BHS 116.3: Physiology III Notetaker: Stephanie Cullen Date: 4/22/13 Page: 1 Lecture 30 Molecular Basis of Cancer - Non-lethal genetic damage at the heart of carcinogenesis o Don’t kill the cell - Multi-step process o Number of things that have to go on to result in a gene mutation to lead to cancer formation - Genes involved include: o Growth and differentiation promoting (oncogenes) o Growth and differentiation inhibiting (tumor suppressor genes) Normal function is to suppress tumor formation Lose that ability when mutated – tumors progress o Apoptosis genes o DNA repair genes Main function when there is DNA damage is to repair it and prevent tumor formation and propagation Genes Involved in the Pathogenesis of Cancer - All of these genes have a normal function in the cell o See carcinogenesis when they are mutated only - Oncogenes o Ras Membrane associated G protein o Cyclin D Transcription role o CDK4 (cylin dependent kinase) Transcription role - Tumor suppressor genes o P53 (tp53) o Rb Both affect gene transcription – direct affects on DNA - DNA repair genes o BRCA Found in breast cancer - Apoptotic genes o BCl-2 Molecular Basis of Cancer - Normal cell w/ DNA damage from a chemical, radiation, virus, etc o Have the tools necessary to repair the gene so mutations don’t occur if everything in the cell is working properly - Could be certain inherited mutations or genes that are not functioning properly that compound this process o Have failure of DNA repair o Damaged DNA can propagate o Mutation in somatic gene BHS 116.3: Physiology III Notetaker: Stephanie Cullen Date: 4/22/13 Page: 2 o - - Leads to activation of growth promoting genes (oncogenes), could activate a tumor suppressor, or a gene that regulates apoptosis o Combo of unregulated cell proliferation and decreased apoptosis Tumor proliferation/colonial expansion Need more blood delivered to the tumor when it is larger than 2mm in order to get blood to the center of the tumor o Angiogenesis occurs Tumor expresses surface proteins that allow protection from the immune system so it won’t be destroyed by the T cells and B cells Other mutations allow the tumor to progress and become malignant o Can invade other tissues – local and through metastasis through the bloodstream Multi-step process that starts w/ mutation in a specific gene Oncogenes - Ras - Cyclins - Cyclin-dependent kinases - Lots of different genes can be mutated to lead to tumor formation o PDGF-receptor o TGF Ras - - - Member of a family of small G-proteins (GTP binding) that associates w/ the cytoplasmic surface of the plasma membrane o Linked to receptors that are activated usually by growth factors or other signaling molecules Plays an important role in mitogenesis induced by growth factors o Stimulating cell proliferation and growth Tethered to the cytoplasmic side of the membrane alternating from activated (GTP bound) to inactivated (GDP bound) states o Takes binding of the receptor to the ligand to trigger the active form of Ras Approximately 30% of all human tumors contain a ras mutation o Most common oncogene abnormality in human tumors The mutant ras protein is permanently activated because of an inability to hydrolyze GTP into GDP o Unable to be inactivated o Once it binds GTP, the GTP is going to stay bound o Stimulates its downstream proteins and leads to certain gene transcriptions Ras Activation - Ras inactive (bound to receptor) o Bound to GDP o Linked to receptor via linking protein Not a direct binding - When a ligand binds to the receptor (1), ras is activated o GDP dissociates from ras and is replaced by GTP (2) o Active Ras recruits RAF-1 (3) and stimulates the MAP (mitogen activated protein) Kinase pathway (4) BHS 116.3: Physiology III Notetaker: Stephanie Cullen o o Date: 4/22/13 Page: 3 This leads to transcription activity and progression through the cell cycle (5) Cell division occurs The activation is terminated by a GTPase Activating Protein (GAP) Stimulates hydrolysis of GTP to GDP – normally Mutated ras cannot trigger this hydrolysis Constantly stimulating MAP pathway and proliferation and progression through the cell cycle Cyclins and Cyclin-Dependent Kinases (CDKs) - CDK4: interacts w/ cyclin D - Are other CDKs (CDK2 and CDK1) - Play roles in the cell cycle in various check points o Manager of the various stages of the cell cycle and whether or not the cell should progress to the next step in the cell cycle Cell Cycle Review - G1: pre-synthetic growth - S: DNA synthesis - G2: pre-mitotic growth - M: mitosis - Cell division - G0: quiescent o Permanent cells don’t need to divide for a long period of time Cardiac cells Neurons - Check points b/t the major steps o Restriction point b/t G1 and S phases o As long as the cells that serve to guard these regions are active, the cell is allowed to progress to the next step - CDKs/cyclins play major roles at these check points Cyclins and CDKs - Orchestrate the progression of cells through the cell cycle - Cyclins bind to CDKs (inactive) resulting in their phosphorylation and activation o They act together as a complex Don’t act individually o Specific cyclins are produced only at specific stages of the cell cycle - CDKs phosphorylate critical proteins involved in progressing the cell to the next phase of the cell cycle o CDKs are constitutively expressed in an inactive form - Cyclin D/CDK4: progression from G1 to S phase o Other complexes are active at different steps of the cell cycle BHS 116.3: Physiology III Notetaker: Stephanie Cullen - Date: 4/22/13 Page: 4 Cyclin D and/or CDK4 dysregulation are the most common in neoplastic growth o The dysregulation allows progression through the cell cycle and tumor development o Number of checks and balances: p21 inhibits CDKs by putting a block on the active CDK to prevent progression through the cell cycle o One of the major players is the Rb gene b/c also involved in the G1 to S progression Tumor Suppressor Genes - Rb - p53 - BRCA-1 and -2 but they are primarily DNA repair genes o Could include them here since repairing genes results in suppressing tumor formation Retinoblastoma (Rb) Gene - Nuclear protein o Found in all cell types o Has a normal function - Hypophosphorylated (few phosphorylation) form is activated o Prevents cell cycle progression - Hyperphosphorylated (multiple phosphates added to it) form is inactivated o Allowing cell cycle to progress - Plays a role in regulating the cell cycle o Specifically functions as a brake in preventing cells from entering S from G1 phase o This is what is occurring in the hypophosphorylated state Function of Rb Gene - Hypophosphorylated form: o Interacts w/ another protein called E2F (transcription factor) o When E2F is bound by Rb, other enzymes cluster on it o Cluster prevents transcription from occurring – transcriptional block - Hyperphosphorylated state (inactive form): o Can’t bind to E2F o E2F is able to bind DNA w/o other enzymes bound to it o Transcription occurs - Multiple phosphorylations do NOT increase activation in this case – they DECREASE activation (inactive) Relationship of Cyclins to Rb - Cyclins play a role in hyperphosphorylation reaction o Brake on G1 to S is the hypophosphorylated form - Activation of Cyclin D/CDK4 plays a role in hyperphosphorylating that Rb o Inactivates it o Allows the cell cycle to progress from G1 to S through the various genes that are triggered by the E2F BHS 116.3: Physiology III Notetaker: Stephanie Cullen - - Date: 4/22/13 Page: 5 Number of things that stimulate or inhibit this process o Growth factors stimulate cyclin/CDK activation o TGF-β and p53 inhibit o Balance b/t growth stimulating and inhibiting factors plays a role Mutations in the cyclins that make them constantly active lead to… o Hyperphosphorylation of the Rb o Constant progression of cell cycle Retinoblastoma (tumor itself) - Believed to arise from uncontrolled growth of neuroepithelial cells in the retina - Most common malignant eye tumor of childhood o Diagnosed at an average of 18 months o 90% diagnosed before patients reach 5 years - A large number of patients (95%) have no previous family history o Not a major factor in determining if you have it or not - Estimated that around 250-500 new cases occur in the United States yearly - Symptoms o Leukocoria White pupillary reflex or cat’s eye reflex Most common presenting sign (56.1% of cases) o Strabismus as a result of visual loss Second most common mode of presentation o Can cause secondary changes in the eye due to the tumor itself growing Glaucoma (tumor growing causes an increase in pressure), retinal detachment (tumor pulls on the retina), and inflammation secondary to tumor necrosis - Intraocular stage (leukocoria) o Pupil opacity o Can see the reflex - Glaucomatous stage o Proptosis (forward projection of the eyeball) o Tumor pushes the eye forward - Extraocular stage o Tumor is growing back from the retina along the optic nerve Flexner-Wintersteiner Rosettes - Tumor histology o Clusters of cuboidal cells arranged around a central lumen o Very common in Rb tumors (sure sign that it is a Rb tumor) Genetics of Rb - Autosomal recessive disorder? o Not really considered this o Can really only get 1 copy from the parent - Involving the Rb gene on chromosome 13 - Familial form (60-70%) or sporadic form (30-40%) o Familial form: born w/ 1 mutated copy of Rb gene All cells end up having the 1 mutated copy (somatic cells, retinal cells, etc) 2nd mutation occurs by some environmental insult The 2 mutated copies triggers tumor development BHS 116.3: Physiology III Notetaker: Stephanie Cullen o o Date: 4/22/13 Page: 6 Recessive in the fact that you need 2 mutated copies BUT both mutated copies aren’t from the parent Sporadic form: born w/ both normal copies of Rb gene Retina develops w/ both normal copies Mutation of 1 gene occurs in the retinal cell itself 2nd mutation in the other copy Both mutations are caused by an external factor (toxin, UV radiation, Xray radiation, etc) Need 2 mutant copies for tumor to develop Treatment - Intraocular o Radiation therapy o Laser photocoagulation Smaller tumors o Chemotherapy o Cryotherapy o Enucleation Removal of the eye May be safest route to keep it from spreading along the optic nerve - Tumor is usually fatal once it has spread outside the eye and orbit o Could get into the lymphatic system and metastasize o Osteosarcoma - Bone is one target p53 - - - - - - Acts as a “molecular policeman” preventing propagation of genetically damaged cells Nuclear protein Functions by controlling transcription of important genes involved in cell cycle arrest (p21), DNA repair (GADD45), and apoptosis (bax) o p21 is one of the biggest inhibitors of CDKs to inhibit cell cycle progression Most common genetic mutation in human tumors o Number of different cancers have p53 damage DNA damage leads to activation of p53 Binds DNA Stimulates transcription of p21 and GADD45 right away o p21 inhibits cell cycle progression b/c the DNA is damaged o GADD45 repairs the damaged DNA before the cycle is allowed to progress If DNA cannot be repaired, apoptosis is triggered If the DNA has been damaged severely enough, apoptosis may be triggered right away by stimulating the bax gene o Won’t even go through the p21 and GADD45 process If the cell is senescent, it won’t be dividing anymore – it has reached its mitotic lifespan o Doesn’t need to trigger activation of these other enzymes o Can’t propagate the mutated DNA anyway o Leave the cell alone All of these processes are lost when p53 is mutated o Tumor develops BHS 116.3: Physiology III Notetaker: Stephanie Cullen Date: 4/22/13 Page: 7 BRCA-1 and BRCA-2 - DNA repair genes - Believed to be involved in the regulation of transcription of certain genes o BRCA-1 involved in regulation of estrogen receptors activity and is a co-activator of androgen receptor - Inherited mutations (passed from mother to daughter) lead to a greater susceptibility to breast cancer and ovarian cancers o Definitely a genetic link Can get cancer w/o the mutation of these genes but the mutation increases the susceptibility o BRCA-1 and 2 mutations are found in 10-20% of familial breast cancers (80% in those w/ multiple affected members) and 3% of all cases - Normal function: If damage to the DNA (especially double stranded DNA breaks), the BRCA-1 and -2 play significant roles in healing that break and bringing the 2 DNA strands back together, sealing the break, then allowing normal error-free DNA to progress Bc1-2 - Mitochondrial protein - Apoptosis inhibitor (inhibits cell death) o Favors tumor cell proliferation - Translocations of Bc1-2 gene associated w/ lymphoma o Overexpression of Bc1-2 protects lymphocytes from apoptosis o Allows for continued proliferation of lymphocytes Regulation of Apoptosis - Inhibits cytochrome C o Cytochrome C stimulates apoptosis by activating a caspase o Once the caspases are activated, apoptosis occurs o So inhibiting cytochrome C blocks apoptosis by preventing the caspase activation - Also acts on Apaf-1 (another caspase co-activator) - Most of the mutations w/ Bcl-2 are overexpression mutations to really prevents apoptosis - Normal cells have a balance b/t Bc1-2 (inhibits apoptosis) and Bax genes (stimulates apoptosis) Increased activation of Bc1-2 favors cell accumulation (tumor formation) Increased activation of Bax favors apoptosis (cell death) BHS 116.3: Physiology III Notetaker: Stephanie Cullen Date: 4/22/13 Page: 8 Telomeres - Incomplete replication of chromosome ends (telomeres) o Whenever chromosomes split, there are telomeres There are a finite number of divisions DNA can go through since they shorten with each split o Short repeated sequences of DNA o Usually there is an incomplete break so that the 2 strands are different lengths - Telomerase is the enzyme that adds nucleotides to the end of the telomere o Brings DNA back to normal size so we can get another chromosomal division at some point o Allows another round of mitosis Telomere Length - As a normal cell ages, its telomere length decreases until it is too short to go through more divisions o Due to inactivation of telomerase o Germ cells and stem cells have highly active telomerase so they constantly keep those ends at normal length so the cells can divide many times o Normal cells: telomerase activity slows w/ each division so the length is shortened and eventually have growth arrest - In immortal (cancer) cells, the telomeres are not shortened o Due to activation of telomerase (re-activation) Divisions occur w/o any interruption o Leads to cancer development Cells are constantly dividing to form tumors so need enough telomeres to do that Telomerase is highly active Clicker question: Where in the cell is the Rb protein located? a. Plasma membrane a. Ras b. Nucleus c. Cytoplasm d. Mitochondrial matrix