US History IE Mr. Grundfest NAME______________________________________

US History IE
Mr. Grundfest
Independence Test Review
TRUE/FALSE Write T for each statement that is true and F for each statement that is false on your answer sheet.
1. ______ Colonists didn’t like the Sugar and Stamp Acts because they were both direct taxes on goods.
2. ______ The Proclamation of 1763 said that colonists could NOT settle west of the Appalachian Mountains.
3. ______ The Stamp Act Congress was called because the colonists liked the Stamp Act.
4. ______ The Declaratory Act enabled Colonial Legislatures to write laws for the colonies.
5. ______ At the Second Continental Congress, Samuel Adams of Massachusetts said we should negotiate with the
6. ______ Thomas Paine urged the colonists to revolution in his pamphlet Common Sense.
7. ______ One of the main issues in the film, “Hard Winter” was whether slavery was morally justified.
8. ______ The purpose of the Boston Committee of Correspondence was to keep the rest of Massachusetts--and "the
World"-- informed of events in the city.
9. ______ One of the sections of the Declaration of Independence is a list of complaints against King George III.
10. ______ The Declaration of Independence argues that the colonists were fighting for “light and transient causes.”
MULTIPLE CHOICE For each of the following, circle the letter of the best choice. :
11. What battle strategies did the Americans use during the war?
12. What did the Second Continental Congress accomplish?
13. Why did the British government pass the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act?
14. When Thomas Jefferson wrote that, “all men are created equal’” what did he mean?
15. What were the provisions of the Treaty of Paris?
16. What actions did delegates to the First Continental Congress take?
17. What was the main colonial objection to the Tea Act?
18. Know which important battles the Americans won and which ones they lost, and which major cities were captured
by the British.
19. What methods did colonists use to protest "taxation without representation?"
20. Why were profiteering and inflation problems during the war?
21. How did the Declaration of Independence justify America's break from Britain?
22. What were some examples of egalitarianism after the war?
23. What were some characteristics of George Washington?
24. Which of the following was a result of the American victory at Saratoga?
25. What were the diplomatic results of the Revolutionary War?