MKT 34403: Consumer Behavior Fall 2015 Mon. & Wed. 8:30-9:50 Bob Evans Farms Hall 115 Professor: Phone: E-mail: Office: Office Hours: Office Fax: Website: Dr. Wesley Thoene (740)245-7347 Bob Evans Farms Hall 239 Mon. & Wed. 9:45-10:00; 11:15-11:30. Tues. & Thurs. 11:15-1:15 740.245.7432 COURSE DESCRIPTION: The goal of any marketer is to discover customer needs and satisfy them. To this extent, it is vital marketers gain a fundamental understanding of how consumers think and act before, during, and after the buying process. TEXTBOOK AND OTHER REQUIRED MATERIALS: Babin, B. J. & Harris, E. G. (2013). CB. (4th ed.) Southwestern: Mason, OH. COURSE OBJECTIVES: The goal of the course will be to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the consumer decision-making process. To this extent, the course will focus on the external influences (demographics) and internal influences (perception, memory, personality, attitude, lifestyle) which impact this decision-making process. Once these influences are analyzed, students will learn how they apply to each step of the process. 1 GRADING POLICIES/TESTING/ASSIGNMENTS/ATTENDANCE/EXPECTATIONS Grade calculation Participation Presentations Midterm Exam Final Exam Consumption Journal % of Grade 10% 10% 25% 30% 25% Grading Scale A = 90 - 100% B = 80 - 89% C = 70 - 79 D = 60 - 69% F = <60% Participation: Participation will be measured through both attendance, the quality of comments students make in the classroom, and completion of homework. Students are advised to read the assigned chapters before coming to class in order to be prepared for classroom discussion. If students miss a day of class, notes are available on my Rio website, . Presentations Groups of 3-4 students will be asked to select an age group and create a 10-15 minute presentation about that age group. These presentations should include an overview of the age group, a discussion of their consumer behaviors, forces that shaped these behaviors, and advertisements which are geared toward this group. Presentations will require usage of PowerPoint and at least two journal articles which apply to the presented material. Consumption Journal For three weeks during the semester, you will be required to keep a consumption journal which lists every purchase you have made. The outline for this journal will be discussed in class. After three weeks, you will be required to write a 3-page paper, outlining your findings in terms of which products you bought most, brand loyalty, and the emotions associated with these purchases. Were any trends evident in terms of products, brands, timing of purchase? What (if any) areas of spending were excessive? What did you learn about yourself from this activity? How do these purchases/findings relate to your results from the VALS survey and Five-Factor Personality Test? Examinations The course midterm examination is tentatively scheduled for October 19. The final exam will be announced later. Both exams will be multiple-choice in structure and each will contain thirty-three questions. The following is a tentative schedule for the course. Please note that these dates are subject to change, and that such changes will be announced in class. 2 DATE CLASS TOPIC CLASS Aug 24 #1 Introduction & Syllabus ∙ Introductions Aug 26 #2 What is Consumer Behavior? ∙ Chapter 1 Aug 31 #3 Value and CB Value Framework ∙ Chapter 2 Sept 2 #4 Value and CB Value Framework ∙ Chapter 2 Sept 7 #5 Labor Day: No Class Sept 9 #6 Perception ∙ Chapter 3 Sept 14 #7 Perception ∙ Chapter 3 Sept 16 #8 Comprehension, Learning, & Memory ∙ Chapter 4 Sept 21 #9 Comprehension, Learning, & Memory ∙ Chapter 4 Sept 23 #10 Motivations and Emotions ∙ Chapter 5 Sept 28 #11 Motivations and Emotions ∙ Chapter 5 Sept 30 #12 Personality and Lifestyle ∙ Chapter 6 Oct 5 #13 Personality and Lifestyle ∙ Chapter 6 Oct 7 #14 Attitudes ∙ Chapter 7 Oct 12 #15 Attitudes ∙ Chapter 7 Oct 14 #16 Midterm Review Oct 19 #17 MIDTERM EXAM Oct 21 #18 Consumer Culture ∙ Chapter 8 Oct 26 #19 Consumer Culture ∙ Chapter 8 Oct 28 #20 Group Influence ∙ Chapter 9 Nov 2 #21 Group Influence ∙ Chapter 9 3 DATE CLASS TOPIC CLASS Nov 4 #22 Consumers & Situations ∙ Chapter 10 Nov 9 #23 Consumers & Situations ∙ Chapter 10 Nov 11 #24 Consumers & Situations ∙ Chapter 10 Nov 16 #25 ∙ Chapter 11 Nov 18 #26 Problem Recognition & Info Search Alternative Evaluation & Choice Nov 23 #27 Alternative Evaluation & Choice ∙ Chapter 12 Nov 26 #28 No Class- Thanksgiving Break Nov 30 #29 Presentations Dec 2 #30 Review TBA #31 Final Exams ∙ Chapter 12 4 MKT 3440301- Consumer Behavior Class Presentations For this project, you will be asked to assume the role of “professor for the day.” You will form four groups of four students and present the material from your chosen chapter. Presentations will require a PowerPoint presentation, an activity, and at least two journal articles which apply to your topic. These journal articles can be found on OhioLink. If you have any trouble accessing or finding these articles, please let me know. Presentations should last no more than one class session. If your presentation requires some sort of homework, please announce it during the preceding session so students can be better prepared for your presentation. In addition, you will be asked to submit a one-page report which outlines the main points of your presentation for submission to the professor. Students will be graded on a five-point scale for each of the following criteria: Grading Scale: 0 = Unacceptable; 1 =Insufficient; 2 = Minimal; 3 = Average; 4 = Good; 5 = Superior Accuracy of Information 0 1 2 3 4 5 Was the information presented accurately? Was the information relevant to the group’s topic? Were journal articles used? Creativity 0 1 2 3 4 5 Was the information presented in a creative manner? Was the audience actively engaged in the presentation? Presentation 0 1 2 3 4 5 Was an aura of professionalism maintained? Did students use time wisely? Did students make the information relatable to the audience? Will students be able to remember the information? PowerPoint Slides/ Report 0 1 2 3 4 5 Were the PowerPoint slides professional-looking? Was the outline submitted to the professor free of grammatical and spelling errors? Did both instruments adequately communicate the main points of the presentation? TOTAL POINTS ____/ 20 5 ADA POLICY: If a student wishes to be identified as having a physical, mental, or learning disability, that may or may not require reasonable accommodation(s), he/she must register with the Office of Accessibility. These registered students should identify themselves to their instructors and provide a written statement from the Accessibility Office that indicates the appropriate accommodations. The process of a student self-proclaiming the need for accommodation should occur as early in the semester as possible. The Office of Accessibility phone is 245-7339 and is located in Rhodes Hall, Room 116, University of Rio Grande. FERPA: The University of Rio Grande and Rio Grande Community College are committed to fully respecting and protecting the rights of students under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). These rights generally include the right to inspect, review and seek amendment to the student's education records and the right to provide written consent before personally identifiable information from education records is disclosed. Under FERPA, students have the right to file a complaint with the US Department of Education concerning alleged failures to comply with FERPA. Please see the Student Records Confidentiality/Rights Under FERPA section of the Student Handbook for details and more information. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: Standard university policies, as described in the Student Handbook, apply. WITHDRAWAL: Refer to Student Handbook ** This syllabus is not to be construed as a contract with the student and may be subject to change** 6