Program(s) represented in this Group? STEM BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY

Program(s) represented in this Group?
South Central College
Faculty In-Service February 24, 2012
Discussion Questions
Topic 1: Signature Learning Experiences
1. Is our department/program already known for certain teaching strengths? What are some
examples? Could students identify them if asked?
Biology – N. Kato lab, work with tutoring center to provide new materials over challenging concepts.
Studying abroad. STEM study area. Activities require student collaboration and variety of innovative
labs providing hands on experiences. Articulation agreement with MSU-M. Offer educational tools
for immigrant population
Chemistry - New laboratory space, instructor acquired 2 grants for equipment and space. Vernier
interface with sensors providing data collection and graphic representation for interpretation also
activities requiring student collaboration and variety of innovative labs providing hands on
Math – Excellent tutoring services and faculty are always present for students. A faculty member with
a PhD that presented a paper at the American Mathematical Society. Offer a variety of math courses
that allows for additional majors to be offered at SCC.
Physics – Tutoring, use of technology through the use of computer simulations, Vernier interface with
sensors providing data collection and graphic representation for interpretation also activities requiring
student collaboration and variety of innovative labs providing hands on experiences.
Engineering – Fabrication laboratory. Learning communities. Articulation agreement with MSU-M
2. What would it mean for our department/program to be known for its “signature learning
experiences?” How might project-based, active, or problem-based learning be used more
widely in the department/program? What forms of learning that actively engage students are
most appropriate to our discipline?
Utilize the River Bend Nature Center for labs in Biology. Math should be known for
mathematical thinking. Learning communities. Collaborate with industry or business. Need
students proficient in the scientific methodologies. Need students who can think critically and
can creatively solve problems independently and collaboratively. Use of project based labs
(research based). Sciences are no longer just service courses for other programs, but are
standalone programs as well.
3. What steps should our department take to increase student engagement with learning,
improve pedagogy, and increase the efficacy of our faculty? What can we do with existing
resources? What additional resources (whether technological, financial, or other) would be
optimal? What are some ways in which we could work with other programs, departments or
institutions to be more effective?
All math faculty should be under one division. Each department should have a chair person to
represent the department and work on the behalf of the faculty. Collaboration between
departments that share stuff. Ensure faculty have the technology resources that are needed
for their courses. More white boards around campus. I-pad based technology. Students
need to have access to technology. Faculty should be encouraged to review select and
implement new and innovative pedagogies, examples such as undergraduate research
modeling method of instruction and flipped instruction. Need to have multi-institutional
meetings allowing interaction between faculty of similar disciplines during workshop inservice days.
Topic 2: Learning Outcomes
1. What capabilities and competencies do we expect students to have when they graduate
from our department/program?
Read, write and play nice. Collaborate, globalization, be skilled in grade school math (the
ability to estimate and read graphs and do fractions), effective communication both written
and oral, confidence, abilities to enter the job market. To be able to think critically and model
real life scenarios in a way they understand and can explain. Science literacy (to be able to
differentiate between junk science and true science). Demonstrate professionalism. Ability
to adapt to new work environments. Ability to show up to work on time. Ability to take
2. What data do we already have about learning outcomes, and how are we using them? Are
there ways in which we could review outcomes data to improve learning?
Collect all final exam scores for math readiness. General education assessment data was used
to determine biology program requirements i.e. public speaking. Accuplacer scores to see if
the students are prepared for the course.
3. What improvements should we make in our learning outcomes data or assessment practices
to better assess what students learn in our department/program?
Collect all and use all final exam scores for math readiness. Have better accuplacer exams
driven by faculty input. Implement a science placement exam. Keeping track of alumni’s
progress. Tailored general courses specific for profession (i.e. math 0085 with mechatronic
examples and text). Faculty training on proper ways to write or revise CCO’s so they can base
their assessment on that CCO. Appropriate pre-reqs. Cannot base success of program on
graduation rates. Additional markers such as job placement should be included. Distinguish
between degree seeking and non-degree seeking students when measuring program success.
Realize that many students go part time for their degree and take longer to graduate.
Topic 3: Curricular and Course Collaboration
1. Are there ways in which new collaborations could make our courses better and our work
more productive and enjoyable?
We need a greater connection between math readiness and college level math. Use project
based learning in engineering with other disciplines to provide broad-spectrum learning. This
also provides students a chance to interact with other students providing networking. Have
people working in the field to present in the class. This allows student to see how people really
use the course.
2. How can we increase collaboration within the department, across the college or university,
or across the system to create and share the courses and materials?
Combine the engineering students with MSU-M to create a single project. Make better use of
workshop days, let the faculty decide what will happen during workshop days. Create an
honors course that combines math, chemistry, and physics (learning community). Work with
MSU-M to develop shared biotechnology courses. Create a committee called interdisciplinary
faculty that reviews CCOs and decides what materials should be shared between
departments. e.g. the committee finds what math is needed in physics, bio, chem, etc., then
math department puts it in its CCOs. Increase number of full time instructors and decrease
turnover rate. Use common lab curriculum within the same course taught by different
instructors. Have multi-college discipline meetings to collaborate with other instructors.
3. How might we redesign our e-education strategy to reduce the costs of course development
and develop better courses?
Hire a dedicated curriculum specialist to help faculty develop their online delivery. No online
classes until its time (course is truly ready).
Topic 4: Next Steps
1. What specific goals can we achieve in 2012-13? Which projects do we wish to focus on?
We need to increase the graduation rate, and increase the retention rate, increase the
production of well-educated students, increase the number of students getting jobs.
Begin Engineering and Biology.
Better room scheduling.
Develop lab safety protocol
Develop the fabrication laboratory
Create a student space to study
Dean Nordblom’s new initiatives in the math department
2. What do we need in order to accomplish these goals?
Limit the number of advisees assigned to advisors. Expand the academic support center.
Increase number of job fairs. Assist students to create a portfolio for employment.
Need dedicated lab space for the fabrication laboratory/physics. Department cannot achieve
the goals when they have to be the marketing person for their program. Develop course curriculum
for biology and engineering.
Room assignments need to be completed by a person – not a computer.
Need an expert (other than Al) to come in yearly to provide hazardous material training to
Engineering has acquired a $50,000 grant for equipment through MNCEME, still need to have
additional funding to purchase the required MIT equipment.
Small dedicated rooms for studying
Support Dean Nordblom’s initiatives in mathematics.