"Primitive Chordates"

"Primitive Chordates"
"Vertebrate Characters"
"Mammalia I"
"Mammalia Part II"
"Placental Mammals"
"All chordates have a dorsal supporting rod known as this."
"Tunicates and Sea Squirts belong to this subphylum."
"These animals are named for their resemblance to a small, two-edged surgical
knife known as this."
"The dorsal, hollow nerve chord of primitive chordates becomes this in the
"In fish, pharyngeal pouches become gills. In humans, the second pair becomes
this lymphatic organ? "
"Another word for 'backbone' might be this."
"A typical vertebrate has this many paired appendages."
"Jaws are believed to have evolved from this structure found in the jawless
"All vertbrates have skeletons made of either bone or this"
"This respiratory organ is found only in aquatic animals."
"The word 'Agnatha' actually means this."
"This parasitic jawless fish decimated the Lake Trout population of the Great
Lakes in the early 50's."
"This type of jawless fish is a scavenger of ocean bottoms (and it's ugly)."
"Besides lacking jaws, Agnathans also don't have a pair of these."
"This, the number of paired gill slits agnathans bear, is considered lucky by
"This great adaptive structure is believed to have evolved from gill arches (and
a popular movie about sharks)."
"The largest fish in the world today is known as this."
"This type of fertilization allows some sharks to bear live young."
"With a dorsal/ventrally flatened body, this type of fish flaps its pectorals to
'fly' through the water."
"This type of scale makes a shark's skin feel like sandpaper."
"This organ may be used for vocalization, respiration and buoyancy adjustments."
"Most bony fish utilize this type of fertilization."
"This type of fish is thought to have given rise to the first amphibians."
"This Tennessee fish hatches from eggs laid in the Sargasso Sea of the
"This specialized sensory organ along both sides of a fishes body is known as
"To lay their eggs, most amphibians must do so in this type of habitat."
"Also know as 'spring lizards' this type of amphibian retains as tail as an
"This is the larval stage of a frog."
"The USDA considers this warty amphibian to be a controlled substance."
"Besides gills and lungs, most amphibians can also breathe using this?"
"This large order of extinct reptile met their demise due to a large meteoric
impact some 65 million years ago."
"This order of reptiles is the only one to have a 4 chambered heart."
"Another word for 'cold blooded' might be this."
"This excretory acid gives reptile feces its characteristic white appearance and
minimizes water loss."
"Pit vipers use their pits to 'see' this wavelength of light which is invisible
to us."
"These modified reptilian scales help birds to fly and provide insulation."
"Lacking teeth, most birds have a tough, muscular stomach known as this."
"This type of bird cannot fly, but can swim, and lives primarily in the southern
"The largest single cell in the world today is this."
"Many birds utilize this type of seasonal movement to go from breeding grounds
to overwintering areas."
"Another word for 'warm blooded' might be this."
"The word 'mammal' is derived from this type of gland."
"The duckbill platypus and this animal are the only egg laying montremes alive
"Mammals whose young develop in external pouches on the mother's body are known
as this."
"The reproductive organ (called the womb in human females) is called this."
"Mankind belongs to this order of mammal."
"The largest order of mammals alive today in terms of # of species is this"
"The only mammals capable of prolonged flight are these."
"This order of mammal includes the whales and dolphins"
"The largest animal that has ever lived is called this."
"Placental mammals populate all continents except this one."
"What is a notochord?"
"What is Urochordata?"
"What is a Lancet or Lancelet?"
"What is a spinal chord?"
"What are tonsils?"
"What is a vertebra?"
"What are 2 pairs of appendages?"
"What are gill arches?"
"What is cartilage?"
"What are gills?"
"What is jawless?"
"What is a lamprey?"
"What is a hagfish?"
"What are fins?"
"What are 7 prs. of gill slits?"
"What are jaws?"
"What is a Whale Shark?"
"What is internal fertilization?"
"What are rays and skates?"
"What are placoid (toothlike) scales?"
"What is a swim bladder?"
"What is external fertilization?"
"What are the lobe-finned fishes?"
"What is the American Eel?"
"What is a lateral line?"
"What is an aquatic habitat or water?"
"What is a salamander?"
"What is a tadpole?"
"What is the Colorado River Toad?"
"What is their moist skin?"
"What are the dinosaurs?"
"What are the crocodilians?"
"What is ectothermic?"
"What is uric acid?"
"What is infrared light or heat?"
"What are feathers?"
"What is a gizzard?"
"What is a penguin?"
"What is an Ostrich egg?"
"What is migration?"
"What is endotherm?"
"What is a mammary gland or milk gland?"
"What is the spiny anteater, or echidna?"
"What are marsupials?"
"What is the uterus?"
"What is Primates?"
"What are the Rodentia?"
"What are bats?"
"What are Cetaceans?"
"What is the Blue Whale?"
"What is Antarctica?"