Physical Design: Oracle Examples ITM354, Dr. Chen 1. create table Employee (EmpNo number(10) Primary Key, Name Varchar2(40) Not null, DeptNo Number (2) Default 10, Salary Number(7,2) Check (Salary<1000000), Birthdate Date, SSN Char(9) Unique, Foreign key (deptno) refernces Dept(Dno)) tablespaces USERS; 2. create tablespace Codes_tables datafile ' /u01/racle/VLDB/codes_tables.dbf'' size 10M extent management local uniform size 256K; default is 1MB) assuming the block size is 4KB, the blocking factor will be 256/4 = 64. Note that: you cannot change the blocksize after the database creation. You declare the block size in the init.ora file before database creation: DB_BLOCK_SIZE=4K. 3. alter index IU_spaces$DB_TS_CD rebuild storage (initial 16M next 16M pctincreates 0) tablespace INDX_1; 4. Materialized View a. datawarehousing (summarization, precomuted data, etc.) b. distributed database (replication) c. speed up performance for queries involving aggregates or join CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW Store_dept_sal_mv PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Mviews STORAGE (initial 1M next 1M pctincrease 0) BUILD deferred REFRESH complete ENABLE QUERY REWRITE AS select d.Dname, sum (salary) as tot_sum from department d, employee e where d.dnum = e.dno group by d.dname; SQL3 standards: 5. CREATE INDEX Rating ON Student WITH STRUCTURE = BTREE, KEY = (age, gpa)