7 pm at June’s home.
Quinceañera: Daniela Neri will celebrate her 15th birthday
on Dec. 9th with the Holy Mass being celebrated at 5 pm,
everyone in the parish is invited to attend the Mass and the
Thanks to Leonardo Aguirre for spreading dirt on both sides
of the sidewalk from the Church to the Rectory.
Bernice Roe was dismissed from the hospital on Monday, 21,
and is recuperating at her home in Caney.
New Parishioners
Welcome to our parish! Please contact Father for a registration
form to fill out. Thanks
Anointing for the Sick
If you know of someone who is seriously sick or scheduled for
major surgery, please inform Father so that the Sacrament of
Anointing may be given to that person. Notify Father of any
shut-ins or homebound people so arrangements can be made
for them to receive Holy Communion.
Parrish Prayer Lists
For our Pope, Bishops, Bishop Eugene Gerber, Priest,
Religious, Fr. Sixtus, for an increase in vocations, the leaders
of our country, for world peace, all those in the Military and
their families, for an end to abortion, for neglected children,
for all those who are grieving, for our deceased members, and
for the unemployed.
Caney: Joan Dancer, Max and Bernice Roe, Nancy Roe,
Barney Culver, Ferd and Sylvia Estes, Don Hartig, Rob
Stockover, George Paine, John Rodriguez, Tom Shaw, and all
others of our parish who are sick or who are in need of our
Sedan: John Wilson, Frances Crum, Frank Miller and
Mrs. Dorothy Meledeo, (Sandi Adcock’s mother)
Diocesan News:
Advent Day of Prayer Retreat with Fr. James Mainzer on
Dec. 3rd from 9-3 pm at the SLC. This day is set aside for you
to retreat from the bustle of the holiday season to reflect on the
true meaning of Christmas. We enter into prayer and listen to
the Lord speak to us. Call 316-744-0167 to register before
11/28 Cost is $20 which includes lunch.
Mass Symbols
Advent is filled with sacred symbols; you only need to look
around in the Church for these signs and symbols.
Purple: Reflects the penitential nature of the season.
Rose: Symbolizing the Church’s anticipation of the coming of
Candlelight: Christ is the light of the World.
Advent Candles: Symbolize the 4 thousand years when
humans walked for Emmanuel.
Evergreen: In Jesus, we are given the gift of eternal life.
Water: We recall our baptism and are born anew in Jesus.
Chant: We await the birth of the babe in the manger.
Angels: Witness to the Good News.
Star: The Cosmic sign that the King of Kings has been born.
Day of Reflection with Fr. Van Haverbeke at the SLC in
Wichita on December 14 from 9 to 1.Register by Dec. 12.
Cost is $7.00 if staying for lunch.
Contact for Parishes
Parish Council President: Paul Duranleau-647-3307
Altar Society President-Inez Rogers-374-2851
Knights of Columbus: Jim Taylor-647-3063
Secretary: Ruth Walker-647-3406
Parish Council President: Rick Craft-725-3722
Altar Society President-Sandi Adcock-725-5398
Parish Council President: Henry Honas-918-532-4492
Altar Society President-Mariam Staton-879-2674
Knights of Columbus: Steve Buster 879-2883
Bulletin/Secretary: Beverly Lynn-879-2728
Collections Receipts for November 20
Caney: Collection $583.00 Weekly expenses$ 890.63