California Department of Child Support Services Office of Audits and Compliance External Audit Section CS 356 AEC Review Questionnaire REVIEW QUESTIONNAIRE County Name: Date: Question 1) The LCSA receives Administrative and EDP funds from the State DCSS. Who manages the accounting function of these funds? 2) Does the LCSA accept Walk-in Cash Payments? Response Auditor/Controller Indicate Fund and acct # Yes Bank Indicate Bank and acct. # No If Yes, please provide Walk-in Cash Procedure If Yes, who handles the accounting function for Walk-in Cash? Auditor/Controller Indicate Fund and acct # 3) 4) Were there any problems, potential problems or concerns encountered during the engagement period from July 2010 to June 2011? Yes Did the LCSA deposit, accumulate, and expend Health Insurance and Performance Incentive funds during the engagement period? Yes 5) Did the LCSA receive any other funding sources during the engagement period from July 2010 to June 2011? Bank Indicate Bank and acct. # No If Yes, please summarize problems, potential problems or concerns and provide copy of supporting documentation. No If Yes, what is the remaining balance? Yes No If Yes, please explain the sources of funds and amounts that were received, and provide copies of supporting any documentation. Preparer Name: Title: Signature: Date: California Department of Child Support Services Office of Audits and Compliance External Audit Section CS 356 AEC Review Questionnaire REVIEW QUESTIONNAIRE Please provide the following documents for the CS 356 Compliance Review (Please pdf all documents if possible) LCSA OPERATIONS/PROGRAM GENERAL Copy of the fiscal year 10/11 LCSA Organizational Chart WALK-IN PAYMENTS AND CASH HANDLING Provide complete copies of all the policies and procedures the LCSA used to perform the walkin payments and cash handling functions for current year (e.g., processing, depositing, recording, safeguarding, etc.) Provide a flowchart and/or written documentation of internal control procedures used to ensure proper handling of walk-in payments Provide current year copy of bonding insurance for LCSA county employees. (Crime insurance policy etc.) Provide current Fixed Asset Inventory (Admin and EDP) and other LCSA asset inventory. Please refer to CSS letter 04-20 dated October 7, 2004 for the equipment/asset (purchased with Admin or EDP funds) and the required information that needs to be on the inventory list. CS 356 CLAIM Provide copies of detailed supporting schedules (Bridging Document) itemizing the 356 administrative claim agency expenses for each of the 4 quarters completed for State fiscal year 10/11. Provide complete copies of the General Ledger and Account Number Listing for Administrative accounts for State fiscal year 10/11. Provide a copy of each policy and procedures used by the LCSA for processing, reviewing, approving, classifying and recording CS356 expenditure and revenues. Provide copies of the payroll register reports for the 4th quarter of State fiscal year 10/11. Provide detailed list of all contracts (e.g., contractors, direct service contracts, laboratory, other contracts, PO, etc.) in effect during the engagement period for State fiscal year 10/11. Copy of Inter-Agency agreements in effect during the engagement period Copy of MOU, other contract, and arrangement agreement with public agencies Provide a copy of any audit performed in the LCSA for State fiscal year 10/11. Copy of Countywide Cost Allocation Plan Narrative description of line item cost for State fiscal year 10/11.