Shandong University - China Scholarship Council

Shandong University
Founded in 1901, Shandong University is a key comprehensive university directly under the
jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. It is one of the oldest
renowned universities throughout the country and one of the high-ranking universities whose
development are given priority by the state. The main part of Shandong University is located in Jinan
with several campuses, and a branch in Weihai, a coastal city in Shandong province. Shandong
University has established an extensive transnational relationship in academic exchanges and
cooperation. It has by now set up an intercollegiate collaborating relationship with more than 70
universities in over 40 countries and regions. Since 1980, the university has accepted international
students from over 60 countries, and currently, it has around 2,000 regular international students.
Ⅰ. Programs for International Students
Shandong University is now made up of 31 colleges, 3 affiliated hospitals, 12 internship hospitals and a
postgraduate institute. Currently, the number of undergraduate students has surpassed 40,000 and
postgraduate students 10,000. Shandong University provides programs for bachelor’s, master’s
doctoral degrees. The above programs cover 11 fields of study, namely, literature, history, philosophy,
economics, management, law, science, engineering, medicine, pedagogy and military science.
Shandong University now has 188 doctoral degree conferring programs; 15 postdoctoral research
programs; 268 master’s degree granting programs and 8 professional degree granting programs; and
112 bachelor’s degree programs.
(1) Undergraduate and graduate degree-granting programs;
(2) Non-degree granting programs (including general and advanced students, visiting scholar and
researcher ), 6 months to 2 years;
(3) Pre-enrollment training program;
(4) Short-term courses (including Chinese course, cultural course, and cultural tour course).
Specialty for Undergraduates (4 Years)
Science of Religion
International Economics and Trade※
Financial Engineering
Science of Law
10. Scientific Socialism and International Communism Movement
11. Sociology
12. Social Work
13. Politics and Administration
14. International Politics
15. Social Physical Culture
16. Chinese Linguistics and Literature
17. English
18. Russian
19. German
20. French
21. Japanese
22. Korean
23. Translation
24. Journalism
25. Advertising
26. Musicology
27. Fine Arts
28. History
29. World History
30. Archeology
31. Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
32. Information and Computing Science
33. Physics
34. Applied Physics
35. Chemistry
36. Applied Chemistry
37. Biology
38. Biological Technology
39. Electronic Information and Technology
40. Microelectronics
41. Optical Information Science and Technology
42. Information Security
43. Material Physics
44. Material Chemistry
45. Environmental Science
46. Ecology
47. Statistics
48. Metallic Material Engineering
49. Inorganic Nonmetallic Materials Engineering
50. High Polymer Materials Engineering
51. Machinery Design, Manufacture and Automation
52. Material Modeling and Control Engineering
53. Industrial Design
54. Process Equipments and Control Engineering
55. Vehicle Engineering
56. Test Control Engineering and Equipments
57. Heat Power and Dynamical Engineering
58. Electronic Engineering and Automation
59. Automation
60. Electronic Information Engineering
61. Communication Engineering
62. Computer Science and Technology
63. Electronics and Technology
64. Biomedical Engineering
65. Software Engineering
66. Integrated Circuit Design and Integrated Systems
67. Electric Power Engineering and Management
68. Architecture
69. Civil Engineering
70. Urban Underground Space Engineering
71. Hydrology and Water Resource
72. Environmental Engineering
73. Chemical Engineering and Technology
74. Pharmaceutical Engineering
75. Communications and Transportation
76. Logistics
77. Packing Engineering
78. Engineering Dynamics
79. Biological Engineering
80. Prophylactic Medicine
81. Clinical Medicine※
82. Clinical Medicine (7-year course)
83. Medical Iconography※
84. Stomatology
85. Stomatology (7-year course)
86. Nursing Science※
87. Pharmacy
88. Management Science
89. Information Management and Information System
90. Industrial Engineering
91. Engineering Management
92. Business Administration
93. Marketing
94. Accounting
95. Human Resource Management
96. Tourism Management※
97. E-commerce
98. Logistic Administration
99. International Business
100. Public Administration
101. Cultural Assets Management
102. Library Science
103. Archival Science
104. Physical Education
Specialty for Postgraduates (2-3 Years)
Marxist Philosophy
Chinese Philosophy*※
Foreign Philosophy*※
Scientific and Technological Philosophy※
Religion Science※
Social Security※
Social Work※
Political Economics*
10. Western Economics※
11. International Economy※
12. National Economics*
13. Regional Economics
14. Finance* (Including Taxation)
15. Banking (including Insurance Study)
16. Industrial Economics*※
17. International Trade
18. Labor Economics
19. Quantitative Economics
20. Theory of Law*※
21. History of Law
22. Constitutional and Administrative Law
23. Criminal Law※
24. Civil and Commercial Law
25. Science of Litigation
26. Science of Economic Law※
27. International Law※
28. Master of Law
29. Theory of Politics
30. Scientific Socialism and International Communist Movement*
31. History of the Communist Party of China
32. International Politics*※
33. International Relations※
34. Public Administration※
35. Ethics
36. Marxist Theory and Ideological Education*
37. Higher Education
38. Linguistics and Applied Linguistics*
39. Chinese Philology*※
40. Study of Chinese Classical Text*
41. Ancient Chinese Literature*
42. Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature*
43. Comparative Literature and World Literature*
44. Chinese Folk Literature*
45. Journalism
46. Science of Mass Media
47. Art of Design
48. Theory of Literature and Art*
49. Folklore Study
50. Historical Theories and History of Historical Science*
51. English Language and Literature*※
52. Russian Language and Literature
53. Japanese Language and Literature
54. Asian-African Language and Literature
55. Linguistics and Applied Linguistics in Foreign Languages
56. Art Theory
57. Archaeology and Museology*
58. Historical Geography*
59. Studies of Historical Literature*
60. History of Particular Subjects*
61. Ancient Chinese History*
62. Modern and Contemporary Chinese History
63. World History*
64. Archival Science
65. Fundamental Mathematics*
66. Computational Mathematics*
67. Probability and Mathematical Statistics*
68. Applied Mathematics*
69. Operational Research and Cybernetics*
70. Information Security*
71. Financial Mathematics and Financial Engineering*
72. Systems Theory*
73. Engineering Mechanics (Science) *
74. Theoretical Physics*
75. Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics*
76. Atomic and Molecular Physics*
77. Condensed Matter Physics*
78. Acoustics
79. Optics*
80. Measuring and Testing Technologies and Instruments
81. Materials Physics and Chemistry*
82. Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics*
83. Inorganic Chemistry*
84. Analytical Chemistry*
85. Organic Chemistry*
86. Physical Chemistry (Including Chemical Physics)*
87. Chemistry and Physics of Polymers*
88. Theoretical and Calculational Chemistry
89. Nanometer Material Chemistry*
90. Colloid and Interfacial Chemistry*
91. Chemical Engineering
92. Chemical Technology
93. Applied Chemistry
94. Botany
95. Zoology*
96. Genetics*
97. Developmental Biology*
98. Cell Biology*
99. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology*
100. Ecology*
101. Microbiology*
102. Fermentation Engineering*
103. Radio Physics*
104. Optical Engineering*
105. Optical and Electronical Engineering*
106. Science and Technology of Optical Information*
107. Physics Electronics
108. Circuitry and System
109. Electromagnetism Field and Microwave Technology
110. Communication and Information System*
111. Signal and Information Processing*
112. Material Science*
113. Environmental Science
114. Environmental Engineering*
115. Environmental Chemistry*
116. Environmental Biology*
117. Management Science and Engineering
118. Accounting
119. Corporate Management *
120. Tourism Management
121. Technology Economy and Management
122. Master of Business Administration
123. Library Science
124. System Analysis and Integration
125. Material Processing Engineering*
126. Packing Materials and Containers
127. Machine Manufacturing and Automation*
128. Mechanical Electronic Engineering*
129. Mechanical Design and Theory*
130. Vehicle Engineering*
131. Chemical Process Equipment
132. Information Engineering of Manufacturing System
133. Engineering Physics
134. Heat Energy Engineering*
135. Dynamical Mechanics and Engineering
136. Hydro-mechanics and Engineering
137. Refrigeration and Microthermal Engineering
138. Electrical Machinery and Appliance
139. Electrical Power System and Automation*
140. High Voltage and Insulation Technology*
141. Electrical Power and Transmission*
142. Electrician Theory and New Technology*
143. Biomedical Engineering*
144. Control Theory and Control Engineering*
145. Examining and Measuring Technology and Automation*
146. Systems Engineering
147. Mode Identification and Intelligence Control
148. Computer System Structure
149. Computer Software and Theory
150. Computer Application Technology
151. Software Engineering
152. Solid Mechanics
153. Architectural History and Theory
154. Architectural Design and Theory
155. Geotechnical Engineering
156. Structural Engineering
157. Hydrology and Water Resources
158. Hydraulic Structure Engineering
159. Highway and Railway Engineering
160. Physical Education Sociology
161. Applied Psychology
162. Physiology
163. Neurobiology*
164. Biomedical Engineering
165. Dissection and Organic Embryology*
166. Immunology*
167. Pathogenic Organisms*
168. Pathology and Pathophysiology*
169. Internal Medicine*
170. Pediatrics*
171. Geriatrics
172. Neurology
173. Psychiatry and Mental Health
174. Dermatology and Venereology
175. Imaging and Nuclear Medicine*
176. Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics*
177. Surgery*
178. Obstetrics and Gynecology*
179. Ophthalmology*
180. Otolaryngology*
181. Oncology
182. Rehabilitation Medicine & Physical Therapy
183. Anesthesiology
184. Emergency Medicine
185. Clinical Discipline of Chinese & Western Integrative Medicine*
186. Basic Science of Stomatology
187. Clinical Science of Stomatology*
188. Epidemiology and Health Statistics*
189. Occupational and Environmental Health
190. Nutrition and Food Hygiene※
191. Science of Maternal and Infant Care
192. Hygiene Toxicology
193. Social Medicine and Health Management*
194. Nursing
195. Pharmaceutical Chemistry*
196. Pharmaceutics
197. Pharmacognosy
198. Pharmaceutical Analysis
199. Microbial and Biochemical Pharmacy*
200. Pharmacology*
201. Ocean Biology
202. Genomics and Biological Information
203. Process Equipment Engineering
204. Electromechanical Products Innovation Designing and Creating
205. Basic Pharmacology of Medical Science
* indicates doctoral degrees
※indicates specialties can be conducted in English with a
prerequisite of a minimum num of 20 students for Master’s degree, and 15 for doctoral degree.
All the specialties admit general advanced students, senior scholars, visiting scholars, and research
The language level of international students specializing in Chinese Literature, Chinese Philosophy,
and Chinese History, is expected to be above the Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) Grade 6, other fields
should be at least HSK Grade 3.
Applicants may download forms from, and submit application materials to
the College of International Education (CIE) of Shandong University by post, fax or email. If you are
interested in applying for medicine taught in English, please contact CIE for detailed information.
Ⅱ. Fees and Expenses
Science &
Bachelor’s degree
General advanced study
Master’s degree
Senior advanced studies
Doctoral Degree
Visiting/research Scholar
(taught in
(taught in
Fine Art and
P. E.
General Chinese language
language study
 Registration fee: For short-term studies
For other studies
 Medical insurance premium: 600yuan per year in accordance with the insurance standard
stipulated in the Chinese government’s scholarship document.
 Meal Expense: The daily meal expense is about 10-20yuan for dining at the international students’
dining hall. An alternative is to cook by oneself in the neat and convenient public kitchen.
Note: Prices are marked with Chinese Yuan (RMB)
Ⅲ. Accommodation and Living Facilities
In 1994, the College of International Education of Shandong University was established. It is a
comprehensive educational institution mainly responsible for the admission, teaching, management of
and service for the international students. The college also enrolls domestic students for studies in
Linguistics and Applied Linguistics for master’s degree, and students for studies in Education (second
language teaching) for dual bachelor’s degree. With many talented and experienced teachers and fine
teaching facilities, it also undertakes such programs as training Confucius Institute and Chinese
language teachers for overseas schools and institutions. The International Students’ Complex locates on
the East Campus and west campus, which has sports ground, gymnasium, a café, a shop, public
kitchens, a laundry room, public washrooms, shower rooms, and a boiler room where boiled water is
available. Single-bad and double-bad rooms are available in the International Students’ Complex,
which are furnished with air-conditioner, heat, telephone, and TV Internet socket, some rooms have
attached bathrooms. The accommodation fee varies from RMB35~75 per day per room. Students can
apply to live outside campus as well.
Ⅳ. Contact Information:
 Address: College of International Education, Shandong University
27 Shanda Nanlu, Jinan, 250100 P. R. C.
 Tel: +86-531-88364535 +86-531-88364505
 Fax: +86-531-88565623
 E-mail:;
 Website: