“Campus Parking – Communication Ideas”

“Campus Parking – Communication Ideas”
Prepared for: Mr. Gary Crouch
Managing Director for University Parking Services
Prepared by: Nicole Heinlein, Texas Tech Student
Brandi Estrada, Texas Tech Student
Jenee Boyd, Texas Tech Student
April 18, 2007
“Campus Parking – Communication Ideas”
Prepared By: Nicole Heinlein, Texas Tech Student
Brandi Estrada, Texas Tech Student
Jenee Boyd, Texas Tech Student
University Parking Services is the department at Texas Tech that enforces
parking, as well as dictates parking rules and regulations. Over the past decade
University Parking Services has become the center of turmoil, agony, and
confusion. The current parking situation on campus has become more chaotic as
more students commute to school. The number of commuters is large and due to
limited parking, students must compete for parking permits and parking spaces.
Due to the mass amount of students wishing to park on campus, University
Parking Services has tried to implement rules to accommodate all students, but
the effort has failed. Students are often confused about the parking rules and
regulations. The confusion arises from inconsistent parking policies across
campus. The addition of the construction associated with the Marsha Sharp
Freeway adds to the confusion. Due to the construction, certain parking lots have
revised their rules to fit the needs of the construction site.
University Parking Services needs to improve their communication with Texas
Tech students. By improving communication students would be informed of any
and all changes in the parking policies. Students would also be familiar with the
current parking policies around campus, which are inconsistent from lot to lot. If
University Parking Services communicated better with the Texas Tech
population, students would not be confused about parking. More communication
equals less confusion.
Keywords: confusion, communication, parking, policies, students
Cover Letter …………………………………………………………………………… i
Title Page …………………………………………………………………………..….. ii
Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………..… iii
Overview ……………………………………………………………………...……….. 1
1. Description of Problem …………………………………………………. 1
2. Foreshadow Solutions ………………………………………………….. 1
Summary …………………………………………………………………..……… 1 – 2
1. In Depth Explanation of Problem ……………………………….…….. 2
2. Intended Audience ………………………………………...………..…… 2
Background …………………………………………………………..………….. 2 – 5
Solution …………………………………………………………………………... 5 – 7
1. Tech Announce ……………………………………………………….….. 6
2. Campus Wide E-Mail ……………………………………………………. 6
3. Article in the Daily Toreador ……………………………………,,,,….. 6
4. More Parking Signs ……………………………………………...… 6 – 7
5. Consistent Parking Policies …………………………………………… 7
Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………. 7 – 9
References ……………………………………………………………………………. 10
Collage of Current Parking Signs ………………………………………………. 11
Proposed Daily Toreador Article ……………………………………………….. 12
Current Campus Parking Map …………………………………………………… 13
Proposed Campus Parking Map ………………………………………………… 14
Example Tech Announce/Campus E-Mail …………………………………….. 15
OVERVIEW – The Proposal Idea
Prospective Texas Tech students take campus tours during their summer
orientation. The campus tour consists of various informative speeches about
different educational facilities on campus and areas students frequent, such as
the Student Union Building. The campus tour also informs prospective students
that Texas Tech is a closed campus. The tour guide explains the positive aspects
of a closed campus and also discusses the alternative parking solutions that are
available to Texas Tech students. The one thing that is not discussed in the tour
is the location of the University Parking Services offices, since the building
cannot be seen from the focal points on the campus tour. Due to this, students
must learn the location of the University Parking Services office and how to
access their webpage on their own.
Our group will address three issues that contribute to parking problems on the
Texas Tech campus. First, inconsistent parking policies make parking on
campus confusing and difficult. For example, one parking lot allows “open”
(anyone) parking after 5:30 pm while the parking lot next to it allows “open”
parking after 8:30pm. Second, University Parking Services needs to improve
their methods of communication with the faculty and students at Texas Tech.
University Parking Services needs to update their website since it has not been
updated since November 2006 and they (University Parking Services) need to
make their website more user-friendly and eye-catching. The current site
contains lengthy explanations of the parking rules. The current site also contains
links, such as live support, that many students are unaware of. (University
Parking Services, 2006) Improving communication through the website would
decrease confusion and citations.
SUMMARY – The Problem, the Solution, & the Audience
University Parking Services has a reputation for changing rules and regulations
without informing faculty, staff and students. University Parking Services also has
a reputation for being corrupt after the scandal concerning parking violations and
the repeal process was made public last semester (Fall 2006). A closed campus
policy enforced by University Parking Services is aimed to keep students safe.
Students can walk to class and not worry about crossing the street, nor do they
have to wait for cars to pass in order to cross the street safely. The closed
campus policy is in effect from 7:30am to 5:30pm on weekdays. Only vehicles
with a special parking permit may drive or park on campus during that time.
Some faculty members are able to obtain these special permits and students
who work in certain offices on campus are able to obtain these permits. Students
who reside in the dormitories can park in the parking lot that correlates to their
dormitory, but they too are forbidden from driving on campus during the hours of
7:30am to 5:30pm daily. (University Parking Services, 2006)
Students who commute to school are allowed to park on the outskirts of campus.
In order for a student to be able to park in a commuter lot they must purchase a
parking permit and display the permit properly in their windshield. This year
parking permits went on sale April 16, 2007. Students can choose from
Commuter North (by the football stadium), Commuter West (by the REC and
USA arena), or Satellite parking (located past UMC). Students are not allowed to
purchase a parking permit for the parking garage because University Parking
Services decided to carry over the wait-list from last year. This decision was a
surprise to many students since they were told the list would not carry over,
therefore they did not add their name to the wait-list ahead of time.
Due to the confusion associated with parking our group will present Mr. Gary
Crouch, the managing director for University Parking Services, with our proposal.
Our group will present this information to Mr. Crouch, as well as add possible
solutions to correct the problems.
BACKGROUND – The Problem
University Parking Services controls the parking lots on campus, as well as
regulates the rules that the faculty, staff, and students of Texas Tech must follow.
The current parking rules are very diverse in nature. Each parking lot and parking
permit has a different set of rules and regulations. Some parking lots on campus
have different rules depending on the parking permit you have. The REC allows
permit holders to park in their two hour parking spaces, but only permit holders
are allowed to park there. Students who do not have a Texas Tech parking
permit are allowed to park in the REC two hour parking after 5:30pm. We are
proposing that this rule be changed. Any student, regardless of a parking permit
should be permitted to park in the REC two hour parking spaces. The REC offers
various Personal Fitness Classes and students who do not have a parking permit
are less likely to enroll in these classes since they are not allowed to park near
the REC.
The construction of the Marsha Sharp Freeway adds more confusion to parking.
University Parking Services recommends “allowing 20 to 25 minutes to get to
class after arriving at school.” (University Parking Services, 2006) This tip can be
viewed at their webpage, but is not accessible to students in any other format.
This recommendation given by University Parking Services is aimed at students
who park in Commuter North, Commuter West, in the REC two-hour parking, in
certain pay-lots on campus, and at nearby apartment complexes that are on the
bus route. This recommendation is not for Satellite commuters. Satellite
commuters should arrive to school 30 to 35 minutes before their class is
scheduled to begin. Not only has the construction associated with the Marsha
Sharp Freeway caused confusion due to delay’s, the construction has caused
University Parking Services to change the rules for certain parking lots. Most
students are unaware of the changes until they arrive on campus. If University
Parking Services used more efficient methods of communication, not just their
website, student confusion would lessen.
Texas Tech University also has various dormitory parking lots. Students who live
in the dorms are guaranteed a parking space. Students first must purchase a
parking permit in the correlation parking lot, but if the parking lot becomes full
students who live on campus have first choice at the parking garage. In the past,
commuter permit holders were allowed to park in the dormitory parking lots after
5:30pm. This year University Parking Services changed the rule. Only students
with a dormitory parking permit are allowed to park in the designated parking
spaces. Other permit holders are allowed to park in those spaces after 5:30pm
Friday, but must move their vehicle before 7:30am Monday morning. (University
Parking Services, 2006) The dorm parking lots are now closed to permit holds
during the duration of the week. This change causes two problems. First,
commuter students and students from other dorm complexes are no longer able
to eat at certain places on campus because they are unable to park. Second,
students who are involved in a group project are unable to meet on campus and
utilize the study areas each dormitory has set up due to lack of parking. As part
of our proposal to make all parking policies the same, we are suggesting the
dormitory rule be changed as well. Our group would like to see the dorm parking
lot open to all permit holds after 5:30pm daily.
The inconsistent parking policies across the Texas Tech campus cause
confusion for many students and often lead to unnecessary tickets. As we have
mentioned the REC parking lot offers two hours of free parking to students with
any Texas Tech parking permit. The REC parking lot connected to the Commuter
West parking lot. Due to the lack of parking signs in the REC/Commuter West
parking lot, students often park in the wrong area resulting in a parking citation.
The lack of parking signs causes confusion because any student with a permit
can park in Commuter West after 3:00pm, but the REC two-hour parking limit
does not end until 5:30pm. The parking lots in front of the Student Union Building
and the library also have inconsistent parking policies. Both parking lots open to
all students with a parking permit at 5:30pm. Students who do not have a parking
permit must wait until 8:00pm to park in these parking lots. The Library and the
Student Union Parking lots do have signs stating this, but the wording of the
signs are very confusing and due to the inconsistent policies students are
unaware of where they can and cannot park.
The problem is simple. Confusion arises from lack of communication. Students
are uninformed about parking policies. All parking lots currently host different
rules and with the addition of construction on campus for the Marsha Sharp
Freeway the rules change more frequently. In the pages following this report our
group has added examples of confusing parking signs, as well as examples to
the solutions we propose.
SOLUTION – Five Methods to Increase Communication
Texas Tech is home to 3,992 freshmen and 17,564 sophomores, juniors, and
seniors. (Fact Book, 2006) Students who reside in the dormitories are
guaranteed a parking space in their designated parking lots or the parking
garage. Students who do not live on campus are required to buy a parking permit
for a commuter lot if they wish to park on campus. This year parking permits went
on sale April 16, 2007. Most students were unaware of this due to the lack of
communication between University Parking Services and students. Parking is on
a first come first serve basis for Commuter North and Commuter West. This year
students will not be able to purchase a parking permit for the Parking Garage
because the wait list is being carried over from years past. At the present time
the wait list contains 1051 students and each day the number grows. (University
Parking Services, 2006) If a student who commutes to campus procrastinates
and does not buy a parking permit until August, he or she is likely to be left with
Satellite Parking. Even though parking is on a first come first serve basis
students who reside in the dormitories can purchase a parking permit at anytime,
even on the first day of classes, and still be guaranteed a parking space in either
their correlating parking lot or the parking garage.
Our group is not going to discuss the fairness of parking, but we did want to
make a point about the injustices within the parking services at Texas Tech. Our
group feels this information will help persuade Mr. Crouch to make parking
policies consistent on campus. By making parking policies consistent University
Parking Services will strengthen the weak relationship they have with the Texas
Tech community. Our group acknowledges that Texas Tech students are lucky to
be able to park relatively close to campus and those students are lucky to be
able to purchase a permit for under $200. The problem with parking is not the
lack of parking, but the conflicting policies and the lack of accessibility University
Parking Services gives to students.
Now, we will discuss five methods we came up with to elimination confusion
associated with parking. Our group will now discuss five ways that
communication could be improved between the University Parking Services and
Texas Tech students.
First, a Tech Announce message should be posted. The message should include
information about how to access the University Parking Services website and/or
contact the office in person. The message should also include links to parking
maps and the rules and regulations page on the University Parking Services
Second, the University Parking Services should send a campus-wide email that
includes the information from the Tech Announce message. This email should be
sent four to five weeks after the Tech Announce message as a reminder to
students and as way to reinforce the previous message.
Third, University Parking Services should make the parking signs located in each
parking lot more visible and eye catching. Each parking lot should have more
signs so that drivers can see them when they turn into an aisle to find a parking
space. The parking signs should be consistent throughout the parking lot and the
signs should be made in bright colors that can be seen from afar.
Fourth, maps should be printed in The Daily Toreador along with information
regarding the rules and regulations for parking on campus. This article should be
in The Daily Toreador everyday for the first few weeks of school. This will provide
students and staff with a hard copy of the parking information, as well as a hard
copy of a campus parking map.
Fifth, University Parking Services should implement consistent parking policies
for all parking lots. All parking lots should open at 5:30pm to the general
population of Texas Tech University. Pay-lots should close at 5:30pm and
students should be allowed to utilize the parking for free until 7:30am the
following morning. All commuter lots should open to non permit holders at
5:30pm. The current rule of being allowed to parking at different commuter
parking lots at 3:00pm should be eliminated. Most students purchase a parking
permit for the commuter lot that is most convenient to their classes. Parking the
Student Union and Library parking lots should open to all students at 5:30pm.
University Parking Services should change the dormitory rule back allowing
students to parking the correlating dorm parking lots after 5:30pm. The parking
policies should be anyone, regardless of a parking permit, can park anywhere on
campus after 5:30pm.
Enclosed in this report you will find examples for the proposed Tech Announce,
campus wide e-mail, and article in The Daily Toreador. You will also find
examples of inconsistent parking signs found on campus. We hope these
solutions are realistic goals. The solutions we proposed are low-cost and loweffort. By using Tech Announce, campus wide e-mail, and The Daily Toreador
each and every student on campus is more likely to be reached. By adding more
parking signs to each parking lot students will know where and when they can
park, which will reduce the amount of confusion. By keeping all the parking
policies the same students will know exactly what time each and every parking
lot opens to the public.
CONCLUSION – Summary of Report
The Texas Tech population, both students and faculty, take advantage of the
unique parking opportunities Texas Tech offers. Texas Tech offers students with
various parking options. Texas Tech currently has two commuter parking lots,
Commuter North and Commuter West. To purchase a year long parking permit in
one of those lots a student must pay $160. To purchase an academic year
parking permit a student must pay $102. (University Parking Services, 2006)
Compared to other Universities Texas Tech offers affordable parking and is able
to accommodate the majority of student commuters.
The problem arises when students begin to park on campus. Each parking lot
has its own policy, which is not always consistent with the parking lot next to it or
even the parking space next to it. Students become confused because certain
parking lots open to non-permit holders at 3:00pm, while others open to students
at 5:30pm. The library and Student Union Parking lots open to Texas Tech
students who have a current parking permit at 5:30pm, but students who do not
have a current parking permit must wait until 8:00pm to park in the lot. The
dormitory parking lots are available to permit holders only. Non permit holders
are allowed to park in the dorm parking lots between the hours of 5:30pm Friday
evening to 7:30am Monday morning. This policy was implemented this year and
many students were unaware of the change.
In order to eliminate confusion University Parking Services should make an effort
to reach every student. University Parking Services should send out more Tech
Announce messages updating students on current parking polices. University
Parking Services should also send out campus wide e-mails so that students
who do not check Tech Announce can keep up to date with current parking
polices. Students would also benefit from a hard copy of a campus parking map.
If University Parking Services took an add out in The Daily Toreador each
student would be equipped with a hard copy of the parking policies on campus,
as well as a map illustrating the parking policies.
To eliminate confusion, all parking lots should host universal policies. All parking
lots should open at the same time, either 3:00pm or 5:30pm, regardless of their
location. The University Parking Services should also have more signs posted in
each parking lot so that drivers can be aware of the policies and know where
they can and cannot park. If there was more communication between students
and University Parking Services confusion would be eliminated.
Texas Tech University. “Fact Book.” Viewed: (26 March 2007). Updated:
(1 Nov 2006). http://www.irs.ttu.edu/NEWFACTBOOK/2006
Texas Tech University. “University Parking Services.” Viewed: (25 March 2007).
Updated (9 August 2006). http://www.depts.ttu.edu/parking/mainpage.php