Anatomy and Physiology I Instructor M. Holman MARKING Bone Surface Markings DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE Depressions and Openings: sites allowing passage of soft tissue (nerves, blood vessels, ligaments, tendons) or formation of joints Fissure Narrow slit or groove between adjacent parts Superior orbital fissure of of bone through which blood vessels, nerves the sphenoid bone or ligaments pass Foramen Opening (hole) through which blood vessels, Foramen magnum nerves or ligaments pass Fossa Shallow depression Coranoid fossa of humerus Sulcus Furrow or groove along a bone surface that Intertubercular sulcus of the accommodates a blood vessel, nerve or humerus tendon Meatus Tube-like opening (passageway) Ext. auditory meatus of temporal bone Processes: Projections or outgrowths on bone that form joints or are attachment points for connective tissue such as ligaments and tendons. Processes that form joints Condyle Large, round protuberance at the end of a bone Facet Smooth, flat articular surface Head Rounded articular projection supported on the neck (constricted portion) of a bone Processes that form attachment points for connective tissue Crest Prominent ridge or elongated projection Epicondyle Projection above a condyle Linea or line Spinous process Long narrow ridge or border (less prominent than a crest) Sharp, slender projection Styloid Slender pointed process Trochanter Very large projection Tubercle Small rounded knob-like projection Tuberosity Large, rounded usually roughened projection Suture Sinus Fontanel fovea Misc Terms An immovable fibrous joint between skull bones A cavity or space within a bone A membrane covered spot where bone formation is not yet complete Tiny pit or depression Lateral condyle of the femur Superior facet of a vertebra Head of the femur Iliac crest of the hip bone Medial epicondyle of the femur Linea aspera of the femur Spinous process of a vertebra Styloid process of temporal bone, radius & ulna Greater trochanter of the femur Greater tubercle of the humerus Ischial tuberosity of the hip bone 11/11