Psychology 305 Lab

Psychology 305 Lab
E-Merge and E-DataAid worksheet ANSWERS
Please work in pairs, and hand in just one worksheet.
Names: __________________________ and _______________________________
A. Get out the "Merging Data files" guidebook that you copied from the library.
B. Merge the data files from the experiment that you ran last week by following all the steps in the guidebook.
When you are done, answer the following questions:
How many data files did you merge?
What information is in the Quick Reference Window?
Instructions for how to locate the date files to be merged.
What information does file name of each data file tell you?
Experiment name (program name), subject number, session number
After you merged these data files, suppose you ran another 5 subjects. How would you add the data from these subjects
to the previous merge file?
Open E-Merge, click on Selected Unmerged, click Merge, click next,
Pick name of file containing previous merged data.
C. Get out the "Preparing Data for analysis" guidebook that you copied from the library.
D. Take the merged data set that you created and prepare it for statistical analysis by following all the steps in the
guidebook. When you are done, answer the following questions:
What was the point of picking the filter Target.ACC=1?
The goal is to select only correct responses for the reaction time analyses.
Suppose you were interested in getting the mean accuracy for each condition, rather than the mean reaction time. What
do you need to change in the filter?
Remove accuracy filter. This can be done by clicking Filter, then click
Clear All.
Suppose again that you were interested in getting the mean accuracy for each condition, rather than the mean reaction
time. What would you do differently in the Analyze window? (i.e., would you change the columns, rows, or data, and if
so, how?)
Change data from Target.RT to Target.ACC
When you export a table of means to Statview, will other statistical programs probably be able to read that table of
means file?
Hand this worksheet in to your lab instructor.