Name: CC: HPI: Age: current sx, depression/mania/psychosis screen, safety, compliance, stressors, EtOH/Drugs (inc w/d) Past Psych Hx: (including substance abuse): Inpt/Outpatient, Med Trials, Suicide/Violence DDX: Put the case together with a good 1 liner Family Hx: (mental illness, substance abuse, suicide) mentioning the lead diagnosis. Then give supporting positives and negatives from the interview and MSE to support your lead diagnosis and other diagnoses on your differential. Mention that you would like more info (collateral/labs) to make an accurate diagnosis. Remember substance induced d/o and psych sx secondary to medical problems. Social Hx: (education, income/employment/ disability, living situation, marriage/partner/kids, legal, hx trauma/abuse) PMH: (remember to ask about TBI) Allergies: Meds: MSE: appearance, behavior, speech, mood, affect, thought process, content, memory/concentration, insight and judgment Axis I. Psychiatric d/o including Substance abuse Axis II. Personality d/o and developmental disorders Axis III. Medical Problems Plan: 1. Admit/Discharge Patient 2. Safety Level 3. Medical wk up (labs/imaging) 4. Collateral information 5. Medications to start/continue 6. Think about dispo issues (all pts need a safe d/c plan including appropriate outpatient care and a safe place to live). This may include shelter, group home placement, case manager, psychiatrist +/psychotherapist, substance abuse treatment, psychosocial rehab (day program/clubhouse).