Clinical Assessment V 1.0 Client ID #: (do not use name) Ethnicities: Primary Language: 1301 AF: Caucasian; AM: Venezuelan-American Eng Span Other:________ List all Participants/Significant Others: Put a [] for Identified Patient (IP); [] for Sig. others who WILL attend; [X] for Sig. others who will NOT attend Adult: Age: Profession/Employer Child: Age: School/Grade [ ] AM 34:_Manager rental car agency___ [ X ] CM 3:_Daycare_____________________________________ [ ] AF 32: Secretary at insurance agency [ X] CF6:First grade___________________________________ [ ] AF/M #2:_____________________________________________ [ ] CF/M____:____________________________________________ Presenting Problems Depression/hopelessness Complete for children: Couple concerns Anxiety/worry School failure/decline performance Parent/child conflict Truancy/runaway Anger issues Partner violence/abuse Fighting w/peers Loss/grief Divorce adjustment Hyperactivity Suicidal thoughts/attempts Remarriage adjustment Wetting/soiling clothing Sexual abuse/rape Sexuality/intimacy concerns Child abuse/neglect Alcohol/drug use Major life changes Isolation/withdrawal Eating problems/disorders Legal issues/probation Job problems/unemployed Other: _______________________________ Other: _______________________________ Interpersonal issues NA Mood Affect Sleep Eating Anxiety Symptoms Trauma Symptoms Psychotic symptoms Motor activity/Speech NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Thought NA Socio-Legal Other Symptoms NA Mental Status for IP (AF) Conflict Enmeshment Isolation/avoidance Emotional disengagement Poor social skills Couple problems Prob w/friends Prob at work Overly shy Egocentricity Diff establish/maintain relationship Other: Depressed/Sad Hopeless Fearful Anxious Angry Irritable Manic Other: Constricted Blunt Flat Labile Dramatic Other: Hypersomnia Insomnia Disrupted Nightmares Other: Increase Decrease Anorectic restriction Binging Purging Body image Other: Chronic worry Panic attacks Dissociation Phobias Obsessions Compulsions Other: Acute Chronic Hypervigilance Dreams/Nightmares Dissociation Emotional numbness Other: Hallucinations Delusions Paranoia Loose associations Other: Low energy Restless/Hyperactive Agitated Inattentive Impulsive Pressured speech Slow speech Poor concentration/attention Denial Self-blame Other-blame Ruminative Tangential Illogical Concrete Poor insight Impaired decision making Disoriented Slow processing Other: Disregards rules Defiant Stealing Lying Tantrums Arrest/incarceration Initiates fights Other: NA Diagnosis for IP (AF) Contextual Factors considered in making Dx: Age Gender Family dynamics Culture Language Religion Economic Immigration Sexual Orientation Trauma Dual dx/comorbid Addiction Cognitive ability Other:___________________ Describe impact of identified factors:_Couple going through difficult time adjusting to have children; each has different gender role expectations for other as parent based on culturally informed gender roles. Axis I Primary: 309.28 Adjustment Disorder with Mixed Mood Anxiety and List DSM Symptoms for Axis I Dx (include frequency and duration for Depressed Mood, Chronic each). Client meets__5___ of __5___criteria for Axis I Primary Dx. Secondary: V61.10: Partner relational problem 1._Stressor: Birth of second child; couple still not adjusted to change Axis II:_V71.09 None__________________________________________ 2. Periods of sadness/hopeless; most days Axis III: None reported_________________________________________ 3._Periods of irritability and poor impulse control; 1-2 times per week Problems with primary support group: Spouse; parenting Problems related to social environment/school: Move 4. On-going conflict with AM Educational problems 5. On-going worry: most days. Occupational Problems Housing problems 6. Does not qualify for mood/anxiety disorder; no bereavement Economic problems Medications (psychiatric & medical) Dose /Start Date Problems with accessing health care services 1._Celexa_/_40 mg; 9/1/09 (prior to start therapy) Problems related to interactions with the legal system Other psychosocial problems 2.___________________________/____mg;_____________________ Axis V: GAF ___60_____ GARF 55 3. __________________________/_____mg;_____________________ Have medical causes been ruled out? Yes No In process Has patient been referred for psychiatric/medical eval? Yes No Client response to diagnosis: Agree; Somewhat agree Disagree; Has patient agreed with referral? Yes No NA; prior tx Not informed for following reason:____________________________ List psychometric instruments or consults used for assessment: None or __Outcome rating scale_____________________________________ 1 Interpersonal issues NA Mood Affect Sleep Eating Anxiety Symptoms Trauma Symptoms Psychotic symptoms Motor activity/Speech NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Thought NA Socio-Legal Other Symptoms NA Mental Status for IP (AM) Conflict Enmeshment Isolation/avoidance Emotional disengagement Poor social skills Couple problems Prob w/friends Prob at work Overly shy Egocentricity Diff establish/maintain relationship Other: Depressed/Sad Hopeless Fearful Anxious Angry Irritable Manic Other: Constricted Blunt Flat Labile Dramatic Other: Hypersomnia Insomnia Disrupted Nightmares Other: Increase Decrease Anorectic restriction Binging Purging Body image Other: Chronic worry Panic attacks Dissociation Phobias Obsessions Compulsions Other: Acute Chronic Hypervigilance Dreams/Nightmares Dissociation Emotional numbness Other: Hallucinations Delusions Paranoia Loose associations Other: Low energy Restless/Hyperactive Agitated Inattentive Impulsive Pressured speech Slow speech Poor concentration/attention Denial Self-blame Other-blame Ruminative Tangential Illogical Concrete Poor insight Impaired decision making Disoriented Slow processing Other: Disregards rules Defiant Stealing Lying Tantrums Arrest/incarceration Initiates fights Other: NA Diagnosis for IP (AM) Contextual Factors considered in making Dx: Age Gender Family dynamics Culture Language Religion Economic Immigration Sexual Orientation Trauma Dual dx/comorbid Addiction Cognitive ability Other:___________________ Describe impact of identified factors:_Couple going through difficult time adjusting to have children; each has different gender role expectations for other as parent based on culturally informed gender roles. Axis I Primary: 309.4 Adjustment Disorder with Depressed Mood List DSM Symptoms for Axis I Dx (include frequency and duration for Secondary: V61.10: Partner relational problem each). Client meets___5__ of __5___criteria for Axis I Primary Dx. Axis II:_V71.09 None__________________________________________ 1._ Trigger: AF becoming increasingly unhappy with him following birth of Axis III: None reported_________________________________________ second child; couple still not adjusted to change. Axis IV: 2. Periods of sadness/hopeless following arguments (1-4 times/week) Problems with primary support group: Spouse; parenting Problems related to social environment/school: Move 3._Periods of irritability and poor impulse control (1-4 days/week) Educational problems 4. On-going conflict with AF_ Occupational Problems Housing problems 5. Does not qualify for mood disorder; no bereavement Economic problems 6. ____________________________________________________ Problems with accessing health care services Problems related to interactions with the legal system Medications (psychiatric & medical) Dose /Start Date Other psychosocial problems 1._NA__________________________/____mg;____________________ Axis V: GAF ___60_____ GARF 55 2.___________________________/____mg;_____________________ Have medical causes been ruled out? Yes No In process Has patient been referred for psychiatric/medical eval? Yes No 3. __________________________/_____mg;_____________________ Has patient agreed with referral? Yes No NA List psychometric instruments or consults used for assessment: None or Client response to diagnosis: Agree; Somewhat agree Disagree; Not informed for following reason:____________________________ __Outcome rating scale_____________________________________ Medical Necessity: Check all that apply Significant impairment Probability of significant impairment Probable developmental arrest Areas of impairment: Daily activities Social relationships Health Work/School Living arrangement Other:_______________________ Risk Assessment Suicidality: No indication Denies Active Ideation Passive Ideation Intent without plan Intent with means Ideation in past yr Attempt in past yr Family/peer hx of completed suicide Homicidality: Hx Substance: Sexual & Physical Abuse and Other Risk Factors: Current child w abuse hx: Sexual;Physical;Emotional;Neglect No indication Alc abuse: No Adult w childhood abuse: Sexual;Physical;Emotional;Neglect Denies indication Denies Adult w abuse/assault in adulthood: Sexual; Physical; Current Active Ideation Past Current: Passive Ideation Freq/Amt: _____________ History of perpetrating abuse: Sexual; Physical Elder/Dependent Adult Abuse/Neglect Intent w/o means Drug: No indication Anorexia/Bulimia/Other eating disorder Intent with means Denies Past Cutting or other self harm: Current; Past; Method:_____________ Ideation in past yr Current Violence past yr Drugs:________________ Criminal/legal hx:__________________________ Hx assault/temper Freq/Amt:_____________ None reported Family/sig.other abuses Cruelty to animals Indicators of Safety: At least one outside person who provides strong support Able to cite specific reasons to live, not harm self/other Hopeful Has future goals Willing to dispose of dangerous items Willingness to reduce contact with people who make situation worse Willing to implement safety plan, safety interventions Developing set of alternatives to self/other harm Sustained period of safety: ________ Other: Safety Plan includes: NA Verbal no harm contract Written no harm contract Emergency contact card Emergency therapist/agency number Medication management Specific plan for contacting friends/support persons during crisis Specific plan of where to go during crisis Specific self-calming tasks to reduce risk before reach crisis level (e.g., journaling, exercising, etc.) Specific daily/weekly activities to reduce stressors 2 Other: Notes: Legal/Ethical Action Taken: NA__________________________________________________________________________________ Case Management Patient Referrals and Professional Contacts Has contact been made with Social Worker: Yes No: explain:________________ N/A Has client been referred for medical assessment: Yes No evidence for need Has client been referred for psychiatric assessment: Yes; cl agree; Yes, cl disagree Not rec. Has contact been made with treating physicians or other professionals: Yes No N/A Has client been referred for social services: Job/training Welfare/Food/Housing Victim services Legal aid Medical Other:_______________________ N/A Anticipated forensic/legal processes related to treatment: No; Yes_Potential divorce_________ Has client been referred for group or other support services: Yes No None recommended Client social support network includes: Supportive family; Supportive partner; Friends; Religious/spiritual organization; Supportive work/social group; Other___________________ Anticipated effects treatment will have on others in support system?: (Parents, children, siblings, sig. other, etc.): If couple issues not addressed, likely to affect children’s behavior._________________ Is there anything else client will need to be successful?____________________________________ Date 1st Visit: 11/1/09 Last visit: 11/14/09 Session Freq: Once week Every other week Other:________________ Expected Length of Treatment:3 months Client Sense of Hope: Little 1----AF----------------5----AM---------------10 High Hope If Child/Adolescent: Is Family Involved? Yes No Modalities: Individual Adult Individual Child Couple Family Group: _________ Is client involved in mental health or other medical treatment elsewhere? No Yes:________________________ Expected Outcome and Prognosis: Return to normal functioning Expect improvement, anticipate less than normal functioning Maintain current status/prevent deterioration Evaluation of Assessment/Client Perspective How was assessment method adapted to client needs? Used tone, language comfortable for couple; allow each person to share perspective. Age, culture, ability level, and other diversity issues adjusted for by: Provided opportunity for each to verbalize cultural/gender expectations. Systemic/family dynamics considered in following ways: Address over/underfunctioning dynamic by allowing each to speak for self; assign AM task of rescheduling appts. Describe actual or potential areas of client-therapist agreement/disagreement related to the above assessment: Couple seems to see situation as personality rather than cultural/gender conflict. ______________________________________________,_______________ Therapist Signature License/intern status _____________ Date ______________________________________________,_______________ Supervisor Signature License _____________ Date Abbreviations: AF: Adult Female; AM: Adult Male; CF#: Child Female with age, e.g. CF12; CM# Child Male with age; Hx: History; Cl: Client. 3 © 2007. Diane R. Gehart, Ph.D. All rights reserved. 4 of 4