minors division - Big Flats Youth Basketball League

A publication of the Big Flats Youth Basketball League
January 22, 2011
Austin Andryshak ........................ 32
Micah Page ................................... 16
Patrick Condon ............................. 13
Patrick Condon ............................. 11
Evan Stiles .................................... 13
Evan Stiles .................................... 12
Ian Cook ....................................... 13
Asa Cadwaller .............................. 11
Derek Stein ................................... 10
offensive flow. Otherwise we are
doomed to run out of gas in crunch time.
We’re all suiting up for these contests;
now it’s a matter of putting our talents
to the test by moving the ball, making
the defense work, and bodying up for
the boards.” Andryshak
Matthew Salisbury concurred, “We’re
not quite half way through the season,
but we’re learning to play as a team
within the team concept. We’ve nearly
mastered it. We’ll be a tough out come
playoff time. I like our chances.”
BC Electric 45; Pizza Pickup 22
BC Electric ................................. 4-1
Heads & Tails Lures ................... 4-1
Andryshak Tax ........................... 2-2
Pizza Pickup ............................... 1-3
Payroll Services .......................... 0-5
Heads & Tails Lures 46;
Andryshak Tax & Consulting 44
This may go down as the tightest, most
competitive game of the season so far.
Heads & Tails Lures, holding true to
form, put on a burst of speed in the 4th
quarter to edge Andryshak Tax &
Consulting. “We’re like Zenyatta,” said
Heads & Tails Coach Terry Condon
said afterwards. “When it’s crunch time
in the 4th quarter, you’ll see us coming
up on your hind quarters in your rear
view mirror and then we’ll see you in
our wake.” When told that he was
confusingly mixing metaphors, Coach
Condon replied, “Not surprising. I’m
typically confused myself. It took me a
quarter to realize that RJ Samodal was
on the other team.”
Austin (Not Quite Shaq) Andryshak
made a valiant attempt to lead
Andryshak Tax to the W, but his 32
point outburst was not enough against
the more balanced attack from Heads &
Tails which featured a triumvirate of 13
point scorers: Patrick (Ding Dong)
Condon, Evan (Superman) Stiles, and
Ian (I Don’t) Cook. When the
triumvirate was named to Coach
Condon, he replied, “Who was the
This game appeared to be over in the
first quarter as Andryshak Tax surged
to a 20-5 lead, lead by 12 from Not
Quite Shaq and 4 points each from Jake
Reynolds and Josh (Vladimir) Russen.
“We thought we had it in the bag,” said
Andryshak Tax’s Kolleen Vogel. “I
was all set to go shopping to celebrate
our victory. But they turned the tables
on us in the 2nd quarter and it was a
dogfight from there on.”
The 2nd quarter was a mirror image of
the first, as Heads & Tails outscored
Andryshak Tax 18-5. “The game was
on at that point,” said Dylan Keller (6
points). That it was! After the half and a
15 packs of Gu, Andryshak pumped in
8 more pumps in the 3rd quarter. But
Heads & Tails found scoring from
others, including Nidhi Shah (1 point),
Kellar, and I Don’t Cook to even the
score at 33.
In the 4th, the depth of Heads & Tails
began to take its toll as Ding Dong
Condon (5 points in the quarter),
Superman Stiles (4 points in the
quarter), I Don’t Cook (2 points in the
quarter), and Kellar (2 points in the
quarter) offset the 9 point effort from
Not Quite Shaq and a buck from Jake
Reynolds. “We learned a lot in this
game” said Andryshak Tax Joel
Greene. “We need to get others into the
“We played shut down defense and the
guys from Pizza Pickup were unable to
adjust. I’m very pleased with the effort
shown by my kids. Although, to speak
candidly, I cannot believe in 7 years I’m
going to be starting out at the Juniors
again. What was I thinking?? Forget
that question; I remember what I was
thinking now.”
So said BC Electric Coach Jason Teets
after his squad shut out the Pizza
Pickup kids 6-0 in the 1st quarter of this
contest with Micah (Skyjam) Page (16
points in the game) scoring all six of his
team’s 1st quarter points. “I loved it so
much, I wanted to do it again,” said
Page after the game.
And so he did by scoring another six in
the 2nd quarter. But this time he got help
from his teammates who were
previously focused on the defensive
effort. “Coach Teets placed so much
emphasis on covering them,” said BC
Electric’s Aaron Williamson, “that we
responsibilities. Once we recovered our
wits—we knew we were in good
shape.” That they were as Evan
Harshbarger (2 points in the quarter, 4
for the game), along with Stephen
Cardamone (1 point in the quarter, 3 for
the game), Dustin Coots (2 points in the
quarter, 8 for the game), and Sebastian
Bauco (2 points in quarter, 4 for the
game), teamed with Skyjam Page to put
this game away 19- 4 at the half for BC
After a half-time pep talk from interim
Coach Terry Malloy, Pizza Pickup
began to find its game. “I don’t like this
‘interim’ tag,” said Malloy afterwards,
“I want to be paid like a full time
coach.” When advised that he was
already being paid like a full time coach,
Malloy said, “That’s bites. How’d
Mustang?” The teams played to an even
10-10 tie in the 3rd quarter with Jake
Malloy scoring 4 of his team-leading 9
points in the quarter. Kyle Thomas,
Avery Nelson, and Brendan Marshall
each added a bucket for the Pizza
Pickup squad as they fought to pull
themselves out of the hole they had dug
in the first half. Their efforts were
countered by Austin (Little Teets) Teets
(4 points in the quarter, 8 for the game),
Dustin McCullough (4 points in the
quarter), and another bucket from
Sebastian Bauco.
BC Electric found its game again in the
4th quarter as they power-surged to a 168 fourth quarter margin. Little Teets and
Skyjam Page scored four points each
during the quarter. Also contributing in
Cardamone, McCullough and Taner
Melez, each of whom dropped a deuce
on the Picnic Pizza squad. Melez was
recovering from a concussion suffered
at the start of the previous game when
Harshbarger, “Craziest teammate I’ve
ever had.”
Kyle (Swiper) Thomas scored four of
his six points to pace the Picnic Pizza
squad during the quarter but admitted
after the game that he’s finding it more
difficult to steal the ball this year than
last. “I love watching Dora the Explorer
because I learned so much from Swiper
last year. I need to adjust my game
though much like Diego has.” Nick
Ketter (1 piont) and Jake Malloy also
aided in Picnic Pizza’s efforts to close
the gap but BC Electric had the game
firmly in hand and would not let up.”
Heads & Tails Lures 40; Payroll
Services 28
This was one of those games where the
final score does an injustice to the
competition on the court. With 2
minutes to go in the game, Payroll
Services found itself within six of the
taller Heads & Tails Lures team.
“Should have been within four,” said
Takoda Hall afterwards, “If that
numskull of a ref hadn’t taken away that
sweet jumper Alec Cutler hit in the 2nd
“It was my call,” said game official
Greg Stevens in the post-game press
conference. “I don’t know what he was
thinking. The Cutler kid took a jumper
from the top of the key. I was at the top
of the key on that side of the court. I
didn’t blow the whistle. The other dude,
though, calls it from down under the
hoop on the other side o the court. I just
wish he’d have stayed out of it.” Even
with the controversial travel call going
against them, a balanced Payroll
Services stayed in this contest; that is,
until they lost their balance. The list of
scorers and contributors from Payroll
Services is long: Kyle (“No TO”)
Drapikowski (2 points); Takoda Hall (4
points); Abbey Whitney (1 point);
Derek Stein (10 points); and Asa
Cadwaller (11 points). Under the boards,
Allyson Marshall gave the Heads &
Tails team a tough battle as she grabbed
every loose rebound in her vicinity
demonstrating that even at the Modified
level, good positioning and tenacity will
go a long way towards your team’s
The no-quite attitude of the Payroll
Services team shined most brightly
when Mohammad (Kryptonite) Hussein
appeared during the 2nd half of the game.
“Overslept,” said Hussein afterwards
when remarking on his tardy
appearance for this 7pm tilt. Hussein
quickly made his presence felt with a
thunderous rejection of an Evan
(Superman) Stiles jam attempt in the 3rd
quarter. “I saw the pass go to Superman.
Since I was the weakside help, I rolled
over to his side. He then jumped, I
jumped, and the fans ran for cover.”
Said Stiles (12 points) afterwards, “It
was a nice play. You’ve got to give the
kid credit. Sometimes Lex Luther finds
he has the upper hand on Clark Kent
during the course of an episode, but in
the end, Superman always wins.”
As noted, this game was within 6 points
with 2 minutes to play before Heads &
Tails Patrick Condon (11 points) made
a pivotal steal after Coach Terry
Condon implemented the full court
press. Afterwards, Payroll Services’
offense become one-dimensional and
Heads & Tails ran off six consecutive
points to put it away. “We needed to
move the ball during that final two
minutes to find the best shot. Instead we
panicked and started jacking up three’s.
We’ve been in every game so far this
season. I’m confident we will make the
right plays at the end of one of these
upcoming games and once we taste the
thrill of the victory, the W’s will be
flow like an avalanche,” said Payroll
Services’ Coach Tammie Stein.
The more balanced attack from Heads
& Tails was highly effective in wearing
down the opposition. Offensively,
Heads & Tails gained breathing room
after Dylan Kellar hit a 3-pointer late in
the 4th quarter to stem the hard charging
Payroll Services team who had at that
point trimmed the lead to three. “We
needed something good to happen,”
said Kellar (5 points), “a 3-pointer is
always a good thing—when it goes in.”
But the 3rd quarter is when the
effectiveness of the Heads & Tails
strategy of moving the ball around and
finding the best shot showed. All five
players on the floor scored in the
quarter, including Nidhi Shah (4 points),
and John Enright and Zach Campbell
each of whom had 2 points. “I was
proud of my kids,” said Coach Condon
afterwards, “Payroll Services gave us a
run for our money.”
Brewster Marshall ........................ 18
Nick Juan ..................................... 18
Keegan Ernest .............................. 16
Matt Corcoran .............................. 12
Max (Swoop) Malloy ................... 10
Josh Graham .................................. 9
Brooke Halm .................................. 8
Big Flats ROCKS!! ..................... 2-0
Simmons Rockwell ..................... 1-0
Twin Tier Drywall ...................... 2-0
Personius Warne Studio .............. 0-1
Cedar Street Manufacturing ........ 0-2
J&B Landscaping........................ 0-2
Papa Dale’s ................................. 1-1
Bye: Simmons Rockwell
Papa Dales 40; Cedar Street
Manufacturing 22
“I knew the Harlem Wizards show was
at the High School tonight,” said Cedar
Street Manufacturing’s leading scorer,
Max (Swoop) Malloy (10 points). “I’m
always thinking about career prospects.
I figured there might be a scout or two
at the game and I wanted to make sure
that they knew that when Swoop was
ready to hang it up, they could consider
me—the White Shadow—a viable
option.” Malloy exploded for six points
in the fourth quarter to supplement the 4
he had scored in the first half. “I hadn’t
done enough in the first half to make
my impression indelible,” continued
Malloy, “The skyjam over Pete Whitson
with my breakdance routine afterwards
should have sealed the deal. I’ve got to
run home and make sure I don’t miss
the call when it comes in.” Despite
Malloy’s theatrics and a sold
contribution from Joseph Marino (a
season high 6 points), Coach Reggie
Kornegay’s Cedar Street squad could
not generate enough offense to stick
with the high-powered and balanced
attack of Rick Newell’s Papa Dales
Papa Dales played an effective and
efficient game featuring six scorers, led
Editor’s Note: Contributions to Hoops News this week came from our overseas correspondent who reported on the games played at Horseheads High School and Maranatha
Bible Church showing the growing global presence of BFYBL. Please be advised that all quotes attributed to players, coaches, fans, referees, and parents in Hoops News are
100% fictitious, meant entirely for the enjoyment of the readers, and of course, failing that, the editor. Hoops News is published by the Big Flats Youth Basketball League for
the enjoyment of our players and their families. It is available on line at the league’s website: www.bfybl.org.
A publication of the Big Flats Youth Basketball League
January 22, 2011
by Matt Corcoran’s 10. Corcoran
started the game with a 6-point first
quarter outburst which he matched in
the 3rd quarter. In the fourth, Ryan
Newell and Tony Burlingame matched
Corcoran’s feat with 6 of their own.
“Had to,” said Newell afterwards,
“dinner with Matt tonight would have
been insufferable had I not.” Alexa
(Hoops) Houper added four points to
the winning effort while Bryce Moore
contributed 2 of his own. “It was a far
cry from last week’s foulfest,” said
Papa Dales’ Ryan Casey in the postgame news conference. “This week we
were able to find an offensive flow and
we went with it. I think we’re showing
the teams in our division that we can
play any style of game with anyone.”
Twin Tier Drywall 34; J&B
Landscaping 16
This Twin Tier Drywall team looks
like the team to beat in the Majors
Division this season. “Don’t you go
around printing that,” said Drywall
Coach Randy Raner. “Now the other
squads are going to come in here and
try to throw a bucket of water on our
There’s no denying the offensive
firepower available to Drywall and
they’re showing defensive prowess too.
Brendan (Too Tall, Too Smart, Too
Quick, Too Good, Too Many
Nicknames) Marshall had 18 points,
evenly distributing his points over the
three quarters in which he played.
Importantly, he shut down J&B
Landscaping’s leading scorer, Tyler
Stander, holding the older Stander to 2
points, well below his season average.
Meanwhile Thomas Meighan (4 points)
continued to do the dirty work under the
boards for Drywall making this
fearsome duo a tough combination for
the other teams to deal with. But
Drywall has other options too, and
they’re all contributing to the team’s
success. Donovan (Sweet Pea) Johnson
continues to score 4 points a game as he
has all season and now Brian (Deuce)
Dubots is beginning to find his range
after scoring 5 points in this contest.
Collin Raner (2 points) runs the show
for Drywall trying to find enough
possessions in the course of the game to
keep his ravenous teammates happy.
“Have to feed the beasts,” said Raner
afterwards, “Otherwise they’ll lose
interest or worse steal it from me!” Alex
Derry contributed a point from the free
throw line to help lead Drywall to the
win. Alaina Strife and Tala Hall
continue to find roles for themselves
that lead to the team’s overall success.
“We’re a very dangerous squad,” said
Strife afterwards, “but Coach Raner
doesn’t want us telling anyone.”
On the other side of the court, J&B
Landscaping Coach Doug Jacobs had
some encouraging words for his squad.
“We’ve played two pretty tough teams
in back to back weeks to start the
regular season. In both cases we were in
the contest. These are the games you
need to learn from so you win them at
the end of the season.” Jamal Spear (4
points) had a breakout game for J&B
Landscaping matched only by 4 points
from Tyler Stander. Zac Scibek, Nate
Watts, and Zane Jacobs all lit the
scoreboard with 2 points each as J&B
Landscaping stayed in the contest until
a decisive 4th quarter run led by
Drywall’s Brewster Marshall. Anthony
Snowburg and Sako Solt continue to
improve for Jacobs’ J&B Landscaping
team. Said Snowburg after the game,
“Although nobody likes to suffer an L,
we’ve got the muscle, we’ve got the
might, we’ve got the height, and soon
we’ll have the W’s.”
Big Flats ROCKS 39; Personius
Warne Studio 36
“I was holding my breath as that last
shot went up,” said Personius Warne
Studio Coach Jim Clark. “I was half
surprised it didn’t hit the ceiling
considering Keegan had done that from
the free throw line earlier in the game.
I’ve got to give the kids a ton a credit
because they fought back from a
tremendous deficit to make this a
contest. I’d like to do it again.” This
game was a classic as Personius
Warne showed it has heart as well as
talent. Finding themselves down 19
points entering the 4th quarter, Clark
sparked his squad by famously uttering.
“Did we give up after the Germans
bombed Pearl Harbor?” When told
afterwards that his young team would
not likely understand his movie
reference, Clark responded, “That’s too
bad. That’s just another indication of
the negative effects of the school budget
cuts. Where’s Ralph??”
Personius Warne outscored and
outhustled Coach Bill Juan’s Big Flats
ROCKS team 18-2 in the 4th quarter.
Said Coach Juan afterwards, “We
played the best ball of the season during
the first three quarters. I shouldn’t have
started playing Angry Birds after the 3rd
quarter.” ROCKS burst out of the gates
in the 1st quarter, led by the smooth
shooting and incisive cutting drives of
Nick Juan. Juan had 10 of his teamleading 18 points in the 1st but he also
found a streaking Brooke Halm for 4 of
her season high 8 points during the
quarter. The way the ROCKS moved
the ball around and found the open
cutter during this quarter reminded
many of the Lakers of the 80’s, except
none of these players is 6’6” nor does
anyone have a 44 inch vertical leap.
ROCKS slowed it down in the 2nd
quarter with David Lucht scoring all 4
of his points during the quarter
including a through-the-legs driving
basket against a flat-footed Ernest.
“Never saw that coming,” said Ernest
afterwards, “I know he’s a little guy and
I wasn’t surprised when he dribbled the
ball through my legs. What surprised
me was when HE went through my legs
after it.” Abraham O’Brien provided the
adult influence on the floor for ROCKS
during the quarter, working the boards,
finding open teammates, and scoring 2
of his season high 6 points.
The 3rd quarter was a repeat of the 1st as
Juan returned to floor and dropped
another 8 points on the opposition. But
the ROCKS moved the ball throughout
the quarter, including to Nick (Jr.)
Detrick who found himself open after
getting a nice screen from O’Brien.
Juan hit the streaking Detrick who
calmly shot the J that seemed to seal the
deal. Meanwhile, Brody Brotz and
Robert Whipple have begun to
understand their roles in the team
concept and played tenacious defense
against the bigger and taller Personius
Warne front court while repeatedly hit
open or cutting players with soft passes.
“We love the system here,” said
O’Brien afterwards, “everyone gets to
contribute, everyone knows what
they’re doing, and everyone likes each
But the 4th quarter was a different story.
With Nick Juan sitting the quarter out
due to a coaching blunder, Coach Clark
let the dogs lose. And they ran wild.
Josh Graham (9 points) scored 6 in the
quarter as he and Ernest (8 in the
quarter, 16 for the game) repeatedly
stole the ball from the suddenly sloppy
ROCKS team. “It was like watching
Groundhog Day,” said Allie Strollo
afterwards, “ROCKS would bring the
ball down, we’d bear down to our ‘noholds barred’ defense, we’d get the steal,
and away we’d go for the break.” As the
lead shrank with each stolen pass or
dribble, a nervous Nick Juan began to
pace the sidelines. “I wanted to get in
and calm everyone down,” said Juan
afterwards, “but Coach didn’t catch on
until the lead was down to four. I can’t
say anything negative about it, though. I
need to eat.” “I didn’t want to see OT,”
said ROCKS’ Derek Thomas, “We’re
only paid for 4 quarters.”
TLF Graphics vs. Pump Doctors
TLG Graphics put on a show in this
fiercely competitive contest. Led by the
duo of Zach Augustine and Jacob Baker,
each of whom scored 8 points in the
game, TLF Graphics seized the early
lead and hung on for the victory. TLF
Graphics’ attack was well-balanced,
though, as Connor Thorpe pump in 6
points in addition to distributing the ball
to his teammates both inside and
outside the paint. Zach Adams also
added 6 points while Lauren Augustine
contributed 4. Brock Pierce-Burch
scored his bucket in the third quarter
and Allison Beck maintained her
continuous game scoring streak with 2
points in the second quarter. Serfino
Menard and Jonas Mis ruled the boards
and the paint for TLF Graphics in this
most impressive team performance.
For Pump Doctors, Jillian Casey added
two points in the 4th quarter as Pump
Doctors began to find its stride. Casey’s
performance was boosted by Rob
Darmstadt who also hit his bucket in the
4th quarter. Pump Doctors’ rally in the
4th quarter was all the more impressive
after struggling against the relentless
TLF Graphics during the first three
periods. After figuring out how to break
the zone press, Pump Doctors began to
apply defensive pressure of its own and
now looks poised for a strong second
half to the season.
Shear Knowledge vs. Personius
Warne Studio
Personius Warne Studio demonstrated
deadly team balance in this contest,
scoring each quarter in an impressive
game against a determined Shear
Knowledge squad. Four PersoniusWarne players scored four points in
this contest (Jordan Rice, Wesley
Radford, Hannah Ott, and Zach Terlaje)
while another four scored two points
each (Nicholas Harvey, Taysha Smith,
Jarid Smith, and Zachary Solt). Wesley
McGill and Reilly Houper moved the
ball effectively and efficiently to their
teammates. Said Coach Ryan Rice after
the game, “I hoot and holler on the
sidelines so that my kids can hear me
and know where to find the open man.
It sure paid off today, although I’ve got
a sore throat now.”
from Dylan Kenyon. Cade Johnson also
added 2 points as did Adesh Tiwari. Ian
(Big Banana) Aepelbacher and Ian
(Gum Ball) Gagliano played tough
under the boards while Caroline (Lefty)
Stevens attempted to move the ball to
the right side of the court. “Not an easy
thing to do,” said Lefty afterwards, “it
goes against every fiber in my body to
move to the right, but I’m getting
there.” Sydney Boyles, Arianna Cole,
and Breslynne Peterson led numerous
fast breaks for the hard-charging Shear
Knowledge squad.
Corning Dental Associates vs.
Corning Dental Associates staged a
late 4th quarter rally to completely
change the outcome of this game.
Laurel Vargas staged a ferocious
comeback bid scoring 10 points in the
4th to offset the 12 points scored by
Miniers’ Zach Malzeke in the 1st half.
“I turned an ankle after the last game
and now I’m in a boot cast,” said Coach
Dennis Vargas, “but Laurel’s still got
wheels and she showed them in the 4th
quarter.” Bryce Derick helped keep
Corning Dental in contention with 5
points during the first 3 quarters of play.
Ronnie Harshbarger had 6 points in the
game, including 4 in the 4th to further
bolster Corning Dental’s comeback
effort. Cassie Dolaway scored the final
bucket in Corning Dental’s historic
effort while Chris Enright kept his
scoring streak alive with 2 points in the
1st quarter.
Malzeke of Miniers received scoring
help from Madison Rogers and Jake
Hall, each of whom scored 4 pionts.
Stellar defensive help came from
Zachary Boyles, Maisy Cadwallader,
Matt Cathe rlisle, and Delanie Rogers.
Miniers is beginning to find its rhythm
as the season progresses.
Corning Photography vs. Big Flats
Wesleyan Church
Max Keagle (8 points), Kaitlyn Newell
(8 points), Taner Fleet (6 points), and
Marissa Adams and Jared Moore (w
points each) led a dangerous Big Flats
Wesleyan Church in this game against
Corning Photography. “We figured
Pastor Lytle would be swinging by to
see how we were doing,” said Elijah
Burleigh, “so had to put a good show on
or risk him not letting us use his gym.
We like to practice over there so were
motivated to put on a good show.” That
they did as the Wesleyan Church team
improvement as more and more players
become involved in the flow of their
complex 5 option offense. “We
designed the offense for the smart
ballplayer,” said Wesleyan Church
Coach Chad Moore, “that’s why Rick’s
an assistant this year.”
On the other side of the court, Greyson
Reed (4 points) and Owen Juan (10
points) were the 1-2 punch for Corning
Photography. But the Photography
team is showing some deft passing and
an uncanny ability to set such fierce
screens that their opposition has been
known to get knocked out of their own
sneakers. “I like setting a solid pick,”
said Schaefer Scarritt afer the game, “of
course, you’ve got to help the opponent
up after he hits the deck because Coach
Malloy is all over us on the whole
sportsmanship thing.”
Shear Knowledge did not allow itself
to get run over by Personius Warne.
They put up quite a fight led by
Grayson Woodhouse’s 6 points and 2
Editor’s Note: Contributions to Hoops News this week came from our overseas correspondent who reported on the games played at Horseheads High School and Maranatha
Bible Church showing the growing global presence of BFYBL. Please be advised that all quotes attributed to players, coaches, fans, referees, and parents in Hoops News are
100% fictitious, meant entirely for the enjoyment of the readers, and of course, failing that, the editor. Hoops News is published by the Big Flats Youth Basketball League for
the enjoyment of our players and their families. It is available on line at the league’s website: www.bfybl.org.