NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering ECE-221 Fundamentals of Circuits WORKSHEET FOR LAB 7: FILTERS 1: Theory 1.a.1 Attach your PSPICE plot of H a ,dB ( ) 1.b.1 Solve for the poles and zeroes of Hb(s). What do the poles and zeroes tell us about the behavior of H b ,dB ( ) ? Answer 1.b.1 1.b.2 Attach your PSPICE plot of H b ,dB ( ) 2: Experiment H a ,dB ( ) 2.1 Frequency Response of Filter (a) H(s) (dB) 0 -2100 600 1100 1600 2100 2600 3100 3600 4100 -4 -6 -8 -10 Frequency (Hz) ECE 221 Lab 7 Worksheet <Your Name> Page 1 2.2 H b ,dB ( ) H(s) (dB) Frequency Response of Filter (b) 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 100 2100 4100 6100 8100 10100 12100 14100 16100 18100 Frequency (Hz) 3: Analysis 3.1 Comment on the degree to which your theoretical and experimental results are in agreement. What do you think are the most significant sources of error? What properties of these two filters have we not investigated that have a significant effect on their performance? What is a desirable state for these properties to ensure optimum filter performance? Answer 3.1 ECE 221 Lab 7 Worksheet <Your Name> Page 2