Требования к оформлению статей, принимаемым к

The Publication Requirements in the
The edition is published four times a year. You can obtain publication in both hard copy and in
electronic form. The Journal is available on the web page www.ijoness.esy.es.
The text of the article can not be completely used before in the previous author's publications.
All articles are reviewed by members of the editorial board. The decision to approve the
publication or not is made by reviewers and executive editor. The author corrects all the remarks and
recommendations of the reviewers.
The editors and the editorial are given the possibility to make cuts in the article and other changes
in accordance with the requirements of the Journal.
The authors of published articles can obtain a copy of the Journal in paper form at the address
pointed by them or in electronic form (format.pdf), downloading an article from the log file that is
available on the page www.ijoness.esy.es.
In order to obtain a paper form copy it is necessary to leave the address for the editorials. It
should be made in the form given in the table sample:
The academic degree, scientific status, name
Dr. hab., Professor A. G Filipenko
The name of the department
Department of Management and Logistics,
The name of the institution
The University of Economics,
St. Lipinska 2, , Kiev, Ukraine, 01220
Phone number
+38 067 123 45 67
The author should sign a affirmation on the publication agreement (App. 1). This is a prerequisite.
We should be grateful for the completion of the document by hand and then scanned and sent it by email version to ijoness.team@gmail.com. Statement should be signed by the author(s) indicating the
date and place of signing. Name of the author (s) is printed in English and in the language as the
article submission .
Attention! The graduate students, applicants can not print their own work in the Journal. Coauthor must be either a dr.hab. or PhD. It is also necessary to provide information about the
supervisor (co-author).
The sections of the Journal:
1) Economics and Business;
2) Management, Safety and Environment;
3) International Relations and Regional Studies;
4) The Law and Administration;
5) Sociology and Pedagogics.
The text of the article should be not less than 20,000 of printed symbols with spaces (around 1012 pages of text, including abstracts, keywords, notes and bibliography) and it should not exceed
30,000 printed symbols with spaces.
Publication languages are English, Russian and Polish. The name of the file should be – the
surname and initials of the author (s) in Latin letters with one of the extensions of Word (*.doc,
*.docx, *.rtf), eg., "Filipenko_A Kovalenko_B.doc".
General technical requirements (the example is in the Appendix 2):
1.1. Text editor: Word;
1.2. Paper size: А4, the main text is divided into two columns, column width 8.1 cm, the gap between
the columns - 0.3 cm.
1.3. The type style of the main text: 10 pt, Times New Roman;
1.4. Margins: left – 3 сm, top, bottom - 2.0 cm; right - 1.5 cm.
1.5. Line spacing: Single;
1.6. Style: Normal;
1.1. Indention - 0.5 cm.
1.2. Alignment: the width of the automatic hyphenation.
1.3. A list numbers is used in Arabic numerals with a bracket or using a bulleted list
using the hyphen.
1.4. Page numbers: unpaired page - at the bottom of the page, right justified, paired page at the bottom of the page, aligned left.
1.5. The title should contain the name of the Journal in English language "International
Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences" [font 10 pt, Arial, bold, italic, left
alignment], and at the end of the run-off should bring the number and year of publication
[ 14 pt font, Arial, bold, italics, right alignment], eg.,"№ 1 (1) in 2015".
1.6. Footnote of unpaired pages are initials and surname of the author in English [11 pt
font, Century Schoolbook, bold, centered], eg., "A. Filipenko". If more than one author,
their data should be separated by a comma, eg., "A. Filipenko, B. Kovalenko ".
1.7. Footnote of pair pages are name of the institution, city and country of the author in
English in parentheses and separated by commas [font 11 pt, Century Schoolbook, bold,
centered], eg., "University of Economics (Warsaw, Poland) ". If more than one author,
the information about their education , names of cities and countries, should beincluded
in separate lines.
2. The arrangement of the article (without columns division ):
2.1. In the upper left corner of the page the photo of the author in size approx. 3,5 cm x
2,5 cm. is located. If at all possible in grayscale (black and white).
2.2. Line 1: Code classifier GEL (Journal Economic Literaturehttps://www.aeaweb.org/econlit/jelCodes.php) [12 pt font, Calibri, bold, right alignment],
eg., "GEL A 220" .
2.3. Line 2 (3) Information about the author (s) and their scientific degrees and academic
names: [12 pt font, Calibri, bold, left alignment], eg., "Prof. Anna Filipenko1). "
2.4. [1 x enter]
2.5. Line 3: Information about the educational institution of the author: name of the
department, full name of the university (without abbreviations), city and country in
parentheses. Theline below is the email address [12 pt font, Calibri, italic, center
alignment], eg.,
1) Department of Business Logistics, University of Economics (Warsaw, Poland)
2.6. [1 x enter]
2.7. Line 4: The title of the article in English [font 12 pt, Times New Roman, ascribed the
letters, bold, centered], eg., "THE ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF EMPLOYMENT IN
2.8. [1 x enter]
2.9. Line 5: Title of the article in Polish [font 12 pt, Times New Roman, ascribed the
letters, bold, centered], eg., "AKTUALNE PROBLEMY ZATRUDNIENIA W
2.10. [1 x enter]
1.1. 2.11. Line 6: Title of the article in Russian [font 12 pt, Times New Roman, ascribed the
letters, bold, centered], eg. "АКТУАЛЬНЫЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ ЗАНЯТОСТИ В
2.12. [1 x enter]
2.13. Line 7: The word "annotation" in English [font 12 pt, Times New Roman, bold,
centered], eg., "Annotations".
2.14. Line 8: The summary is in English [font 11 pt, Times New Roman, italic,
explanation], eg., "The investigation demonstrates that ...". 300-600 The number of
characters is printed with spaces.
2.15. Line 9: The phrase "keywords" in English [font 11 pt, Times New Roman, bold,
italic, justified] with exactly by keyword in English [font 11 pt, Times New Roman,
italic, justification ], eg., "Keywords: employment, unemployment, higher education,
employment of graduates, labor market". Number of words (phrases) 5-15.
2.16. [1 x enter]
2.17. Line 10: The word "annotation" in Polish [font 12 pt, Times New Roman, bold,
centered], eg., "Streszczenie".
2.18. Line 11: The content of the summary in Polish [font 11 pt, Times New Roman,
italic, explanation], eg., "Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że ...". 300-600 The
number of characters is printed with spaces.
2.19. Line 12: The phrase "keywords" in Polish [font 11 pt, Times New Roman, bold,
italic,justified] by the keywords in Polish [font 11 pt, Times New Roman, italic,
justification ], eg., "Słowa kluczowe: bezrobocie, zatrudnienie, szkolnictwo wyższe,
zatrudnienie absolwentów, rynek pracy". Number of words (phrases) 5-15.
2.20. [1 x enter]
2.21. Line 13: The word "annotation" in Russian [font 12 pt, Times New Roman, bold,
centered], eg., ""Аннотация".
2.22. Line 14: The content of the summary in Russian [font 11 pt, Times New Roman,
italic, justification], eg., "Исследования показывают, что …".300-600 The number of
characters is printed with spaces.
2.23. Line 15: The phrase "key words" in Russian [font 11 pt, Times New Roman, bold,
italic, justified] with directly by the key words in Russian [font 11 pt, Times New Roman,
italic, justification ], for example. "Keywords: unemployment, employment, higher
education, employment of graduates, the labor market." Number of words (phrases) 5-15.
2.24. [1 x enter]
3. The design of the article:
3.1. The word "Introduction" in the language of [font 12 pt, Times New Roman, bold, left
alignment, without indentation], eg., "Introduction" or "Wprowadzenie" or "Introduction".
3.2. Text of administration according to general specifications.
3.3. [1 x enter]
3.4. The title of the first section [font 12 pt, Times New Roman, bold, left alignment,
without indentation], for example. "1. Current trends in the labor market." On the next line
of text is a material of the first section with the general specifications.
3.5. [1 x enter]
3.6. The title of the next section (points), taking into account the general technical
requirements, etc.
3.7. [1 x enter]
3.8. The word "conclusion" in language used in the article [font 12 pt, Times New Roman, bold,
left alignment, without paragraph], eg., "Conclusions" or "Wnioski" or "output".
3.9. The content of the conclusions should be made according to general specifications.
3.10. [1 x enter]
3.11. The word "Bibliography" in language used in the article [font 12 pt, Times New Roman, bold,
left alignment, without paragraph, without division into columns], eg., "Bibliography" or
"Bibliografia" or "Bibliography".
3.12. List of sources is compiled according to the alphabet [9 pt font, Times New Roman, left
alignment, with paragraph, without division into columns.
4. Compiling of tables.
The tables should be located as close as possible to the idea of the text. Compiling of tables is
possible only in gray or no color. Tables should be transparent, clear and centered in the
middle. They should be streched across the paper sheet (without division into columns).
Tables can not be splited between pages. Addition of data to the table have to confirm to the
following requirements: font 9 pt., Spacing 1.0. Table heading should be placed above the
table [font 12 pt., Bold, centered]. The source is directly under the table [font 10 pt., Without
iparagraph]. After reduction of the source should be left free line 1.
Table 3. Title of the article
Position 1
Position 2
1 hour
2 hours
Source: The State Statistics Department, http://www.stat.gov.com, доступ от 6.03.2015 г.
Compiling of drawings (Diagrams).
Figures should be placed as close as possible to the idea of the text. They must be given only
in gray (no color). Scanned diagrams are not accepted for publication. Pictures can not be shared
across pages. They are streched across the paper sheet (no division by columns) with centering.
Figures should be made in Word, Corel Draw, or Excel, grouped within a single object so that the
elements can not move. All drawings should be available for editorial corrections. Graphs should be
available for editorial changes as well. Text figures should keep the following requirements: font - 9
pt., Spacing - 1.0. The name of the picture should be given above the drawing [font 12 pt., Bold,
centered]. Tile of the drawing id given directly under the picture [font 10 pt., Without paragraphs]. If
the source is not full, the source line should be left free line 1.
Figure 3. Figure captions
unit dimension
figure 1
figure 2
Source: author’s remarks
5. Compiling of formulas
The equations and formulas should be formed by using the formula editor [font
12 pt., Spacing 1,0]. Formulas must be numbered in the text. All marks in the formula should
be explained in the next line after the formula.
f = F1 – F2,
where: f – figure 1; F1 – Figure 2; F2 – Figure 3. [font 9 pt., spacing 1,0]
6. The rules of citing sources, the text of the article
Publications of other authors should be given according to the quotation requirements. At the
end of the quotation in brackets should be indicate the author's name from the list of literature,
publication source and the number of cited page, eg., [O. Kravchuk 2012, p. 21].
7. Bibliography
References appear in the text without division into columns. Sources used in the text should
be placed in alphabetical order. Sources of research teams, published under the editorship of a
single, must be described, starting with its title, in other cases, from the name of the author
[font 9 pt., Spacing 1.0, left alignment, with paragraph, without division into columns].
7.1. Sources of one or more authors: I. Name, Title, Publisher, place and year of publication,
p. __.
7.2. Sources of authors: Name, ed. I. Name, Publisher, place and year of publication, p. __.
7.3. A section in the source to a group of authors: I. Name, Title of the section, [in:] The name
of the source, ed. I. Name, Publisher, place and year of publication, p. __.
7.4. Articles in Journals: I. Name, Title of the article, "History", the year of publication,
number, p. __.
7.5. Legislative Acts: Act of 5 January 2004 title, place of publication, date of publication.
7.6. Web page: http://www.stat.gov.com, accessed from 01.01.2015, the
We will be grateful to you to publish scientific results in the international Journal titled
«International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences» (IJONESS) supporting ISSN