MS Word - Mid-Cities Stamp Club

The library of the Mid-Cities Stamp Club is housed in the club’s cabinets in the Art Room at the Bob Duncan
Community Center in Arlington, Texas.
To borrow a volume: (1) remove the “title” card and “date due” card from the pocket in the front of the desired
book; (2) in the space provided on the “title” card, write your name and the date the book will be due [next
meeting date] and place the card in the metal box; (3) finally, write the date due [next meeting date] on the “date
due” card and reinsert the card in the book’s front pocket.
Books may be checked out either at Arlington or Irving meetings, but books must be brought by the librarian
to the latter. To borrow a book at an Irving meeting, make a request for the desired volume(s) at least two weeks
in advance of the meeting date by calling librarian Bill Bradshaw at (817) 457-1947.
Volumes may be checked out between meetings, a period of approximately one month. For each period or portion
thereof books are kept beyond the due date, the fine will be $5.00 for each current Scott catalogue and $1.00 for
any other books. If a book is not turned at the conclusion of the second period after the due date, the borrower will
be liable for the entire cost of the volume.
Airmail Antics
Album Weeds - How to Detect Forged Stamps
Basic Philately
British Area Philatelic Literature List
Classic United States Imperfs
Confederate Handstamp Paids
Counterfeit Kansas-Nebraska Overprints
Essentials of Stamp Collecting
Forensic Philately
Fun and Profit in Stamp Collecting
Index to The American Philatelist 1887-1986
Illustrated Encyclopedia of Stamp Collecting
Introduction to the Stamps of Mexico
Introduction to Stamp Collecting, An
Linn’s World Stamp Almanac
Manual of Philatelic Judging, 3rd Edition
Fred Boughner
Rev. R.B. Earee
Kenneth A. Wood
Peter Elias
Jon Rose
Morris Everett
Robert H. Shoen & James T. DeVoss
author unknown
Herman Herst Jr.
Herman Herst, Jr.
Otto Hornung
Dale Pulver
Steven J. Rod
Compiled by Linn’s Stamp News staff
James A. MacKay
William H. Bower, chairman
Medicine and Stamps
Modern World, The
New Philatelic Exhibitors’ Handbook
Pitcairn Island: An Exhibit by Donald Siler
Planty’s Photo Encyclopedia of Cacheted FDCs Volume 1 (1923-28)
Planty’s Photo Encyclopedia of Cacheted FDCs Volume 2 (1928-29)
Planty’s Photo Encyclopedia of Cacheted FDCs Volume 4 (1934-35)
Philatelic Exhibitors’ Handbook
Philatelic Forgers
Rare Stamps
Stamps and Stamp Collecting
Stamp Club Handbook
Stamp Collecting: Modern History in the Mail
Stamp Collecting for Fun
Stamp Collectors Handbook
Stamps that Glow
Tales by Mail Book 1
This is Philately (three volumes)
R.A. Kyle, M.D. & M.A. Shampo, Phd.
Kenneth A. Wood
Randy L. Neil
Donald Siler
Dr. Earl Planty & Michael Malone
Amos Press, Inc. (1988)
Manuka-Ainslie Press, Inc. (?)
Van Dahl Publications, Inc. (1980)
from Internet (1995)
Linn’s Stamp News (1990)
Morris Everett (1981)
American Philatelic Society (1991)
Gossip Printery, Inc. (1934)
Raven Press (1986)
Amos Press, Inc. (1988)
American Philatelic Society (1987)
Hamlyn, Ltd. (1970)
Linn’s Stamp News (1992)
Amos Press, Inc. (1982)
Amos Press, Inc. (2000)
Philatelic Publishers, Ltd. (1966)
APS Judges Accreditation Committee
American Philatelic Society (1990)
American Medical Association (1970)
Van Dahl Publications (1981)
Traditions Press (1994)
FDC Publishing Company (1976)
Dr. Earl Planty & Michael Malone
FDC Publishing Company (1976)
Dr. Earl Planty & Michael Malone
FDC Publishing Company (1978)
Randy L. Neil
Varro E. Tyler
L.N. & M. Williams
František Švarc
Elaine Durnin Boughner
Uberto Tosco
I. Michael Orenstein
Samuel Crossman
Wayne Youngblood
Karen Cartier
Ken Woods
Traditions Press (1988)
Linn’s Stamp News (1991)
G.P. Putnam’s & Sons (1967)
Barnes & Noble Books (1996)
Amos Press, Inc. (1983)
Crescent Books (1972)
Brookman, Barrett, Worthen, Inc. (1990)
Longacre Publishing Co., Inc. (1963)
Linn’s Stamp News (1990)
Legend Lady Press (2000)
Van Dahl Publications (1982)
Top Dollar Paid - The Complete Guide to
Selling Your Stamps
United States Postal History Sampler
United States Postage Stamps of 1869
What Price Philately?
World Jet Aircraft on Stamps
Stephen R. Datz
General Philatelic Corporation (1989)
Richard B. Graham
Jon Rose
C. Ellis Milbury
Lawrence DeMars
Linn’s Stamp News (1992)
Linn’s Stamp News (1996)
Neptune Co., Inc. (1947)
American Topical Association, Inc.
Australian Stamp Catalogue, 17th edition
Brookman Catalogue, 1994 edition
Stamps of Canada Catalogue
Collect British Stamps
Confederate States of America Stampless Cover
Great Britain Concise Catalogue, 1999 edition
[Israel] Catalogue No. 10
Japanese Postage Stamps
Michel Deutschland - Spezial 1991
Scott 2001 Specialized Catalogue of United States
Scott 2002 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue Volume 1
Scott 2002 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue Volume 2
Scott 2002 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue Volume 3
Scott 2002 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue Volume 4
Scott 2002 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue Volume 5
Scott 2002 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue Volume 6
Switzerland Catalogue
Vlastos Catalogue of Stamps of Greece – 1973
United Nations Specialized Stamp Catalogue and
Handbook – 1972
editor unknown
editor unknown
Lyse Darnell
editor unknown
Benjamin Wishnietsky, editor
David J. Aggerberg
M. Gitron
various authors
editor unknown
James E. Kloetzel, editor
Seven Seas Stamps, Ltd. (1987)
Brookman, Barrett, Worthen, Inc. (1994)
Darnell, Inc. (1990)
Stanley Gibbons Publications, Ltd. (1979)
David G. Phillips Publishing Co., Inc.
Stanley Gibbons Publications, Ltd. (1990)
Israel Ministry of Communications (1978)
Japan Travel Bureau (1950)
Schwaneberger Verlag GmbH (1991)
Scott Publishing Company (2000)
James E. Kloetzel, editor
Scott Publishing Company (2001)
James E. Kloetzel, editor
Scott Publishing Company (2001)
James E. Kloetzel, editor
Scott Publishing Company (2001)
James E. Kloetzel, editor
Scott Publishing Company (2001)
James E. Kloetzel, editor
Scott Publishing Company (2001)
James E. Kloetzel, editor
Scott Publishing Company (2001)
L. N. and M. Williams
O. Vlastos
Amateur Collector, Ltd. (1975)
Grafika Technai Spyros Mpanotas Epe
Linder Falzos-Gesellshaft KG (1965)
Wolff Hanke
Jeremiah A. Farrington Collection
Mr. & Mrs. Roland E. Anderson Collection
Autumn, 1993 New York Sale
Ivy, Shreve & Mader (1991)
Ivy, Shreve & Mader (1992)
Ivy, Shreve & Mader (1993))