List of Questions for the examination in Human Anatomy Faculty of Medicine, the Ist semester (Theory) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. I. General data Human anatomy as a science, its object of study. Importance of Human Anatomy for medical disciplines. Traditional and contemporary methods of examination used in Human Anatomy. Historical evolution of the Human Anatomy. Anatomy in ancient period and in the Middle Ages. The role of Renaissance in anatomy development. Leonardo da Vinci and bases of modern anatomy. Development of anatomy in the XVIII-XX centuries. History of Human Anatomy as a science in Moldova. The main stages of the development of the human body. Development and growth of the body during antenatal period of development (intrauterine period). Development and growth of the body during postnatal period of development (extrauterine period). General data concerning norm, variants of norm, abnormalities. Integrity of the human body. Human organism and external environment. Age and its periods. Growth periods of the human organism. Constitutional types, applied anatomy concerning typology in medicine. Habitus and stand. Referent elements (such as planes, axis, lines), used by Human Anatomy and practical medicine. The language of Anatomy. II. General and special osteology Bone as an organ, its structure. Structure of the periosteum. The bone functions. Classification of bones according to: their shape, topography, structure, development. Development of bones. Abnormalities of the bony system. Structural characteristic features of the skeleton of the upper and lower limbs, applied anatomy. Structural characteristic features of the bones of the skull (resistance pillars of the vault and of the base of the skull). Influence of the external environmental factors on development and postnatal changes of bones. General data concerning vertebral column. General structure of a vertebra, anatomical position. Vertebral abnormalities. Regional and individual characteristic features of the vertebrae: cervical, thoracic, lumbar. The sacrum and coccyx anatomical position, structure, functions, sex differences, abnormalities. The breastbone (sternum) and the ribs, anatomical position, structure, abnormalities. Anatomical structures that can be palpated on alive person and applied anatomy. Bones of the shoulder girdle – anatomical position, structure, functions. Referent points on a living person. Abnormalities of development. Description of X-rays image of flat bones. The humerus – external shape, anatomical position, functions. Referent points that can be palpated on a living person. Bones of the forearm - anatomical position, structure, functions. Referent points that can be palpated on a living person. Bones of the hand – classification, topography, structure, functions. Referent points on alive person. The hip bone - external shape, anatomical position, functions. Referent points that can be palpated on a living person and applied anatomy. The femur - anatomical position, structure, functions. Referent points on a living person. X-rays anatomy of tubular bones. Bones of the leg - anatomical position, structure, functions. Referent points that can be palpated on a living person. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. Bones of the foot – topography, structure, functions. Referent points on a living person. The skull - components and compartments, functional role. Referent points that can be palpated on a living person. The frontal bone – location, anatomical position, parts, structure, functional role. The sphenoid bone – location, anatomical position, parts, orifices, structure, functional role. The occipital bone – location, anatomical position, parts, structure, functional role. Referent points that can be palpated on a living person. The parietal bone – location, anatomical position, structure, functional role. The ethmoid bone – location, anatomical position, parts, structure, functional role. Applied anatomy of the ethmoidal cells. The temporal bone – location, anatomical position, parts, functional role. Referent points that can be palpated on a living person. Applied anatomy. The pyramid of the temporal bone: surfaces, margins, structure, functional role. Canals and cavities of the temporal bone, topography and content. The maxilla – location, anatomical position, parts, structure, functional role. Topographical relations of the dental sockets with the maxillary sinus. The hard palate – topography and structure. The palatine bone - anatomical position, parts, structure, functional role. The small bones of the facial skull – topography, structure, functional role. The mandible – location, anatomical position, parts, structure, functional role. Referent points that can be palpated on alive person. Topography of the vault of the skull. The boundary line that separates the vault of the skull from its base. Clinical and anthropometrical aspects concerning the vault of the skull. Topography of the exobase of the skull. Functional role of the orifices and canals located at the level of the exobase of the skull. Clinical aspects of these anatomical structures. Topography of the endobase. Functional role of the orifices and canals located at the level of the endobase of the skull. Clinical aspects of these anatomical structures. The orbit, position, walls, compartments, connections. The nasal cavity – position, walls, compartments, connections. Clinical significance of anatomical knowledge concerning nasal cavity. The paranasal sinuses, position, structure, connections. Relationship between paranasal sinuses and neighbouring anatomical structures, their clinical significance. The temporal, infratemporal and pterygopalatine fossae – topography, walls, connections, functional role. Individual specific features of the skull concerning its shape and dimensions. Sex and age peculiarities of the skull. Postnatal changes of the skull. III. General and special arthrosyndesmology Arthrosyndesmology – general data, classification. Synarthroses – general characteristics, types of synarthroses, examples. Diarthroses - general characterization, main and auxiliary elements of joints, examples. Uniaxial, biaxial and multiaxial joints, variants, examples. Biomechanics of joints. Factors that influence joints mobility. Congruence of the articular surfaces. Factors that diminish the incongruence of the articular surfaces. Joints of the bones of the skull. The temporomandibular joint, structure, muscles that influence the joint, movements. The atlanto-occipital and atlanto-axial joints - structure, classification, muscles that influence the joints, movements. Joints between the vertebrae - structure, classification, muscles that influence the joint, movements. The vertebral column as a whole. Movements of the vertebral column and muscles that influence them. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. Joints of the ribs with the sternum and with the vertebrae - structure, muscles that influence the joints, movements. Thoracic cage as a whole, shapes of the thorax, excursions of the thorax and muscles that influence the movements. Joints of the shoulder girdle bones – structure, movements and muscles that influence the joints. The shoulder joint - structure, movements muscles that influence the joint. The elbow joint - structure, movements muscles that influence the joint. Joints between the bones of the forearm - structure, movements, muscles that influence the joints. The radiocarpal (wrist) joint - structure, movements, muscles that influence the joint. Joints between the bones of the hand - classification, movements muscles that influence the joint. The hard foundation of the hand. Joints of the pelvic girdle, structure, movements. Proper syndesmoses of the pelvis. Pelvis as a whole – walls, compartments, apertures, orifices. Sex differences of the pelvis. Dimensions of the female pelvis, applied anatomy and clinical significance. Axis and inclination of the pelvis. The hip joint - structure, movements muscles that action the joint. X-rays image of the hip joint. The knee joint - structure, muscles which move it. Joints between the bones of the leg, their structure. The talocrural (ankle) joint - structure, movements muscles that influence the joint. Joints between the bones of the foot - structure, movements, muscles that action the joints. The foot as a whole. The arches of the foot. The hard foundation of the foot. Active and passive structures that maintain the arches of the foot. Clinical aspects. General and special myology Muscle as an organ. General data concerning the structure of muscles. Classification of muscles dependent on: shape, topography, structure, origin, functions, development. Auxiliary structures of muscles. Structural peculiarities of the fasciae. The role of the fasciae in muscle activity. Levers of muscles and the work of muscles. Muscular crossings and muscular chains. Structural similitude and differences between the muscles of the upper and lower limbs. The impact of function under the structure of bones, joints and muscles. Static and dynamic elements of the human body. The amortization role of some anatomical structures in the locomotor apparatus. The superficial muscles of the back - structure, topography, functions. Referent points of the muscles of the back. Deep muscles of the back - structure, topography, functions. The weak places of the posterior wall of the back. Clinical significance. Muscles of the thorax - classification, structure, topography, functions. The main and auxiliary muscles of respiration (breath). The diaphragm - structure, topography, functions. Developmental abnormalities. The weak places of the diaphragm, clinical significance. Muscles and fasciae of the abdomen - classification, structure, topography, functions. Muscular referent points of the abdomen. The weak places of the anterior abdominal wall. The linea alba and the sheath of the rectus abdominis muscle - structure, topography, clinical significance. The inguinal canal – walls, orifices, content, trajectory, clinical significance. The superficial muscles of the neck and muscles of the hyoid bone - structure, topography, functions. The deep muscles of the neck - structure, topography, functions. The fasciae of the neck (regions, triangles, spaces). The interfascial spaces of the neck. Clinical significance of the spaces of the neck. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. Muscles of the head - classification. Muscles of facial expression – structural characteristic features, functions. The gesture. Muscles of mastication - structure, topography, functions. The fasciae of the head - structure, topography, the interfascial spaces of the head. Muscles of the shoulder girdle - structure, topography, functions. Muscles of the arm - structure, topography, functions. Anterior group of muscles of the forearm - structure, topography, functions. Posterior group of muscles of the forearm - structure, topography, functions. Muscles of the hand - structure, topography, functions. The palmar aponeurosis. Topography of the axillary region (the axillary fossa, axillary cavity – walls, orifices, triangles, content). Topography of the arm and of the cubital region. Topography of the forearm and of the hand. Osteofibrous canals and tendon sheaths of the hand. Muscles of the hip region - structure, topography, functions. Muscles of the thigh - classification, structure, topography, functions. Muscles of the leg - classification, structure, topography, functions. Muscles of the foot - classification, structure, topography, functions. The fasciae of the lower limb - structure, topography, derivatives. The osteofibrous canals and synovial sheaths of the foot. Topographical structures of the hip region – orifices, canals, lacunae – their walls and content. The femoral ring, femoral canal and saphenous opening or fossa ovalis. Topography of the thigh and of the popliteal fossa – grooves, canals, orifices and their content. Topography of the leg and foot – canals, grooves, content. Muscular referent points of the upper and lower limbs. Dynamics of the upper and lower limbs. Organization and specific features of walking. Age characteristic features of walking. Applied anatomy concerning structure, topography and functions of muscles.