Source Code Project Report : Comparing Clustering Algorithms Participants: Joyesh Mishra Vasanth Prabhu Sundararaj Gnana Sundar Rajendiran CIS 6930 Data Mining Fall 2007 Department of Computer and Information Science & Engineering University of Florida Index Source Code: 1. K-Means 2. Agglomerative Clustering 3. DBSCAN Using KD Trees 4. CURE 1. K – Means 2. Agglomerative Single Link load data1.dat; X = data1'; %X = [0.4 0.22 0.35 0.26 0.08 0.45;0.53 0.38 0.32 0.19 0.41 0.30]; [D,N] = size(X); %MAKE_SET tempVec(1,1:N) = 1:N; parentVec(1,1:N) = tempVec; rankVec(1,1:N) = 0; X2 = sum(X.^2,1); dist = repmat(X2,N,1) + repmat(X2',1,N) - 2*X'*X; %corre = corre - diag(diag(corre)); for i = 1:N dist(i,i:N) = 1000; end dist = sqrt(dist); vect = reshape(dist,1,N*N); [sortVect,IX] = sort(vect); iterNum = 0; k = 0; tic while(length(find(~(parentVec - tempVec)))~=1) iterNum = iterNum + 1; pos2 = floor((IX(iterNum)-1)/N)+1; pos1 = IX(iterNum) - (pos2-1)*N; %fprintf('Iternation Number..%d...Closest data points %d %d\n',iterNum,pos1,pos2); %Find operation% [parentVal1,parentVec] = findOperation(pos1,parentVec); [parentVal2,parentVec] = findOperation(pos2,parentVec); % % % % if(parentVal1~=parentVal2) k = k + 1; mergingDataPoints(k,1) = pos1; mergingDataPoints(k,2) = pos2; %Union Operation% if(rankVec(parentVal1)==rankVec(parentVal2)) parentVec(parentVal2) = parentVal1; rankVec(parentVal1) = rankVec(parentVal1) + 1; end if(rankVec(parentVal1)>rankVec(parentVal2)) parentVec(parentVal2) = parentVal1; end if(rankVec(parentVal2)>rankVec(parentVal1)) parentVec(parentVal1) = parentVal2; end else fprintf('%d and %d have the same parent %d...\n',pos1,pos2,parentVal1); end if(mod(iterNum,2000000)==0) for i = 1:N [parentVal,parentVec] = findOperation(i,parentVec); end clusterHeads = find(~(parentVec-tempVec)); for i = 1:length(clusterHeads) dataPts = find(parentVec==clusterHeads(i)); fileName = strcat('clusters/',num2str(iterNum),'_Cluster_',num2str(i),'.txt'); fid = fopen(fileName,'w'); for pt = 1:length(dataPts) fprintf(fid,'%8.4f\t%8.4f\n',X(1,dataPts(pt)),X(2,dataPts(pt))); end fclose('all'); fprintf('Cluster %d data points...\n',i); disp(X(:,dataPts)'); end %pause(); end end t = toc for i = 1:N [parentVal,parentVec] = findOperation(i,parentVec); end fprintf('Elapsed Time - %d\n',t); clusterHeads = find(~(parentVec-tempVec)); for i = 1:length(clusterHeads) dataPts = find(parentVec==clusterHeads(i)); %disp(dataPts); fileName = strcat('clusters/',num2str(iterNum),'_Cluster_',num2str(i),'.txt'); fid = fopen(fileName,'w'); for pt = 1:length(dataPts) fprintf(fid,'%8.4f\t%8.4f\n',X(1,dataPts(pt)),X(2,dataPts(pt))); end fclose('all'); end disp(mergingDataPoints); % plot(X(1,:),X(2,:),'k*','MarkerSize',3); % hold on; % for i = 1:k % dPt1 = X(:,mergingDataPoints(i,1)); % dPt2 = X(:,mergingDataPoints(i,2)); % line([dPt1(1,1) dPt2(1,1)],[dPt1(2,1) dPt2(2,1)],'Color','r'); % end Complete Link % Loads the Data file and merges it into a single matrix “sample1” load sample1.dat; % Taking the transpose of the matrix and storing it in X X = sample1'; % Variable to set a high value in the diagonal and other merged points inf = 1000; % Getting the dimensions of the matrix X in D and N [D,N] = size(X); % Holds the initial number of clusters (singleton) tempVec(1,1:N) = 1:N; parentVec(1,1:N) = tempVec; rankVec(1,1:N) = 0; X2 = sum(X.^2,1); dist = repmat(X2,N,1) + repmat(X2',1,N) - 2*X'*X; dist = sqrt(dist); dist = dist + inf*eye(N); iterNum = 0; k = 0; tic while(length(find(~(parentVec - tempVec)))~=1) iterNum = iterNum + 1; [minVals argmin] = min(dist); [minDist pt1] = min(minVals); pt2 = argmin(pt1); %Find operation% [parentVal1,parentVec] = findOperation(pt1,parentVec); [parentVal2,parentVec] = findOperation(pt2,parentVec); if(parentVal1~=parentVal2) k = k + 1; mergingDataPoints(k,1) = pt1; mergingDataPoints(k,2) = pt2; fprintf('Merging clusters %d %d\n',parentVal1,parentVal2); %Union Operation% if(rankVec(parentVal1)==rankVec(parentVal2)) dPt2 = parentVal2; dPt1 = parentVal1; rankVec(parentVal1) = rankVec(parentVal1) + 1; end if(rankVec(parentVal1)>rankVec(parentVal2)) dPt2 = parentVal2; dPt1 = parentVal1; end if(rankVec(parentVal2)>rankVec(parentVal1)) dPt2 = parentVal1; dPt1 = parentVal2; end parentVec(dPt2) = dPt1; tempMat = [dist(dPt1,:);dist(dPt2,:)]; maxVals = max(tempMat); dist(dPt1,:) = maxVals; dist(:,dPt1) = maxVals'; dist(dPt2,:) = inf; dist(:,dPt2) = inf; % else % fprintf('%d and %d have the same parent %d...\n',pos1,pos2,parentVal1); end if(mod(iterNum,250)==0) for i = 1:N [parentVal,parentVec] = findOperation(i,parentVec); end clusterHeads = find(~(parentVec-tempVec)); for i = 1:length(clusterHeads) dataPts = find(parentVec==clusterHeads(i)); % % fileName = strcat('clusters/',num2str(iterNum),'_Cluster_',num2str(i),'.txt'); fid = fopen(fileName,'w'); for pt = 1:length(dataPts) fprintf(fid,'%8.4f\t%8.4f\n',X(1,dataPts(pt)),X(2,dataPts(pt))); end fclose('all'); fprintf('Cluster %d data points...\n',i); disp(X(:,dataPts)'); end %pause(); end end t = toc for i = 1:N [parentVal,parentVec] = findOperation(i,parentVec); end fprintf('Elapsed Time - %d\n',t); clusterHeads = find(~(parentVec-tempVec)); for i = 1:length(clusterHeads) dataPts = find(parentVec==clusterHeads(i)); %disp(dataPts); fileName = strcat('clusters/',num2str(iterNum),'_Cluster_',num2str(i),'.txt'); fid = fopen(fileName,'w'); for pt = 1:length(dataPts) fprintf(fid,'%8.4f\t%8.4f\n',X(1,dataPts(pt)),X(2,dataPts(pt))); end fclose('all'); end disp(mergingDataPoints); % plot(X(1,:),X(2,:),'k*','MarkerSize',3); % hold on; % for i = 1:k % dPt1 = X(:,mergingDataPoints(i,1)); % dPt2 = X(:,mergingDataPoints(i,2)); % line([dPt1(1,1) dPt2(1,1)],[dPt1(2,1) dPt2(2,1)],'Color','r'); % end Find Operation function % To find the root of the tree function [parentVal parentVec] = findOperation(pos,parentVec) parentVal = parentVec(pos); if(parentVal~=pos) [parentVal parentVec] = findOperation(parentVec(pos),parentVec); parentVec(pos) = parentVal; end end 3.DBSCAN Algorithm package dbscan; /** * Class Point - Stores a Point in the 2 Dimensional Space * @version 1.0 * @author jmishra */ public class Point { /** The following are the member variables for a Point **/ public double x; public double y; public int index; public Cluster cluster; public boolean isCorePoint = false; public Point() { } public Point(double x, double y, int index) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.index = index; } public Point(Point point) { this.x = point.x; this.y = point.y; } /** * Calculate Distance from a Point t * @param t Point * @return * double Euclidean Distance from t */ public double calcDistanceFromPoint(Point t) { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x-t.x, 2) + Math.pow(y-t.y, 2)); } public boolean equals(Point t) { return (x == t.x) && (y == t.y); } public void setCluster(Cluster cluster) { this.cluster = cluster; } public Cluster getCluster() { return cluster; } public double[] toDouble() { double[] xy = {x,y}; return xy; } } package dbscan; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; /** * Class Cluster - Represents a Cluster in DBSCAN * @version 1.0 * @author jmishra */ public class Cluster { /** * Points Contained in the Cluster */ public ArrayList points = new ArrayList(); /** * Returns the Size of Cluster * @return * int Size of Cluster */ public int size() { return points.size(); } /** * Calculates if the Point P is in EPS Neighborhood of the Cluster * @param p Point p * @param eps EPS Distance * @return * boolean <b>true</b> If the point lies in EPS Neighborhood of all points of cluster * <b>false</b> Otherwise */ public boolean isInEPSProximityFromAllPoints(Point p, double eps) { boolean result = true; Iterator iter = points.iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()) { Point t = (Point); if(t.calcDistanceFromPoint(p) > eps) { result = false; break; } } return result; } } package dbscan; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import edu.wlu.cs.levy.CG.KDTree; /** * DBSCAN Algorithm * Input Parameters: DataFile NumberOfPointsInFile MinPointThreshHoldToClassifyAsCorePoint EPS * * The Algorithm uses KD Trees to store the data points and for searching Nearest Neighbors * @version 1.0 * @author jmishra */ public class DBSCAN { /** Stores the input arguments to the algorithm **/ private String dataFile; private int totalNumberOfPoints; private double eps; private int minPointThreshHold; private Point[] dataPoints; private HashMap dataPointsMap = new HashMap(); private KDTree kdtree = new KDTree(2); /** Stores the points in three categories based on the number of points in their neighborhood within EPS **/ ArrayList corePoints = new ArrayList(); ArrayList borderPoints = new ArrayList(); ArrayList noisePoints = new ArrayList(); /** Stores the final list of clusters **/ ArrayList clusters = new ArrayList(); /** * DBSCAN Algorithm Execution Begins Here * @param args The Initialization Parameters passed through Command Line Arguments */ public DBSCAN(String[] args) { System.out.println("DBSCAN Clustering Algorithm"); System.out.println("---------------------------\n"); initializeParameters(args); readDataPoints(); long beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); initializeKDTree(); classifyPoints(); buildClustersFromCorePoints(); assignBorderPointsToClusters(); long time = System.currentTimeMillis() - beginTime; System.out.println(clusters.size() + " Clusters Found."); System.out.println("\nThe Algorithm took " + time + " milliseconds to complete."); System.out.println("\nPlease Use GNUPlot to show the clusters by rendering the file using \"load plotdbscan.txt\" on GNUPlot Console"); showClusters(); } private void initializeParameters(String[] args) { dataFile = args[1]; totalNumberOfPoints = Integer.parseInt(args[2]); minPointThreshHold = Integer.parseInt(args[3]); if(args.length > 3) eps = Double.parseDouble(args[4]); else calculateEPS(); dataPoints = new Point[totalNumberOfPoints]; System.out.println("FileName: " + dataFile + "\t\tNumber of Points to be Clustered: " + totalNumberOfPoints + "\n"); } private void calculateEPS() { /* Efficient Methods can be implemented here to calculate EPS based on MinPointThreshhold Specified by the user. * This procedure has not been implemented and user is expected to pass EPS as one of the parameter. * Finding EPS would require pre-processing of the data and calculating and estimated value of EPS. */ } /** * Read and Initialize the Data Points from User Specified Input File */ private void readDataPoints() { int pointIndex = 0; FileReader fr = null; try { fr = new FileReader(dataFile); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(fr); String data = in.readLine(); while(data != null) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(data); double x = Double.parseDouble(st.nextToken()); double y = Double.parseDouble(st.nextToken()); dataPoints[pointIndex] = new Point(x,y,pointIndex); dataPointsMap.put(pointIndex, dataPoints[pointIndex]); pointIndex++; data = in.readLine(); } in.close(); } catch(Exception e){ debug(e); } } /** * Initialize and build the KD Tree for the data points */ private void initializeKDTree() { for(int i = 0; i < totalNumberOfPoints ; i++) { try { kdtree.insert(dataPoints[i].toDouble(), dataPoints[i].index); } catch(Exception e) {} } } /** * Returns the n nearest neighbors for a Point by looking up in the KD Tree where n = MinPoints * @param point Point P * @return * Object[] Index of the Nearest Points to Point P */ private Object[] getNearestNeighbours(Point point) { Object[] nearestPoints = null; try { nearestPoints = kdtree.nearest(point.toDouble(), minPointThreshHold); } catch(Exception e) { debug(e); } return nearestPoints; } /** * Classify the data points into Core Points, Border Points and Noise Points based on the number of neighbors within EPS radius */ private void classifyPoints() { for(int index = 0; index < totalNumberOfPoints; index++) { Object[] nearestPoints = getNearestNeighbours(dataPoints[index]); int satisyingPoints = 0; for(int i = 0; i < nearestPoints.length ; i++) { int nearestPointIndex = (Integer)nearestPoints[i]; if(dataPoints[nearestPointIndex].calcDistanceFromPoint(dataPoints[index]) < eps) { satisyingPoints++; } else if(satisyingPoints != 1) break; } if(satisyingPoints == 1) noisePoints.add(dataPoints[index]); else if(satisyingPoints == minPointThreshHold) { corePoints.add(dataPoints[index]); dataPoints[index].isCorePoint = true; } else borderPoints.add(dataPoints[index]); } } /** * Creates a new Cluster and adds the point P * When a core point is far enough from all remaining core points, a new cluster if formed for it. * @param p Point P */ private void createNewClusterAndAddPoint(Point p) { Cluster cluster = new Cluster(); cluster.points.add(p); p.cluster = cluster; clusters.add(cluster); } /** * Builds all possible clusters from the list of Core Points */ private void buildClustersFromCorePoints() { for(int i = 0; i < corePoints.size() ; i++) { Point p = (Point)corePoints.get(i); if(i == 0) { createNewClusterAndAddPoint(p); continue; } boolean isAssigned = false; for(int index = 0; index < clusters.size() ; index++) { Cluster c = (Cluster)clusters.get(index); if(c.isInEPSProximityFromAllPoints(p, eps)) { c.points.add(p); p.cluster = c; isAssigned = true; break; } } if(isAssigned == false) { createNewClusterAndAddPoint(p); } } } /** * Returns the KD Tree Index of Nth Nearest Neighbor for a Point P * @param point Point P * @param n Nth Nearest Neighbor * @return * int KD Tree Index of Nth Nearest Neighbor for a Point P */ private int getNthNearestNeighbour(Point point, int n) { int nearestPointIndex = 0; try { Object[] nearestNeighbours = kdtree.nearest(point.toDouble(), n); nearestPointIndex = (Integer)nearestNeighbours[n-1]; } catch(Exception e) { debug(e); } return nearestPointIndex; } /** * Assigns all border points to the clusters formed from the list of core points in buildClustersFromCorePoints method */ private void assignBorderPointsToClusters() { for(int i = 0; i < borderPoints.size() ; i++) { Point p = (Point)borderPoints.get(i); int j = 2; Point q = dataPoints[getNthNearestNeighbour(p,j)]; while(!q.isCorePoint){ j++; q = dataPoints[getNthNearestNeighbour(p,j)]; } q.cluster.points.add(p); p.cluster = q.cluster; } } /** * Shows all clusters generated */ private void showClusters() { for(int i = 0; i < clusters.size() ; i++) { Cluster c = (Cluster)clusters.get(i); logCluster(c, "cluster" + i); } logOutliers("outliers"); logPlotScript(clusters.size()); } /** * Logs the cluster to a file */ private void logCluster(Cluster c, String filename) { BufferedWriter out = getWriterHandle(filename); try { out.write("#\tX\tY\n"); for(int i = 0; i < c.size() ; i++) { Point p = (Point)c.points.get(i); out.write("\t" + p.x + "\t" + p.y + "\n"); } out.flush(); out.close(); } catch(Exception e) { debug(e); } } /** * Logs the Set of Outliers to the File */ private void logOutliers(String filename) { BufferedWriter out = getWriterHandle(filename); try { out.write("#\tX\tY\n"); for(int i = 0; i < noisePoints.size() ; i++) { Point p = (Point)noisePoints.get(i); out.write("\t" + p.x + "\t" + p.y + "\n"); } out.flush(); out.close(); } catch(Exception e) { debug(e); } } /** * Writes a GNUPlot Script for the DBSCAN result to be shown. */ private void logPlotScript(int totalClusters) { BufferedWriter out = getWriterHandle("plotdbscan.txt"); try { setPlotStyle(out); out.write("plot"); for(int i = 0; i < totalClusters ; i++) { out.write(" \"cluster" + i + "\","); } out.write(" \"outliers\""); out.flush(); out.close(); } catch(Exception e){ debug(e); } } /** * Returns a file writer handle given the filename */ private BufferedWriter getWriterHandle(String filename) { BufferedWriter out = null; try { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(filename, true); out = new BufferedWriter(fw); } catch(Exception e) { debug(e); } return out; } /** * Sets the Plot Style for the GNUPlot Script */ private void setPlotStyle(BufferedWriter out) { try { out.write("reset\n"); out.write("set size ratio 2\n"); out.write("unset key\n"); out.write("set title \"DBSCAN\"\n"); } catch(Exception e) { debug(e); } } /** * Prints the Exception to standard output. * @param e Exception thrown */ private void debug(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); } } 4. CURE Algorithm package cure; import java.util.StringTokenizer; /** * Represents a Point Class. Also stores the KD Tree index for search. * @version 1.0 * @author jmishra */ public class Point { public double x; public double y; public int index; public Point() { } public Point(double x, double y, int index) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.index = index; } public Point(Point point) { this.x = point.x; this.y = point.y; } public double[] toDouble() { double[] xy = {x,y}; return xy; } public static Point parseString(String str) { Point point = new Point(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(str); return point; } /** * Calculates the Euclidean Distance from a Point t * @param t Point t * @return * double Euclidean Distance from a Point t */ public double calcDistanceFromPoint(Point t) { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x-t.x, 2) + Math.pow(y-t.y, 2)); } public String toString() { return "{" + x + "," + y + "}"; } public boolean equals(Point t) { return (x == t.x) && (y == t.y); } } package cure; import java.util.Comparator; /** * Defines a class CompareCluster which helps the MinHeap (Implemented using Priority Queue) * to compare two clusters and store accordingly in the heap. * * The 2 clusters are compared based on the distance from their closest Cluster. The cluster pair which has the lowest such distance * is stored at the root of the min heap. * @version 1.0 * @author jmishra */ public class CompareCluster implements Comparator{ public int compare(Object CLUSTER1, Object CLUSTER2) { Cluster cluster1 = (Cluster)CLUSTER1; Cluster cluster2 = (Cluster)CLUSTER2; if(cluster1.distanceFromClosest < cluster2.distanceFromClosest) { return -1; } else if(cluster1.distanceFromClosest == cluster2.distanceFromClosest) { return 0; } else return 1; } } package cure; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * Class Cluster represents a collection of points and its set of representative points. * It also stores the distance from its closest neighboring cluster. * * @version 1.0 * @author jmishra */ public class Cluster { public ArrayList rep = new ArrayList(); public ArrayList pointsInCluster = new ArrayList(); public double distanceFromClosest = 0; public Cluster closestCluster; public ArrayList closestClusterRep = new ArrayList(); public double computeDistanceFromCluster(Cluster cluster) { double minDistance = 1000000; for(int i = 0; i<rep.size(); i++) { for(int j = 0; j<cluster.rep.size() ; j++) { Point p1 = (Point)rep.get(i); Point p2 = (Point)cluster.rep.get(j); double distance = p1.calcDistanceFromPoint(p2); if(minDistance > distance) minDistance = distance; } } return minDistance; } public int getClusterSize() { return pointsInCluster.size(); } public ArrayList getPointsInCluster() { return pointsInCluster; } } package cure; import*; import java.util.*; import edu.wlu.cs.levy.CG.KDTree; /** * Creates a set of clusters for a given number of data points or reduces the number of clusters to a fixed number of clusters as specified * using CURE's hierarchical clustering algorithm. * * The ClusterSet uses 2 data structures. The KD Tree is initialized and used to store points across clusters. * The Min Heap (Uses java.util.PriorityQueue) is used to store the clusters and repetitively perform clustering. The Min Heap is rearranged * in every step to bring the closest pair of clusters to the root of the heap and also change the closest distance measures for all clusters. * * Please refer to the CURE Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm for more details. This class works only with the sampled partitioned data * or already set of clusters formed. The computation of set of clusters can be done remotely on a machine hence adding concurrency to the * overall algorithm. * * @version 1.0 * @author jmishra */ public class ClusterSet { int numberOfPoints; Point[] points; CompareCluster cc; PriorityQueue heap; KDTree kdtree; int clustersToBeFound; int numberofRepInCluster; double shrinkFactor; int newPointCount; HashMap dataPointMap; /** * Initialize the Containers * @param numberOfPoints Number of Data Points * @param clustersToBeFound Clusters to be found after clustering * @param numberOfRepInCluster Number of Representative Points for every Cluster * @param shrinkFactor Shrink Factor for a Cluster */ public void initializeContainers(int numberOfPoints, int clustersToBeFound, int numberOfRepInCluster, double shrinkFactor) { this.numberOfPoints = numberOfPoints; points = new Point[numberOfPoints]; cc = new CompareCluster(); heap = new PriorityQueue(1000,cc); kdtree = new KDTree(2); this.clustersToBeFound = clustersToBeFound; this.numberofRepInCluster = numberOfRepInCluster; this.shrinkFactor = shrinkFactor; newPointCount = numberOfPoints; } /** * Reduce the number of clusters to the specified numberOfClusters * * @param clusters Set of Clusters * @param numberOfClusters Number of Clusters to be found * @param numberOfRepInCluster Number of Representative Points in a Cluster * @param shrinkFactor Shrink Factor for Representative Points in a new Cluster formed * @param dataPointMap Data Point Map * @param clusterMerge True */ public ClusterSet(ArrayList clusters, int numberOfClusters, int numberOfRepInCluster, double shrinkFactor, HashMap dataPointMap, boolean clusterMerge) { numberOfPoints = 0; for(int i = 0; i < clusters.size(); i++) { numberOfPoints += ((Cluster)clusters.get(i)).getClusterSize(); } points = new Point[numberOfPoints]; cc = new CompareCluster(); heap = new PriorityQueue(1000,cc); kdtree = new KDTree(2); int pointIndex = 0; if(clusterMerge) { for(int i = 0; i<clusters.size(); i++) { Cluster cluster = (Cluster)clusters.get(i); for(int j = 0; j<cluster.getClusterSize(); j++) { points[pointIndex] = (Point)cluster.pointsInCluster.get(j); pointIndex++; } } clustersToBeFound = numberOfClusters; this.numberofRepInCluster = numberOfRepInCluster; this.shrinkFactor = shrinkFactor; this.dataPointMap = dataPointMap; } buildKDTree(); buildHeapForClusters(clusters); } /** * Build the heap for set of clusters specified * @param clusters Set of Clusters */ public void buildHeapForClusters(ArrayList clusters) { for(int i=0; i<clusters.size(); i++) { heap.add((Cluster)clusters.get(i)); } } /** * Creates a set of clusters from the given number of data points and other CURE parameters * @param dataPoints Data Points to be clustered * @param numberOfClusters Number of Clusters to be formed * @param numberOfRepInCluster Number of Representative points in a new cluster * @param shrinkFactor Shrink factor for Representative points * @param dataPointMap The HashMap to store the data points */ public ClusterSet(ArrayList dataPoints, int numberOfClusters, int numberOfRepInCluster, double shrinkFactor, HashMap dataPointMap) { initializeContainers(dataPoints.size(), numberOfClusters, numberOfRepInCluster, shrinkFactor); initializePoints(dataPoints,dataPointMap); buildKDTree(); buildHeap(); startClustering(); } /** * Initialize the data points * @param dataPoints Data Points List * @param dataPointMap Map of Data Points */ public void initializePoints(ArrayList dataPoints, HashMap dataPointMap) { this.dataPointMap = dataPointMap; Iterator iter = dataPoints.iterator(); int index = 0; while(iter.hasNext()) { Point point = (Point); points[index] = point; index++; } } /** * Merge the given set of clusters using CURE's hierarchical clustering algorithm * @return * ArrayList Set of Merged Clusters */ public ArrayList mergeClusters() { ArrayList mergedClusters = new ArrayList(); startClustering(); while(heap.size() != 0) { mergedClusters.add(heap.remove()); } return mergedClusters; } /** * Gets all clusters present in the Min Heap * @return * Cluster[] Set of Clusters */ public Cluster[] getAllClusters() { Cluster clusters[] = new Cluster[heap.size()]; int i = 0; while(heap.size() != 0) { clusters[i] = (Cluster)heap.remove(); i++; } return clusters; } /** * Builds the KD Tree to store the data points */ public void buildKDTree() { for(Integer i=0; i<numberOfPoints; i++) { try { kdtree.insert(points[i].toDouble(), points[i].index); } catch(Exception e) { debug(e); } } } /** * Builds the Initial Min Heap. Each point represents a cluster when the algorithm begins. It creates each cluster and adds it to the heap. */ public void buildHeap() { ArrayList clusters = new ArrayList(); HashMap pointCluster = new HashMap(); for(int i=0; i<numberOfPoints; i++) { Cluster cluster = new Cluster(); cluster.rep.add(points[i]); cluster.pointsInCluster.add(points[i]); int nearestPoint = getNearestNeighbour(points[i]); Point nearest = (Point)dataPointMap.get(nearestPoint); cluster.distanceFromClosest = points[i].calcDistanceFromPoint(nearest); //changed here from indexing to hashmap cluster.closestClusterRep.add(nearestPoint); clusters.add(cluster); pointCluster.put(points[i].index,cluster); } for(int i = 0; i<clusters.size(); i++) { Cluster cluster = (Cluster)clusters.get(i); int closest = (Integer)cluster.closestClusterRep.get(0); //cluster.closestCluster = (Cluster)clusters.get(closest); cluster.closestCluster = (Cluster)pointCluster.get((Integer)closest); heap.add(cluster); } } /** * Get the nearest neighbor for a given point * @param point Point point * @return * int KD Tree index of the nearest neighbor */ public int getNearestNeighbour(Point point) { int result = 0; try { Object[] nearestPoint = kdtree.nearest(point.toDouble(), 2); result = (Integer)nearestPoint[1]; } catch(Exception e) { debug(e); result = -1; } return result; } /** * Initiates the clustering. The stopping condition is reached when the size of heap equals number of clusters to be found. * At every step two clusters are merged and the heap is rearranged. The representative points are deleted for old clusters and * the representative points are added for new cluster to the KD Tree. */ public void startClustering() { while(heap.size() > clustersToBeFound) { Cluster minCluster = (Cluster)heap.remove(); Cluster closestCluster = minCluster.closestCluster; heap.remove(closestCluster); Cluster newCluster = merge(minCluster,closestCluster); deleteAllRepPointsForCluster(minCluster); deleteAllRepPointsForCluster(closestCluster); insertAllRepPointsForCluster(newCluster); newCluster.closestCluster = minCluster; heap.add(newCluster); adjustHeap(newCluster, minCluster, closestCluster); } } /** * Adjust the heap after the new merged cluster has been added * @param newCluster The merged cluster * @param oldcluster1 The Cluster 1 which was merged * @param oldCluster2 The Closest Cluster, Cluster2, to Cluster 1 which was merged */ public void adjustHeap(Cluster newCluster, Cluster oldcluster1, Cluster oldCluster2) { ArrayList clusters = new ArrayList(); int initialHeapSize = heap.size(); for(int i=0; i<initialHeapSize; i++) { clusters.add(heap.remove()); } for(int i=0; i<clusters.size(); i++) { Cluster cluster1 = (Cluster)clusters.get(i); if(!(cluster1.closestCluster == oldcluster1) && !(cluster1.closestCluster == oldCluster2)) { heap.add(cluster1); continue; } cluster1.distanceFromClosest = 100000; for(int j=0; j<clusters.size(); j++) { if(i==j) continue; Cluster cluster2 = (Cluster)clusters.get(j); double distance = cluster1.computeDistanceFromCluster(cluster2); if(distance < cluster1.distanceFromClosest) { cluster1.distanceFromClosest = distance; cluster1.closestCluster = cluster2; } } heap.add(cluster1); } } /** * Insert all representative points of the cluster to the KD Tree * @param cluster Merged Cluster */ public void insertAllRepPointsForCluster(Cluster cluster) { ArrayList repPoints = cluster.rep; for(int i = 0; i<repPoints.size(); i++) { Point point = (Point)repPoints.get(i); try { kdtree.insert(point.toDouble(),point.index); } catch(Exception e) { //debug(e); } } } /** * Delete all representative points of the cluster from the KD Tree * @param cluster Cluster which got merged */ public void deleteAllRepPointsForCluster(Cluster cluster) { ArrayList repPoints = cluster.rep; for(int i = 0; i<repPoints.size(); i++) { Point point = (Point)repPoints.get(i); try { kdtree.delete(point.toDouble()); } catch(Exception e) { //debug(e); } } } /** * Computes the mean point of the cluster * @param cluster Cluster * @return * Point The Mean Point of the Cluster */ public Point computeMeanOfCluster(Cluster cluster) { Point point = new Point(); for(int i=0; i<cluster.pointsInCluster.size(); i++) { point.x += ((Point)cluster.pointsInCluster.get(i)).x; point.y += ((Point)cluster.pointsInCluster.get(i)).y; } point.x /= cluster.pointsInCluster.size(); point.y /= cluster.pointsInCluster.size(); return point; } /** * Merge two clusters. Calculate the new representative points and shrink them * @param cluster1 Cluster 1 to be merged * @param cluster2 Cluster 2 to be merged * @return * Cluster The Merged Cluster */ public Cluster merge(Cluster cluster1, Cluster cluster2) { Cluster newCluster = new Cluster(); for(int i=0; i<cluster1.pointsInCluster.size(); i++) { newCluster.pointsInCluster.add(cluster1.pointsInCluster.get(i)); } for(int i=0; i<cluster2.pointsInCluster.size(); i++) { newCluster.pointsInCluster.add(cluster2.pointsInCluster.get(i)); } Point mean = computeMeanOfCluster(newCluster); ArrayList tempset = new ArrayList(); for(int i=0; i<numberofRepInCluster; i++) { double maxDist = 0; double minDist = 0; Point maxPoint = null; for(int j=0; j<newCluster.pointsInCluster.size(); j++) { Point p = (Point)newCluster.pointsInCluster.get(j); if(i==0) { minDist = p.calcDistanceFromPoint(mean); } else { minDist = computeMinDistanceFromGroup(p, tempset); } if(minDist >= maxDist) { maxDist = minDist; maxPoint = p; } } tempset.add(maxPoint); } for(int i=0; i<tempset.size(); i++) { Point p = (Point) tempset.get(i); Point rep = new Point(); rep.x = p.x + shrinkFactor*(mean.x - p.x); rep.y = p.y + shrinkFactor*(mean.y - p.y); //rep.index = newPointCount++; rep.index = Cure.getCurrentRepCount(); newCluster.rep.add(rep); } return newCluster; } /** * Computes the min distance of a point from the group of points * @param p Point p * @param group Group of points * @return * double The Minimum Euclidean Distance */ public double computeMinDistanceFromGroup(Point p, ArrayList group) { double minDistance = 100000; for(int i = 0; i< group.size(); i++) { Point q = (Point)group.get(i); if(p.equals(q)) continue; double distance = p.calcDistanceFromPoint(q); if(minDistance > distance) { minDistance = distance; } } if(minDistance == 100000) return 0; else return minDistance; } /** * Show the clusters formed */ public void showClusters() { for(int i=0; i<clustersToBeFound; i++) { Cluster cluster = (Cluster)heap.remove(); logCluster(cluster, "cluster" + i); } } /** * Print the Exception thrown * @param e Exception e */ public void debug(Exception e) { //e.printStackTrace(System.out); } /** * Logs the cluster to a file * @param cluster Cluster * @param filename Name of the file */ public void logCluster(Cluster cluster, String filename) { FileWriter fw = null; try { fw = new FileWriter(filename, true); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(fw); out.write("#\tX\tY\n"); for(int j=0; j<cluster.pointsInCluster.size(); j++) { Point p = (Point)cluster.pointsInCluster.get(j); out.write("\t" + p.x + "\t" + p.y + "\n"); } out.flush(); fw.close(); } catch(Exception e){ debug(e); } } } package cure; import*; import java.util.*; /** * CURE Clustering Algorithm * The algorithm follows the six steps as specified in the original paperwork by Guha et. al. * * @version 1.0 * @author jmishra */ public class Cure { /** The Input Parameters to the algorithm **/ private String dataFile; private int totalNumberOfPoints; private int numberOfClusters; private int minRepresentativeCount; private double shrinkFactor; private double requiredRepresentationProbablity; private int numberOfPartitions; private int reducingFactorForEachPartition; private Point[] dataPoints; private ArrayList outliers; private HashMap dataPointsMap; private static int currentRepAdditionCount; private Hashtable integerTable; public Cure(String[] args) { System.out.println("CURE Clustering Algorithm"); System.out.println("-------------------------\n"); initializeParameters(args); readDataPoints(); long beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); int sampleSize = calculateSampleSize(); ArrayList randomPointSet = selectRandomPoints(sampleSize); ArrayList[] partitionedPointSet = partitionPointSet(randomPointSet); ArrayList subClusters = clusterSubPartitions(partitionedPointSet); if(reducingFactorForEachPartition >= 10) { eliminateOutliersFirstStage(subClusters, 1); } else { eliminateOutliersFirstStage(subClusters, 0); } ArrayList clusters = clusterAll(subClusters); clusters = labelRemainingDataPoints(clusters); long time = System.currentTimeMillis() - beginTime; System.out.println("The Algorithm took " + time + " milliseconds to complete."); System.out.println("\nPlease Use GNUPlot to show the clusters by rendering the file using \"load plotcure.txt\" on GNUPlot Console"); showClusters(clusters); } /** * Initializes the Parameters * @param args The Command Line Argument */ private void initializeParameters(String[] args) { if(args.length == 0) { dataFile = "spaeth2_05.txt"; totalNumberOfPoints = 59; numberOfClusters = 5; minRepresentativeCount = 6; shrinkFactor = 0.5; requiredRepresentationProbablity = 0.1; numberOfPartitions = 2; reducingFactorForEachPartition = 2; } else { dataFile = args[1]; totalNumberOfPoints = Integer.parseInt(args[2]); numberOfClusters = Integer.parseInt(args[3]); minRepresentativeCount = Integer.parseInt(args[4]); shrinkFactor = Double.parseDouble(args[5]); requiredRepresentationProbablity = Double.parseDouble(args[6]); numberOfPartitions = Integer.parseInt(args[7]); reducingFactorForEachPartition = Integer.parseInt(args[8]); } dataPoints = new Point[totalNumberOfPoints]; dataPointsMap = new HashMap(); currentRepAdditionCount = totalNumberOfPoints; integerTable = new Hashtable(); outliers = new ArrayList(); } /** * Reads the data points from file */ private void readDataPoints() { int pointIndex = 0; FileReader fr = null; try { fr = new FileReader(dataFile); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(fr); String data = in.readLine(); while(data != null) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(data); double x = Double.parseDouble(st.nextToken()); double y = Double.parseDouble(st.nextToken()); dataPoints[pointIndex] = new Point(x,y,pointIndex); dataPointsMap.put(pointIndex, dataPoints[pointIndex]); pointIndex++; data = in.readLine(); } in.close(); } catch(Exception e){ debug(e); } } /** * Calculates the Sample Size based on Chernoff Bounds Mentioned in the CURE Algorithm * @return * int The Sample Data Size to be worked on */ private int calculateSampleSize() { return (int)((0.5 * totalNumberOfPoints) + (numberOfClusters * Math.log10(1/requiredRepresentationProbablity)) + (numberOfClusters * Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.log10(1/requiredRepresentationProbablity), 2) + (totalNumberOfPoints/numberOfClusters) * Math.log10(1/requiredRepresentationProbablity)))); } /** * Select random points from the data set * @param sampleSize The sample size selected * @return * ArrayList The Selected Random Points */ private ArrayList selectRandomPoints(int sampleSize) { ArrayList randomPointSet = new ArrayList(); Random random = new Random(); for(int i=0; i<sampleSize; i++) { int index = random.nextInt(totalNumberOfPoints); if(integerTable.containsKey(index)) { i--; continue; } else { Point point = dataPoints[index]; randomPointSet.add(point); integerTable.put(index, ""); } } return randomPointSet; } /** * Partition the sampled data points to p partitions (p = numberOfPartitions) * @param pointSet Sample data point set * @return * ArrayList[] Data Set Partitioned Sets */ private ArrayList[] partitionPointSet(ArrayList pointSet) { ArrayList partitionedSet[] = new ArrayList[numberOfPartitions]; Iterator iter = pointSet.iterator(); for(int i = 0; i < numberOfPartitions - 1 ; i++) { partitionedSet[i] = new ArrayList(); int pointIndex = 0; while(pointIndex < pointSet.size() / numberOfPartitions) { partitionedSet[i].add(; pointIndex++; } } partitionedSet[numberOfPartitions - 1] = new ArrayList(); while(iter.hasNext()) { partitionedSet[numberOfPartitions - 1].add(; } return partitionedSet; } /** * Cluster each partitioned set to n/pq clusters * @param partitionedSet Data Point Set * @return * ArrayList Clusters formed */ private ArrayList clusterSubPartitions(ArrayList partitionedSet[]) { ArrayList clusters = new ArrayList(); int numberOfClusterInEachPartition = totalNumberOfPoints / (numberOfPartitions * reducingFactorForEachPartition); for(int i=0 ; i<partitionedSet.length; i++) { ClusterSet clusterSet = new ClusterSet(partitionedSet[i],numberOfClusterInEachPartition, minRepresentativeCount, shrinkFactor, dataPointsMap); Cluster[] subClusters = clusterSet.getAllClusters(); for(int j=0; j<subClusters.length; j++) { clusters.add(subClusters[j]); } } return clusters; } /** * Eliminates outliers after pre-clustering * @param clusters Clusters present * @param outlierEligibilityCount Min Threshold count for not being outlier cluster */ private void eliminateOutliersFirstStage(ArrayList clusters, int outlierEligibilityCount) { Iterator iter = clusters.iterator(); ArrayList clustersForRemoval = new ArrayList(); while(iter.hasNext()) { Cluster cluster = (Cluster); if(cluster.getClusterSize() <= outlierEligibilityCount) { updateOutlierSet(cluster); clustersForRemoval.add(cluster); } } while(!clustersForRemoval.isEmpty()) { Cluster c = (Cluster)clustersForRemoval.remove(0); clusters.remove(c); } } /** * Cluster all remaining clusters. Merge all clusters using CURE's hierarchical clustering algorithm till specified number of clusters * remain. * @param clusters Pre-clusters formed * @return * ArrayList Set of clusters */ private ArrayList clusterAll(ArrayList clusters) { ClusterSet clusterSet = new ClusterSet(clusters, numberOfClusters, minRepresentativeCount, shrinkFactor, dataPointsMap, true); return clusterSet.mergeClusters(); } /** * Assign all remaining data points which were not part of the sampled data set to set of clusters formed * @param clusters Set of clusters * @return * ArrayList Modified clusters */ private ArrayList labelRemainingDataPoints(ArrayList clusters) { for(int index = 0; index < dataPoints.length; index++) { if(integerTable.containsKey(index)) continue; Point p = dataPoints[index]; double smallestDistance = 1000000; int nearestClusterIndex = -1; for(int i = 0; i < clusters.size(); i++) { ArrayList rep = ((Cluster)clusters.get(i)).rep; for(int j=0; j<rep.size(); j++) { double distance = p.calcDistanceFromPoint((Point)rep.get(j)); if(distance < smallestDistance) { smallestDistance = distance; nearestClusterIndex = i; } } } if(nearestClusterIndex != -1) { ((Cluster)clusters.get(nearestClusterIndex)).pointsInCluster.add(p); } } return clusters; } /** * Update the outlier set for the clusters which have been identified as outliers * @param cluster Outlier Cluster */ private void updateOutlierSet(Cluster cluster) { ArrayList outlierPoints = cluster.getPointsInCluster(); Iterator iter = outlierPoints.iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()) { outliers.add(; } } private void debug(Exception e) { //e.printStackTrace(System.out); } /** * Gets the current representative count so that the new points added do not conflict with older KD Tree indices * @return * int Next representative count */ public static int getCurrentRepCount() { return ++currentRepAdditionCount; } public void showClusters(ArrayList clusters) { for(int i=0; i<numberOfClusters; i++) { Cluster cluster = (Cluster)clusters.get(i); logCluster(cluster, "cluster" + i); } logOutlier(); logPlotScript(clusters.size()); } private BufferedWriter getWriterHandle(String filename) { BufferedWriter out = null; try { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(filename, true); out = new BufferedWriter(fw); } catch(Exception e) { debug(e); } return out; } private void closeWriterHandle(BufferedWriter out) { try { out.flush(); out.close(); } catch(Exception e) { debug(e); } } private void logCluster(Cluster cluster, String filename) { BufferedWriter out = getWriterHandle(filename); try { out.write("#\tX\tY\n"); for(int j=0; j<cluster.pointsInCluster.size(); j++) { Point p = (Point)cluster.pointsInCluster.get(j); out.write("\t" + p.x + "\t" + p.y + "\n"); } } catch(Exception e){ debug(e); } closeWriterHandle(out); } private void logOutlier() { BufferedWriter out = getWriterHandle("outliers"); try { out.write("#\tX\tY\n"); for(int j=0; j<outliers.size(); j++) { Point p = (Point)outliers.get(j); out.write("\t" + p.x + "\t" + p.y + "\n"); } } catch(Exception e){ debug(e); } closeWriterHandle(out); } private void logPlotScript(int totalClusters) { BufferedWriter out = getWriterHandle("plotcure.txt"); try { setPlotStyle(out); out.write("plot"); for(int i = 0; i< totalClusters; i++) { out.write(" \"cluster" + i + "\","); } out.write(" \"outliers\""); } catch(Exception e){ debug(e); } closeWriterHandle(out); } private void setPlotStyle(BufferedWriter out) { try { out.write("reset\n"); out.write("set size ratio 2\n"); out.write("unset key\n"); out.write("set title \"CURE\"\n"); } catch(Exception e) { debug(e); } } } KD – Tree Implementation Open Source KD Tree Implementation has been used and is distributable under GNU General Public License Please refer for source/executable files. Please add kd.jar to classpath for successful execution of CURE and DBSCAN packages. contains the Java Documentation for KD Tree Implementation.