Exam3_Review - HomePage Server for UT Psychology

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Items ~15
Historic perspectives: Psychoanalytic, Humanistic, Allport’s Trait
Approach, Reciprocal Determinism
Freud: free association; id, ego, and superego; psychosexual stages
(OAPLG); examples of the various defense mechanisms (what underlies
all of them?); projective tests; the modern perspective on Freud
The CPI (factors, quadrants, prototypes), the big 5 (OCEAN)
The Self: spotlight effect, self-esteem, self-enhancement and selfverification, self-serving bias (better-than-average effect), overclaiming
questionnaire (what it measures and how)
Cultural differences: Individualism/Independence and
Collectivism/Interdependence; examples
Clinical Psychology
Items ~20
Definition and classification of an “issue” as a “disorder”; the bio-psychosocial approach
Anxiety disorders: GAD, PD, OCD, Phobias (how they can be explained
and treated by applying learning theories like counter-conditioning—revisit
your learning notes if you have lost touch with concepts like fear
conditioning, reinforcement, stimulus generalization)
DID (iatrogenic?)
Personality disorders: anti-social PD/psychopathy and the film we saw in
class—remember the Hare PCL and the findings from that video; other
types of PDs (especially histrionic, narcissistic)
Mood disorders: unipolar (mania or depression) or bipolar (cycles of mania
and depression); depression (causes, social-cognitive perspective,
symptoms, treatment)
Schizophrenia: positive and negative symptom classification of disordered
thinking, delusions, hallucinations, flat affect, inappropriate behavior,
skewed reality; important types: paranoid and catatonic; causes and Rx
Carl Roger’s client-centered therapy: active listening (therapist echoes,
restates, clarifies), empathy, acceptance, self-actualization
Beck’s cognitive therapy (replacing negative cognitions with positive ones,
give patients greater sense of control)
Is psychotherapy effective? (text)
ECT: when is it used, effectiveness; what about psychosurgery?
Pharmacotherapy: hand-out, see text for SSRIs and other mechanisms
Social Psychology (including parts from Thinking and Memory)
Items ~25
Memory: Weapons focus effect, cross-race identification bias,
suggestibility and leading questions (adults and children); research by
Loftus; Jennifer Thompson vs. Ron Cotton; the reasons for attorney
Thinking: algorithms and heuristics; attribution theory; FAE (why are there
cultural differences?) and actor-observer bias; availability heuristic;
representativeness heuristic; base rate fallacy; overconfidence;
confirmation bias; belief perseverance; effect of framing; effect of priming;
self-fulfilling prophesy
Attitude: what is it; what is cognitive inconsistency and what does it do;
measurement of attitudes; cognitive dissonance; routes to persuasion
(remember the films—e.g., Aronson’s conserve water when you shower
Compliance: Cialdini and techniques
Obedience: Milgram’s study
Conformity: Asch’s study
Role-playing: Zimbardo’s study
Social facilitation and social loafing
Group polarization and groupthink
Prejudice: since we just talked about this, you ask me the questions…
3A’s  Read the text on Aggression, Attraction, and Altruism closely
Slides I missed yesterday…
Illusory Correlations
E.g., Lawyers – Dishonest
Fundamental Attribution Error
E.g., “She is lazy because she is black”
E.g., “She is not black! She’s Oprah!!”
Confirmation bias and self-fulfilling prophecies
- Priming
- Thought Suppression & Ironic Effects
- Attention and motivation
Not noticing irrelevant differences
- “Colorblindness”