Vocabulary Words List #2 All Summer in a Day + five SAT words

Vocabulary Words List #2 Sixth Grade
(total nine SAT so far)
All Summer in a Day + five SAT words
1. slackening verb --- adj --- lessening,
slowing down
The rain had fallen in huge, heavy drops for
hours, but now it was slackening.
2. surged verb --- moved in a wave
The children surged toward Margot.
3. resilient adj --- springy; quick to recover
The vegetation was resilient beneath their
4. savored verb --- delighted in
The pale children savored the warm
5. advocate (AD-vuh-kate) verb --- support;
plead for; speak on behalf of
Lawyers advocate for their clients.
6. clemency (KLEM-en-see) noun --- mercy
The remorseful defendant begged the judge
for clemency.
7. cloister (CLOY-ster) noun --- secluded or
isolated from the outside world; also, a
place of
During the trial, the jury remained
cloistered in a motel.
8. concur (kun-KERR) verb --- admit
reluctantly; yield
Scientists do not concur on what caused the
dinosaurs to die out.
9. denounce (dee-NOWNCE) verb --criticize; condemn
The president denounced the actions of his
country’s closest ally.