
Name: ___________________________________ Hr.: ___ Date: ________ Due: ______
Skills Worksheet
Book A, Ch. 3, Sec. 1
1. What are fungi?
2. How do fungi get nutrients?
3. Many fungi are ______________________, which feed on dead plant or animal matter, while other
fungi are ______________________.
4. How do plants and fungi benefit from each other through a mycorrhiza?
Match the correct description with the correct term. Write the letter in the space provided.
_____ 5. a beneficial relationship between a plant and a fungus
a. hyphae
_____ 6. the twisted mass that forms when hyphae grow together
b. spores
_____ 7. threadlike fungal filaments
c. mycorrhiza
_____ 8. small reproductive cells that are protected by a thick cell wall
d. mycelium
9. All fungi are made of ____________________ cells.
10. Where is the mycelium found?
11. Describe the two types of asexual reproduction that take place in fungi.
12. Sexual reproduction in fungi happens when special structures form to make ______________________.
_____ 13. Which of the following type of fungus looks like wool or cotton?
a. yeast
c. mold
b. penicillium
d. mushroom
_____ 14. Which of the following groups does black bread mold belong to?
a. threadlike fungi
c. club fungi
b. sac fungi
d. imperfect fungi
_____ 15. Where do most of the threadlike fungi live?
a. in soil
c. in water
b. in another organism
d. in sand
_____ 16. What are the spore cases on threadlike fungi called?
a. sacs
c. spore mold
b. sporangia
d. morels
17. Name the four groups of fungi.
18. Describe the two types of reproduction that take place in threadlike fungi.
19. The largest group of fungi is ______________________.
20. Some examples of sac fungi are ______________________, ,______________________
,______________________ and ______________________.
21. When sac fungi reproduce sexually, they form a sac called a(n) ______________________.
22. Name two ways sac fungi are useful.
1. _____________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________
Match the correct description with the correct term. Write the letter in the space provided. Some terms will
not be used.
_____ 23. a form of asexual reproduction used by yeasts
_____ 24. a disease caused by sac fungi
_____ 25. the group of fungi that mushrooms belong to
_____ 26. clublike structures on club fungi
_____ 27. fungi that grow outward from wood and form small shelves
_____ 28. a poison produced by an imperfect fungus
_____ 29. a fungus used to make an antibiotic
a. threadlike fungi
b. basidia
c. budding
d. club fungi
e. chestnut blight
f. bracket fungi
g. Penicillium
h. aflatoxin
30. Why do mushrooms often appear in circles?
31. The most familiar mushrooms are ______________________ fungi.
32. Bracket fungi, puffballs, smuts, and rusts are all ______________________fungi.
33. Imperfect fungi do not reproduce ______________________.
34. A common human skin disease caused by imperfect fungi is ______________________.
_____ 35. A lichen is a combination of what two organisms?
a. fungus and alga
c. fungus and mushroom
b. alga and yeast
d. yeast and mushroom
_____ 36. Because lichens produce their food through photosynthesis, which group do they belong to?
a. consumers
c. producers
b. parasites
d. hosts
37. What allows lichens to live in even the driest environments without drying out?
38. Why can lichens grow on rocks?
39. Give one example of how a lichen changes its surroundings in a way that allows other organisms to
live there.
40. Why are lichens easily affected by air pollution?