SEMESTER 1 FINAL EXAM SCHEDULE Student Name: _______________________________ Teacher January 2015 Friday, January 23 Monday, January 26 Tuesday, January 27 Wednesday, January 28 Period 1 Exam Period 2 Exam Rm Period 3 Exam Period 4 Exam Rm CHC2P1-06 303 HSP3/UC1-01 303 TWJ3/4E1-01 105 TDJ3M1-01 152 AVI2O1-01 326 Rm Ms. Andic-Whealy Rm Ms. Barron ENG2P1-01 240 Mr. Bruce TMW3/4E1-01 104 Mr. Demers TDJ2O/4M1-01 151 TIJ1O1-02 152 Mr. Dhami ENG1D1-01 241 ENG3C1-01 241 ENG4U1-01 241 AVI4M1-01 326 AVI1O1-01 326 ENG2P1-02 312 CGC1D1-06 304 Mr. Duncker Mr. Dupont ENG1D1-02 312 Mr. Elzinga CGC1P1-06 304 Mr. Etienne MFM1P1-02 219 MPM2D1-01 219 MHF4U1-01 219 Mrs. Farquharson ADA3/4M1-01 218 ADA1O1-01 218 ADA2O1-01 218 Mr. Fenwick SNC2D1-01 341 SNC1D1-01 341 SNC2P1-02 341 Ms. Gamble MBF3C1-01 322 MCF3M1-01 220 BTT1O1-01 209 Mrs. Kennedy MFM1P1-01 220 MFM2P1-01 220 Mrs. Kovacevic MPM1D1-01 221 SPH3U/4C1-01 221 MCR3U1-01 221 Mr. Kwiatkowski GLC2OH-01 304 PAF3/4OF/M-01 CAF PPL1OM-01 CAF CHV2OH-02 322 CGC1D1-07 304 FSF1D/1P-02 220 CHC2D/P1-02 322 MPM2D1-02 323 Mr. Fife Mr. Lariccia Ms. Miller Mr. Moore CHC2D/P1-01 348 Mrs. Pavone ENG1P1-01 239 ENG3U1-01 239 Mr. Pavone FSF2D1-01 323 FSF1D/P1-01 323 Ms. Pay Mrs. Pendakis Mr. Robertson SCH3U1-01 HFN2O1-01 148 347 SCH4U1-01 347 Mrs. Sayliss CGC1P1-07 348 ENG2D1-02 239 HPC3O1-01 303 PAF2OM-01 CAF PPL1OF-02 CAF SNC2D1-02 347 AMI1O1-01 139 ENG4C1-01 240 AMG3/4O1-01 139 Mr. Searson SNC2P1-01 333 SNC1P1-01 333 Mr. Sirianni CHC2D1-06 240 ENG2D1-01 240 Mr. Stone Ms. Sweezey CHW3M/CHM4E1 348 SBI4U1-01 Mr. TenDen Mr. Vajda 333 PPL1OF-01 TTJ2O/4E1-01 BMI3C1-01 160 TIJ1O1-01 See reverse for Student Responsibilities CAF PPL3/4OM/4F 108 160 CAF TMJ2O/4E1-01 107 TTJ2O/4E1-02 108 TGJ2O/3/4M1-01 160 Student Exam Responsibilities - January 2015 1. You will be responsible for appearing at the proper time and place for your examinations and portfolio presentations. 2. You must be in the specified exam room 5 minutes before the exam is scheduled to begin. 3. All exams begin at 8:30 am. Grade 9 and 10 exams are 1 to 1 ½ hours long. Grade 11 and 12 exams are 1 ½ to 2 ½ hours long. ~ My Exam Schedule ~ Date & Time Friday, January 23 – 8:30 a.m. Monday, January 26 – 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, January 27 – 8:30 a.m. Wednesday, January 28 – 8:30 a.m. Course Room Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 4. In the event that an examination is missed: a) Due to illness - a medical certificate will be required b) Due to other reasons - unless prior approval by the Administration, an examination mark of ‘0’ will be assigned. Holidays, work, or sleeping in are not acceptable reasons for a missed exam. 5. Come to your exam with equipment to complete the exams. Bring more than one pencil and pen to ensure that your focus is on completion of the exam. 6. If a student is disruptive and is asked to leave, he/she will receive a mark of “0". 7. You must not be in the halls for any reason, while the exams are being written. 8. When possible, return all textbooks prior to your exam date directly to the Library. However, when textbooks are still needed you will return them directly to the teacher on your examination day. 9. Do not bring coats, hats, bags or anything that is not necessary for writing your exam. 10. When dismissed from the examination, you must leave the examination area promptly. Do not hang around the doors. If you are meeting friends after the exams, arrange a place to meet off site as they will be asked to leave if hanging around the examination area. 11. Regular bus schedules will continue through exam week. 12. Cafeteria services will not be available during exam week. 13. If school is cancelled due to bad weather, the timetable will be pushed back so exams will be written in the same order. e.g. If Friday is cancelled, then Friday’s exams would be written on Monday, and Monday’s exams written on Tuesday, etc. PLEASE NOTE: The Library will be open for quiet study during the exam period. OVER