Bone Markings Capitulum: small, round, articular head ie. The capitulum of the humerus Condyle: rounded, knuckle-like articular area, usually occurring in pairs ie. The lateral femoral condyle Crest: ride of bone ie. Iliac crest Epicondyle: eminence superior to a condyle ie. The lateral epicondyle of the humerus Facet: smooth flat area, usually covered with carilage, here abone articulates with another bone ie. The superior costal facet on the body of a vertebra for articulation with a rib Foamen: passage through a bone ie. The obturator foramen Fossa: hollow or depressed area ie. The infraspinous fossa of the scapula Groove: elongated depression or furrow ie. The radial groove of the humerus Head: large, round articular end ie. The head of the humerus Line: linear elevation ie. The soleal line of the tibia Malleolus: rounded process ie. The lateral malleolus of the fibula Notch: indentation at the edge of a bone ie. The greated sciatic notch Protuberance: projection of bone ie. The external occipital protuberance Spine: thorn-like process ie. The spine of the scapula Spinous process: projecting spine-like part ie. The spinous process of a vertebra Trochanter: large blunt elevation ie. The greater trochanter of the femur Trochlea: spool like articular process or process that acts as a pully ie. Trochlea of the humerus Tubercle: small raised eminence ie. The grater tubercle of the humerus Tuberosity: large rounded elevation ie. The ischial tuberosity