WESTERN NEVADA COLLEGE CADD 100 C01-- INTRODUCTION TO C.A.D. SPRING SEMESTER 2010 COURSE SYLLABUS – Monday 4 P.M. Class Instructor: Teresa Breeden Office: N/A Phone: 443-5220 Email: breedent@wnc.nevada.edu Consultation Hours: Monday 4-6:45pm or you may make an appointment. Recommended prerequisites: DFT 100 or equivalent drafting experience and basic computer operation course or experience. These experiences will greatly enhance your outcomes from this course. Course Description: A basic course in using AutoCAD software to produce working drawings. Emphasis is on constructing and editing two-dimensional geometry and placing drawing annotation. Course Objectives: The student will gain a fundamental working knowledge of basic AutoCAD drawing and editing commands, and the ability to use them in producing two dimensional drawings. In completing the course assignments, the student will gain experience and proficiency in producing drawings on the CAD system. The student will also learn how to utilize AutoCAD's plotting capabilities to obtain hard copy output from the system. Credits: 3 Transferability: Course transfers to UNR or UNLV as a General Elective Credit only. Be sure to check with University departments for actual application in a specific degree program. Linkage to educational program mission and outcomes: This course is one of the core requirements for an AAS in Drafting Technology for all emphases. It is designed to prepare students for CADD 105 Text: AUTOCAD and its Applications/Basics- R2010, by Shumaker and Madsen. *If you have a disability for which you will need to request accommodations, please contact the Disability Support Services office (Bristlecone building, Room 103 – 445-3275) as soon as possible to arrange for appropriate accommodations. 03/08/16 1 CADD 100 SPRING 2009 LECTURE SCHEDULE – Monday Class LECTURE SUBJECTS MAY BE ADJUSTED OR REARRANGED AS NEEDED Numbers following the lecture subjects are the chapters where information on the subject or command may be found. Course competencies/objectives are the AutoCAD commands and lecture topics as listed below. Week One – 1/25 Student CD (Introduction) Menu Structure 1 HELP 1 AutoCAD Drawing Editor 1 Dynamic Input 1&3 LINE (XLINE & RAY) 3 & 8 ZOOM 6 PAN 6 U 3 UNDO (U) 3 REDO 3 ERASE(delete) 3 ORTHO 3 Function Keys 1 RECTANGLE CIRCLE 4 ARC 4 POLYGON 4 ELLIPSE 4 RECTANGLE 4 NEW 2 QSAVE 2 SAVEAS 2 Model / Layout Tabs 28 Plotting Intro- 5, 28 & 29 Assignment: No. 1 Week Three – 2/8 Quiz No. 2 AutoTrack --POLAR Tracking 7 --OTRACK 7 TRACKING (TK) OSNAP OVERRIDES Text Style 9 TEXT 10 MTEXT 9 ATEXT FIELD 10 DIST 17 FILL 15 DONUT 4 Plotting – Adv. 5, 28 & 29 Assignments: No. 4-5 Week Four – 2/15 No Class- President’s Day Holiday Week Five – 2/22 Quiz No. 3 PLINE 15 PEDIT 15 BREAK 12 JOIN 12 LIST 17 ID 17 EXPLODE 15 UCS, Move 20 UCSICON SPLINE 16 SPLINEDIT 16 Problem Solving Assignments (PSA) COORDINATE ENTRY 3 Assignments: No. 6-7 Week Two – 2/1 Quiz No. 1 OPEN 2 Direct Distance Entry (DDE) 3 SNAP 2 GRID 2 MOVE 13 COPY 13 OSNAP 7 OFFSET 8 (reference lines) TRIM 12 EXTEND 12 REGEN 6 Rev: U, Zoom, Pan, Plotting Assignment: No. 2-3 03/08/16 Week Six – 3/1 FILLET 12 CHAMFER 12 2 Quiz No. 4 SCALE 12 STRETCH 12 LENGTHEN 12 ROTATE 13 (MoCoRo) (SKETCH) (SKPOLY) Assignment: No. 8 Directed Learning With Instructor Week Eleven –4/12 Quiz No. 9 &10 DIMENSION 18, 19 & 20 DimVars (Student CD) Dimension Style Dialog Box 18 Dimedit Commands 21 DDEDIT 10 Editing Dimensions using GRIPS QDIM 19 Annotative objects 31 Multileader 20 Plotting to scale 28 & 29 Line weights & plot style tables 5,28,29 Assignment: No. 18 – 23 Week Seven – 3/8 Quiz No. 5 Directed Learning With Instructor Drawings 1-7 Due by 6:45pm! Assignment: No. 9-10 Week Twelve – 4/19 Week Eight – 3/15 Quiz No. 6 COLOR 5 LINETYPE 5 LTSCALE (PSLTSCALE) 5 LINEWEIGHT 5 LAYER 5 PROPERTIES 14 Properties Tool Bar MATCHPROP 14 LIMITS 2 UNITS 2 Templates 2 Assignment No. 11 Drawings 13-17 Due by 6:45pm! Directed Learning With Instructor Week Thirteen – 4/26 Review Commands Directed Learning With Instructor Drawings 18-20 Due by 6:45pm! Week Fourteen – 5/3 Independent Practice With Instructor Review for Practical Final Exam Drawings 21-23 Due -- by 6:45pm! SPRING BREAK- NO CLASS 3/22 Week Nine – 3/29 Quiz No. 7 MIRROR 13 MIRRTEXT 13 ARRAY 13 Blocks 26 Object Selection 3 Multi-view Drawing Intro 8 Assignments: No. 12-17 Week Ten – 4/5 Week Fifteen – 5/10 Practical Final Exam- Drawing Final Class – 5/17 Course Evaluation Written Final Exam Return Work Quiz No. 8 Drawings 8-12 Due by 6:45pm! Multi-view Drawing Review 03/08/16 Quiz No. 11 3 REQUIREMENTS FOR HAND-IN ASSIGNMENTS & OTHER WORTH WHILE INFORMATION 1. Assignments. All assignments will be graded from hard copy. Be sure they are identified! After the Due Date for a drawing has passed, the drawing will be considered “dead” and will not be scored unless prior arrangements have been made. 2. Templates. You must use the "CADD" template drawing indicated for each assignment up through assignment No.10 after which you must create and use your own templates. 3. Quizzes. A quiz will be given at the beginning of each class. They will cover reading assigned for that day or previous reading assignments. In order to take the quiz, you will need to be in class and on time. Quizzes cannot be made up. (The Written Final Exam will include questions taken from these quizzes.) 4. Grading. Very few employers are interested in drawings that are not perfect and neither is the instructor, so.... assignments will be evaluated according to the following criterion: No Errors = Full point value. One Error = -10% Two Errors = -20% Three Errors = Revise and Resubmit. (R&R) Assignments may be resubmitted for a higher score if desired up until the deadline. 5. Grading for the course will be as follows: 70% - Assignment scores, 10% - Weekly quizzes, 20% - Final Exam (Practical & Written). 100-90%= A, 89-80% = B, 79-70% = C, 69-60% = D, 59% and below = W. 6. Always work on the hard disk or server account to save time and avoid a "disk full" situation on your flash drive. However, you must save your files to a flash drive or other removable device at the end of each drawing session as the hard drive directory may be cleared without prior notification. 7. Classes missed due to school closures will be covered by a double lecture the class meeting before or after the return to classes. 8. Attendance to lectures is required. If you miss more than three classes, you may be dropped from the course at the instructor’s discretion. Approximately 3 hours lab time per week in addition to class time will be required to complete assignments. If you must miss class, you are responsible to find out what was missed and arrange for any missed assignments. Canceled class hotline number is 445-3030 or 866-532-5118. 9. The college computer lab policy will be followed. 10. A collection of reference books and magazines is available in the Lab Library at the back of the lab. The college library also contains books on Computer Aided Drafting. Many web sites on the Internet are also available for further information. Students are encouraged to make use of these and other resources in their study of CAD. 11. Withdrawals: You may withdraw from the class per the WNC withdrawal policies. The instructor will not withdraw you from the class, so if you stop attending, be sure to withdraw. 03/08/16 4 Western Nevada College C.A.D. DRAFTING STANDARDS The following standards shall be adhered to when completing assignments for CAD classes 1. All work shall be of a professional quality. 2. Standard drafting conventions shall be observed. 3. All lettering shall use UPPER CASE RomanS font. (Except logo designs& gdt.shx for dimension styles) 4. Lettering height shall be applicable to location. e.g. dimensions shall be .12" high. 5. All figures assigned which are dimensioned, shall be drawn accurately at the dimensions indicated. 6. All dimensions not given shall be estimated by the drafter so as to make the drawing proportions as accurate as possible. 7. Circles with a diameter of 5/8” or larger & arcs with a radius of 5/8” or larger shall have the dimension line pass through the center point. 8. Leading zeros shall be suppressed on inch drawings, shown on metric drawings. 9. Unidirectional dimensioning shall be used on all machine/mechanical drawings. 10. Line weights - Colors: Thick – Magenta (color 6). Borders, title block outlines, cutting plane lines. Medium - Black/White (color 7). Object lines. Thin - Blue/ Red/ Cyan -Center, hidden, dimension and section lines, all text. Plot using "object colors". 11. When plotting in monochrome (black) the following line thicknesses shall be used: Thin - .3mm, Medium - .6mm, Thick - .7mm. 12. Plotting: - All plots shall use optimum area on drawing sheets. - All plots shall be either full size or to the scale indicated in the title block. 13. Title blocks on student designed templates shall contain the following information: - Logo of student's design. - Drawn By: - Drawing title: - Assignment No.: - Course No. and Section. - Date completed: - Scale: 03/08/16 5