EXAM ITEMS TO KNOW ACTIVITY (1999-2004) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. Aaron Beck’s view of depression Absolute threshold Accommodation Achievement vs. aptitude tests Action vs. resistance potential Acuity vision Addiction Aggression/testosterone Ainsworth Strange Situation (Paradigm) Albert Bandura: major view on learning and Bobo Doll experiment Albert Ellis-Rational Emotive Therapy (RET) Alfred Adler- inferiority complex All-or-nothing law (all-or-none) of neural firing Allport’s Theory Altruism American Psychological Association (APA) Amnesia (anteriograde and retrograde) Androgenous Anosmia Antisocial Apparent motion Army Alpha test Arousal theory Asch’s conformity study (line segments) Attachment Attraction theory Attribution theory Autism Autonomic Nervous System Aversive conditioning (good or bad?) Aversive conditions Aves Axon B.F. Skinner Babinsky response Barbiturates (use) Barnum effect Behavior as being adaptive Behaviorism Bell curve (normal distribution) Benjamin Worf’s theory of linguistic relativism (determinism) Bias (self serving, different kinds) Binocular disparity Bipolar Blind spot Blood-brain barrier Bones of the inner ear Brain functions Brain: what part do we share with animals? How do we differ? 50. Brainstorming 51. Broca’s aphasia (expressive) located in left frontal lobe 52. Broca’s Area 53. Bystander effect 54. Bystander intervention: factors that influence it 55. Cannon’s critique of James-Lange theory 56. Cannon-Bard Theory of emotions 57. Carl Rogers: person (client) centered therapy 58. Carol Gillan’s criticism of Kohlberg’s theory 59. Catharsis 60. Causation 61. Central Nervous System/ANS/PNS 62. Cerebellum 63. Cerebral cortex 64. Chaining 65. Character disorders: major ones 66. Chemical that controls sexual activity 67. Chomsky’s view of language 68. Chunking 69. Circadian rhythm-REM sleep 70. Classical Conditioning ( & can you distinguish it from operant conditioning) 71. Clever Hans experiment 72. Cognitive dissonance 73. Cognitive maps 74. Color blindness: kinds 75. Complementary colors 76. Conditioned response 77. Conditioned stimulus 78. Conflicts: four kinds 79. Conformity 80. Control & Experimental groups 81. Corpus callosum 82. Correlation (negative, positive) 83. Correlation coefficients 84. Cortexes of the brain: major ones 85. Critical period of development 86. Cross cultural studies 87. Cross sectional studies 1 88. Crystallized intelligence: acquired and usually does not decline with age 89. CS-CR-UCS-UCR 90. Daniel Goleman’s views on emotional intelligence 91. David McClelland’s achievement motivation studies 92. Defense Mechanisms (major ones) 93. Deindividuation 94. Deinstitutionalization 95. Dendrites (purpose of) 96. Depression: trycyclic antidepressants are most widely used to treat it 97. Descriptive vs. inferential statistics 98. Determinism 99. Development: continuous v. stages 100. Developmental psychology 101. Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (purpose and limits) DSM 102. Difference Threshold (JND) 103. Diffusion of responsibility 104. Discrimination (in learning theory and race relations) 105. Displacement 106. Dissociative disorders 107. Distribution of scores 108. Dominant responses (aided by social facilitation) 109. Dopamine 110. Double blind 111. Down’s syndrome 112. Dream analysis 113. Drive reduction theory 114. Drives 115. DSM-IV 116. Ebbinhaus’ research on memory 117. Echoic memory 118. ECT (for depression) 119. Effects of marijuana 120. Eidetic memory 121. EKG 122. Electroconvulsive Therapy ECT 123. Elizabeth Loftus’ research on eyewitness testimony 124. Endocrine organs and hormones secreted by them 125. Endorphins 126. Engram 127. Epinephrine/norepinephrine 128. Episodic memory (a.k.a. flashbulb) 129. Equity theory of relationships 130. Erik Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development 131. ESP 132. Ethics of testing 133. Ethics on animal experiments 134. Ethnocentrism EXAM ITEMS TO KNOW ACTIVITY (1999-2004) 135. Experiment: be able to design one 136. External locus of control 137. Eye Parts (peripheral, cones, retina) 138. Factor analysis 139. False consensus effect 140. Feature (signal) detector cells: Hubel & Wisel’s research on visual processing 141. Feature analysis 142. Feral children 143. Fetal alcohol syndrome: characteristics 144. Figure-ground-phenomenon 145. Flashbulb memory 146. Flynn Effect 147. Foot-in-the-door phenomenon 148. Formal operations 149. Fovea 150. Francis Galton’s research 151. Free association 152. Frequency polygon 153. Freud’s stage of psychosexual development 154. Freudian dream analysis: two levels of interpretation 155. Frontal lobe 156. Frustration-aggression hypothesis 157. Functional fixedness 158. Fundamental attribution error 159. G factor 160. Galvanic skin response (GRS) 161. Ganglia 162. Gansfeld procedure 163. Gate control theory of pain 164. Gender Differences 165. Generalizability of a study 166. Generalization 167. Genetics 168. Genotype and phenotype 169. Gestalt theory 170. Glial cells 171. Group therapy (advantages of) 172. Group think/group polarization 173. Gustatory (receptors) sense: detects only sweet, sour, salty, bitter 174. Habituation 175. Hans Seyle’s theory--General Adaptation Response 176. Harry Harlow’s research with surrogate mothers 177. Hawthorne Effect 178. Heroine 179. Heuristics: major types 180. Hidden observer 181. Hierarchy of needs (Maslow) can you put them in order? 182. High vs. low self monitors 183. Hindsight bias 184. Hippocampus 185. histogram 186. Homeostasis 187. Homosexuality 188. Hormones-where are they produces? 189. Howard Gardner’s view of multiple intelligence 190. Hue (British term for color) 191. Humanistic perspective 192. Hunger (body part that controls) 193. Hybrid 194. Hypnosis: major theories of 195. Hypothalamus (function) 196. Id, ego, superego 197. IDEAL (strategy for solving problems) 198. Identical twin research 199. Identification vs. internalization (Freudian terms) 200. Identity vs. Role Confusion 201. Illusory correlation 202. Imagining techniques: PET, CAT, MRI, FMRI 203. Implicit/explicit motivation 204. Imprinting 205. Incentives 206. Independent/Dependent Variable 207. Induced motion 208. Inductive vs. deductive reasoning 209. Industrial (organizational) psychology 210. Ingroup and outgroup bias 211. Inner ear damage & behavior 212. Insight 213. Instinct 214. Instrumental – operant conditioning 215. Intelligence Quotient IQ 216. Intelligence tests (major kinds used) 217. Intelligence: Crystallized, fluid 218. Intelligence: stability or change 219. Interference (proactive vs. retroactive) 2 220. Internal consistency reliability 221. internalization 222. IQ calculations 223. James-Lange Theory of emotions 224. John Garcia’s ideas on the limits of conditioning 225. Just-world phenomenon 226. Karen Horney’s views on development 227. Kinesthetics 228. Kohlberg-moral development 229. Kubler Ross’ stages of dying 230. Language acquisition device 231. L-dopa 232. Learning curve 233. Limbic system (structure and function) 234. Linear perspective 235. Linkage analysis 236. Lithium (bi polar disorders) 237. Little Albert 238. Localization of sound (how is it done? Why aretwo ears needed?) 239. Long term memory 240. Long term potentiation 241. Longitudinal study 242. Loss of information from short term memory 243. Love: passionate/companionate 244. Major neurotransmitters 245. Martin Seligman’s “learned helplessness” 246. Mary Ainsworth’s Strange Situation Paradigm 247. Maslow’s Hierarchy 248. Measures of Central Tendency: Mean, median, mode 249. Measures of variability: range and standard deviation 250. Memory: kinds ( sensory, short-term, long-term) 251. Memory-hippocampus 252. Mental age 253. Mental set 254. Metacognition (therapies) 255. Method of loci 256. Milgram-study of obedience 257. Milieu therapy 258. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) Test; use for what? 259. Misinformation effect 260. Modeling 261. Monocular vs. binocular depth cues 262. Mood/Anxiety Disorders 263. Morphine 264. Motion aftereffect 265. Motion parallax EXAM ITEMS TO KNOW ACTIVITY (1999-2004) 266. Motion parallax 267. Motor cortex 268. Myelin sheath (where and purpose) 269. Narcissism 270. Nature vs. nurture controversy 271. Negative reinforcement 272. Nerve firing 273. Nervous system: major parts 274. Neuron (3 basic parts) 275. Neurotransmitters 276. Newborn baby reflexes 277. Next –in-line-effect 278. Normal distribution 279. Normative social influence 280. Norms 281. Novelty preference 282. Obesity (role of hypothalamus) 283. Obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD) 284. Occipital lobe 285. Oedipal conflict 286. Oedipus complex 287. One eye problem – what you couldn’t do well if you had only one eye 288. Operational stages 289. Operationalizing a definition 290. Opiates 291. Opponent Process Theory of emotions 292. Opponent Process Theory of visual processing (afterimages) 293. Optic disc 294. Optic nerve 295. Pancreas 296. Panic attacks (what is the best treatment?) 297. Paradoxical sleep: why is EM called this? 298. Paranoid personality disorder 299. Paresis 300. Pavlov 301. Perception cues 302. Perceptual constancy (size, color, shape) 303. Perceptual set 304. Personal space 305. Perspectives in psychology (major ones) 306. PET Scan 307. Phenylketonuria (PKU) 308. Phi Phenomenon 309. Phobias 310. Phonemes vs. Morphemes 311. Photoreceptors 312. Physical dependence 313. Piaget theories 314. Piaget’s stages of cognitive development 315. Pineal gland (function and what makes it unique) 316. Pitch 317. Pituitary gland 318. PKU 319. Plasticity 320. Positive Reinforcement 321. Positively skewed 322. Post traumatic stress disorder 323. Post-synaptic gap 324. Precognition 325. Premack principle 326. Preoperational stage 327. Primacy effect 328. Primary& secondary scheduling 329. Proactive interference 330. Proactive retroference 331. Projective tests (MMPI, TAT, Inkblot-Rorschach) 332. Prosocial behavior: what is it and give an example. 333. Prototype 334. Proximity (effects on relationships) 335. Prozac 336. Psychoanalysis 337. Punishment: why it may not be effective and might backfire 338. Random Sampling 339. Rational Emotive Therapy 340. Reading graphs 341. Reality principle (function of ego) 342. Recessive vs. dominant genes 343. Red/Green colorblindness 344. Reflex arc 345. Regression 346. Reification 347. Reliability vs. validity in testing 348. REM sleep 349. Repression 350. RET by Ellis 351. Reticular formation: related to sleep, arousal, attention 352. Retinal disparity (a.k.a. binocular disparity) 353. Retroactive/ Proactive memory 354. Robert Rescorla’s findings on conditioning 3 355. Rods and cones (structures and differences) 356. Rooting reflex 357. Sample 358. Scatter plots: most often used to plot correlations (+, -, none) 359. Schedules or reinforcement (5 kindswhich are most effective?) 360. Schemas 361. Schizophrenia 362. Selective attention 363. Self fulfilling prophecy/Pygmalion effect 364. Self-efficacy 365. Self-fulfilling prophecy 366. Self-serving bias 367. Semantic memory 368. Sensory adaptation 369. Serial position effect 370. Serotonin/endorphins 371. Set Point 372. Sexual characteristics (primary vs. secondary) 373. Sexual identity vs. gender identity 374. Shaping 375. Sigmund Freud 376. Signal detection theory 377. Skewed distribution 378. Skinner 379. Sleep cycles 380. Sleep disorders: major kinds 381. Sleeper effect 382. Social cognitive theory 383. Social exchange theory 384. Social facilitation 385. Social loafing/social facilitation 386. Social trap 387. Soloman Asch conformity study 388. Somatoform disorders: major kinds 389. Somatosensory cortex: location and used for what sense? 390. Spilt brain surgery 391. Stages of learning (acquisition, extinction, spontaneous recovery,) 392. Standard deviation 393. Standardization 394. Stanley Milgram’s experiment with obedience 395. Stanley Schachter’s Two Factor Theory 396. Statistics/norms/normal distribution 397. Stereotype 398. Stimulant 399. Stimulus generalization 400. Stranger anxiety 401. Studies: cross-sectional longitudinal 402. Syntax EXAM ITEMS TO KNOW ACTIVITY (1999-2004) 403. Systematic desensitization: a.k.a. a kind of counter conditioning 404. Tay-Sachs disease 405. Testable hypothesis 406. Testing bias 407. Thalamus (what sense does not get routed through thalamus?) 408. Theories of development 409. Thorazine 410. Thorndike’s Law of Effect 411. Thyroid gland 412. token economy 413. Tourette’s disorder 414. Tragedy of the commons 415. Transduction 416. Turner’s syndrome (X with missing chromosome) 417. Type A/B personality 418. Unconditional response 419. Unconditional stimulus 420. Validity (different kinds) 421. Vestibular sense 422. Visual cliff/Ames room 423. WAIS 424. Water balance (role of hypothalamus) 425. Weber’s Law 426. Wernicke’s area (aphasia) left temporal lobe 427. Whorfian Theory 428. Wilder Penfield’s research on the brain 429. Wilhelm Wundt (structuralism) 430. William James (functionalism) 431. Yerkes/Dodson Arousal Law 432. Zajonc’s “Mere Expose Effect” 433. Zimbardo prison experiment and social psychological studies 4