Chapter 15

Oakdale High School
Advanced Placement United States History
Mr. Simoncini
Chapter 15-17 Study Guide
Chapter 15
The failure of the Grant Administration
The attempt to resolve the issue of race relations in the U. S.
Differences between Lincoln’s, Johnson’s and the congressional plans for reconstruction
State governments in the South
The Wade-Davis Bill
The Freedmen’s Bureau
Johnson’s impeachment
Carpetbaggers and scalawags
The Reconstruction Amendments
Key foreign policy initiatives of post-war presidential administrations
The Ku Klux Klan and the Knights of the White Camellia
The activities of the Redeemers and the Readjuster movement
The Compromise of 1877
The work of Booker T. Washington
Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
Overall problems associated with Reconstruction
Chapter 16
Common traits of Native American Tribes
Dates of Native American uprisings noted in Chapter 16
Key Native American leaders during the period covered in Chapter 16
The Sand Creek Massacre
The Battle of Little Big Horn
The Bozeman Trail situation
The Ghost Dance and the Massacre at Wounded Knee
Causes associated with the demise of Native American tribes
The life of the farmer family on the Great Plains during the late 19th century
Problems associated with farming on the Great Plains
U. S. immigration policy with regard to Asians
Anti-coolie clubs and the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882
Grassroots anti-Chinese sentiment in California and elsewhere in the West
Key legislation regarding purchasing of public land by prospective farmers
Cowboys and key elements of the cattle industry
Causes of the demise of Hispanic culture in the West
The cause of women’s suffrage in the West
Western society and labor mobility
Chapter 17
The Rise of American Industry
The four factors of production
Vertical Integration
Horizontal Integration
Government support for large business
Effects of the Industrial Revolution on American industry
How Horatio Alger provided support for the American industry and big business
How advances in technology affected U. S. industry
The Trust and the Holding Company
Social Darwinism
Factors associated with the rise of U. S. industry
Carnegie’s The Gospel of Wealth
Overall, what were the causes of the U. S. becoming the world’s largest industrial power
Immigrants and American Labor
The various labor unions covered and why some have endured and others have not
Key causes, elements of and results of major labor strikes during the period studied
The Molly Maguires
Changes in immigration trends and the government’s immigration policy between 1870 and 1910
Reasons why organized labor, in general, failed in their goals between 1870 and 1910