The Civil War and Reconstruction People, events and vocabulary

The Civil War and Reconstruction
People, events and vocabulary
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Election of 1860
Dred Scott v Sanford
Appomattox Courthouse
Fugitive Slave Law
Harriet Tubman
Underground Railroad
Gettysburg Address
Ft. Sumter
Abraham Lincoln
John Brown
Thirteenth Amendment
Sherman’s March
Frederick Douglas
Radical Republicans
John Wilkes Booth
Ulysses S. Grant
Robert E. Lee
Nathan Bedford Forest
Popular sovereignty
Wade-Davis Bill
Andrew Johnson
Freedmen’s Bureau
Black Codes
Thaddeus Stevens
Fourteenth Amendment
Fifteenth Amendment
Tenure of Office Act
Compromise of 1877
Jefferson Davis
Anaconda Plan
Monitor and Merrimac
Tenant Farming
Emancipation Proclamation
Wade-Davis Bill
Other Important Information
Major strategies, battles and events of the Civil war
Key legislation from the 1850s and 60s
Causes and effects of the Civil War & Reconstruction
Chronology of events from 1848 to 1877
Possible Essay Questions
(1) Compare and contrast the goals and strategies of the Lincoln, Johnson
& Congressional plans for Reconstruction.
(2) Compare and contrast the advantages of the Northern and Southern
(3) Discuss the political, economic and social reforms introduced in the
South between 1864 and 1877. To what extent did these reforms survive
the compromise of 1877?
(4) Compare and contrast the economic effects of the Civil War on both
Northern and Southern societies.