KS2 Year 3 Spanish Scheme of Work Lessons 9-10 Numbers 0 to 12 Framework objectives: 03.1: Listen and respond to rhymes, stories and songs L3.3: Experiment with the writing of simple words. Vocabulary and Structures: Pronunciation: English: Cero Uno Dos Tres Cuatro Cinco Seis Siete Ocho Nueve Diez Once Doce Thair o Oo no doss tress qwa troh thin koh sayss (as in plays) see et ay och oh noo eh bay dee eth on thay doh thay Zero One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Extension : Más Menos Multiplicado por Dividido por Igual a Extension: mass menoss mul tee pli ka do por dee bi dee do por eegwal ah Extension: Plus Minus Multiplied by Divided by Equals Resources: Early Start Spanish “Tù y yo” Number flashcards (more than 1 copy of each) www.languagesonline.org.uk Worksheet lessons 9 – 10 Power point numbers 0 – 12 Hundred square or number Suggested Teaching Sequence: Lesson Ten – oracy focus Share learning intention with class. Ask class if anyone can count to 12 (or less) in a different language. Present numbers, 6 at a time, using power point or flash cards, and repeat with the aid of mimes. Play memory game selecting sequences of 3 – 4 numbers, including repeats for the children to recall e.g. “cuatro seis, cuatro uno” Sing numbers to twelve to the tune of “Three Blind Mice”. Repeat song in two parts/as a round. Teacher asks for a volunteer to model pair work. Pupil turns away from teacher and teacher traces the digits of a number with his/her finger on the pupil’s back. The pupil has to guess the number in Spanish. When the pupil has guessed, Teacher and pupils swap roles. (Pupil language: Es correcto). After a few turns pupil returns to place. In pairs pupils perform the above pair work. Ensure visual back up and support is always available. Teacher monitors to help with pronunciation or comprehension problems. Play “ swap numbers”. Pupils arrange their chairs in a circle. Give everybody a numbered flashcard, making sure that there are several children holding each number. Teacher calls out a number and pupils holding the card showing that number swap their places. Teacher to take one chair at while they are swapping. The pupil left without a chair becomes the caller. Children to sit on a circle and pass a ball around the circle repeating number sequence. Plenary ask for volunteers or groups/tables to count to 12 unaided forwards and backwards, in steps of two from zero or 1. Use hundred square or number line to support activity. Lesson Eleven – literacy focus Remind pupils of learning intention. Sing song from previous lesson. Consolidate vocabulary by playing Kims game: cover all twelve flashcards with a cloth. Ask a volunteer to remove two of them. Remove cloth and children determine which numbers are missing, repeat several times, selecting different numbers. With aid of PowerPoint presentation repeat all numbers again + mimes. Write one of the numbers on the board with letters out of sequence. Class to rearrange letters to come up with correct spelling, Repeat this activity in pairs using mini whiteboards. One pupil chooses a number from the board and copies down the spelling but with letters out of sequence. Partner then identifies which number it is by referring to model on display and uses that model to resequence letters. Complete worksheet. Plenary: Play team game of Hangman. If confident, teacher/pupils can read out letters in Spanish. As an extension, teach pupils arithmetic terms in order that they can carry out simple mental maths and apply knowledge. They can then also complete extension sheet if required. Teacher calls out numbers or symbols and pupils do mime to demonstrate understanding. Teacher calls out simple arithmetic sums and pupils note and complete them on mini whiteboards Follow up and consolidation: Lotto (Bingo) Simple arithmetic with nos 1-12 Sing song in Early Start Spanish Watch Early Start Spanish