Homework Six CS325 Database Management Systems Spring 2009 Date Assigned: 3-5-2009 Problem One: Consider the database shown above. Specify the following queries on the relational schema shown above using SQL DML. Describe IN ENGLISH, how the query works. Also show the result of each query as it would apply to the database shown above. a) Retrieve the names of all senior students majoring in ‘CS’ (Computer Science) b) Retrieve the names of all courses taught by Professor King in 1998 and 1999. c) For each section taught by Professor King, retrieve the course number, semester, year, and number of students who took the section. d) Retrieve the name and transcript of each senior student (Class = 5) majoring in CS. A transcript includes course name, course number, credit hours, semester, year, and grade for each course completed by the student. e) Retrieve the names and major departments of all straight-A students (students who have a grade of A in all of their courses). f) Retrieve the names and major departments of all students who do not have a grade of A in any of their courses. Grading Criteria: Each sub-problem receives a maximum of 5 points. Maximum grade for problem is 30 points. Each problem is graded differently with the cost of an error weighted by the underlying principle of the problem. Problem Two: Consider the relational database shown above. Specify the following queries on the relational schema shown above using SQL DML. Describe IN ENGLISH, how the query works. Also show the result of each query as it would apply to the database shown above. a) Retrieve the department number, number of employees, combined salary, and average salary for each department. b) Retrieve the department number and number of employees for each department with a combined salary over $100,000. c) Retrieve the department number and average salary for any department with more employees than department 4. d) Consider the following view, DEPT_SUMMARY, defined on the COMPANY database: CREATE VIEW DEPT_SUMMARY(DNO, COUNT, SUM_SALARY, AVERAGE_SALARY) AS SELECT DNO, COUNT(*), SUM(SALARY), AVG(SALARY) FROM EMPLOYEE GROUP BY DNO; Is the following UPDATE possible? Why or why not? UPDATE e) DEPT_SUMMARY SET DNO = 3 WHERE DNO = 4; Consider the view from problem (d). Is the following DELETE possible? Why or why not? DELETE FROM DEPT_SUMMARY WHERE COUNT > 4; Grading Criteria: Each sub-problem receives a maximum of 5 points. Maximum grade for problem is 30 points. Each problem is graded differently with the cost of an error weighted by the underlying principle of the problem.