MEETING MINUTES API RP 520 TASK FORCE FALL 2009 MEETING DALLAS, TEXAS Date: November 10, 2009 Time: 8:00A – 4:45P . 1. Chairman P. Henry called the meeting to order at 8AM, asked for introductions and sent around the meeting sign up sheet. There were 40 attendees at the meeting. 2. A plaque recognizing the many contributions of A. Shackelford was presented by Steve Crimaudo. 3. Paulette Saunders was appointed secretary to record meeting minutes. 4. The meeting minutes from the Spring 2009 Denver, CO 520 task force meeting were reviewed. A motion was made to approve the minutes. This motion was seconded and it was voted as approved with only minor edits. 5. No new inquiries. 6. The following inquiries were discussed: a. Discussed the balloting on the inquiry from 520p1-I-02/08 from Shell regarding taking into account inlet pressure loss when sizing a pressure relief valve and when determining the maximum built-up back pressure for conventional pressure relief valves. Regarding the sizing portion of the inquiry the group is in agreement that it is common practice to not take into account losses of 3% or less in the sizing calculations. A negative response to the balloting was received based on the fact that the language in the proposed response included guidance that is not in the current version of the document. There was discussion on whether it is appropriate to use the response to an inquiry to document and publish intended upcoming changes to the document. Although, there is no text specifically discussing the topic, the example problems in API 520 Part 1 clearly do not include any reduction in the pressure at the inlet to the valve based on the inlet pressure loss. A vote was taken to send out the response as written without modification. (Action P. Henry to send out the response.) b. 520p1-I-01/09 from Tanker Pacific Management regarding the reduction in ASME hydrostatic pressure. 1st Part: Should the hydrotest pressure that is used to determine the permissible high pressure/low pressure ratio for tube rupture and other remote contingencies take into account the corrosion allowance. API 521 Section 3.21 recognizes the correction for hydrotest pressure for temperature only. ASME VIII, Division 1, Appendix M recognizes corrections to hydrotest pressure for both temperature and corrosion allowance. Response: “Yes, the language in the document will be reconsidered.” (Action item: R. Danzy and P Henry will consider changes to the definition to the corrected hydrotest pressure as part of an action item assigned by the 521 task force.) 2nd Part: Is API going to revise Figure 1 based on reduced hydrotest pressures in the ASME code. Response: “No, the allowable overpressure is based on the construction code”. (Action P. Henry to draft response with clarification.). 3rd Part: Is API considering adding clarifications on this. (Action item: P. Henry to prepare draft response “No” without clarification.) c. 7. Reviewed the proposed rewrite of the questions from Middough, prepared by A. Shackelford, on using ideal versus real gas properties to size a pressure relief valve into formal inquiry format. This is not a formal inquiry, however, the intent based on agreement at the Spring 2009 meeting was to issue this as a formal inquiry in order to get the information into the public record. Discussion was held whether or not this should be a converted to a formal technical inquiry or held to incorporate into the document for the next version. There was agreement that the response provides good background and information. A vote was taken and it was decided not to issue this as an official inquiry with the response. The response prepared may be used to modify Appendix B in the future, see Attachment 1 to these minutes. (Action: P. Henry to send out the response as a separate e-mail and as attachment to the minutes for use of the committee members.) API RP 520 part II Work in Progress a. P. Henry announced his goal to have a draft of API 520 Part II out for ballot before the end of the year. P Henry briefly reviewed major changes in the current draft. b. Discussion on changes to section 5.3 on whether superimposed back pressure should be excluded from consideration on relief valves in thermal service with heat input from ambient or solar radiation. A new section 5.3.2 on thermal relief valves was added to expand the discussion on back pressure. This will mimic the changes made to 4.2.3 (Action P. Henry to prepare draft of new section for outlet pressure drop on thermal expansion (solar) valves.) c. Question on 4.2.3: should this section be expanded to eliminate the need to evaluate inlet piping pressure drop analysis for any case where the relief capacity exceeds the required thermal expansion relief rate by a factor > 10? Some installations with just solar do require almost the full capacity of a nominal valve. Examples of installations where the exception should not be used were added. d. Reviewed new Section 6.3 on isolation valves (combining old sections 6.31 and 6.32, prepared by C. Kraus). The change removed a lot of redundancy on inlet and outlet block valves. Explanation added to describe why butterfly and globe valves should not be used. Concern about restricting the use of high performance butterfly valves in header systems prompted the inclusion of language to allow their use in these limited situations. Discussion occurred on whether or not the outlet piping or block valves should have the same nominal pipe size as the outlet of the PRV as inferred by the section on butterfly and globe style valves. Captured edits to this section. e. Revisions to the section on spare relief devices will be postponed until the next release of this document. (T. Bevilacqua will provide language for spare vales for the next revision of this document.) f. Some valves of larger sizes will have choked flow at the outlet flange. It was suggested that one solution would be to have manufacturer’s provide a 4P8 (and 6R14) valve to eliminate problems with choking flow at the RV outlet flange. This suggestion did not result in any action items. There are no reports or evidence that could be quoted where valves did not operate as intended due to excessive body bowl pressure build-up. However, it is not possible to flow test these larger valves. (2J3, 3L4, 4P6, 6R8, 8T10) Testing has been accomplished showing instability at outlet area to inlet area ratios </= 5.5. This data was developed by placing orifice plate on the outlet of the valve which may have led to inaccuracies. The group agreed to add cautions related to this topic to the next version of 520 Part 1 (P. Henry action item). g. F. Self presented considerations and requirements to allow relaxation of the 3% inlet pressure drop rule. F. Self’s basic premise was that in some situations, relaxation of the 3% rule is acceptable if the accumulated pressure in the protected equipment is taken into consideration. Lively debate resulted due to the fact that many in the task force felt that instability occurs during the transient period immediately after valve opening and only under steady state flow after the valve fully opens does the accumulated pressure at the inlet provide any benefit to stability. No decision was reached. Meeting was adjourned at 4:00 pm Attachment 1 520p1-I-02/09 Isentropic Nozzle Flux Equation Middough Following is the proposed response to the TI 520p1-I-02/09 submitted to the API RP 520 Task Force by Nancy Benkalowycz of Middough: The solution of the isentropic nozzle flux equation requires the pressure and specific volume of the fluid as it enters into the nozzle, and relationship between these two variables as the fluid is reduced in pressure in a reversible and adiabatic (constant entropy) fashion. For the purposes of the questions below, the isentropic relationship n between the pressure and specific volume referred to as Pv^n is P v n P0 v0 , unless otherwise noted, where P is the pressure, v is the specific volume, n is the isentropic expansion coefficient, and 0 represents the conditions at the inlet to the nozzle. 1. If one has a relationship for the isentropic P-v behavior of a fluid that can be described by Pv^n where n is a constant value, does the equation shown in B.10 represent the analytical solution of the nozzle flux equation for that fluid behavior? Yes. 2. Does the isentropic P-v behavior of real gases always follow the Pv^n relationship? No. 3. If the fluid does not follow the Pv^n relationship can the general nozzle flux equation as shown in B.1.1.3 be used as it is applicable regardless of the fluid non-ideality as indicated in B.1.1.4? Yes 4. Based on the calculations performed as part of the development of Appendix B and published in the article referenced in [B.5.3], was the general thermodynamic region where the isentropic behavior of gases was found not to follow the relationship of Pv^n limited to the area near the thermodynamic critical point where the ratio of the inlet pressure to the thermodynamic critical pressure is between 0.8 and 2? Yes. 5. Based on the calculations performed as part of the development of Appendix B and published in the article referenced in [B.5.3], the fluids for evaluation were specifically chosen as a detailed IUPAC thermodynamic model was available for those fluids based on extensive thermodynamic data which was needed to perform the numerical integration of the isentropic mass flux equation. These fluids included nbutane, propane, methanol, ethylene, water, nitrogen, and argon. Is the qualification in B.3.5.2. for “low molecular weight” based solely on the fact that the calculations comparing numerical integration using the detailed thermodynamic models were limited to the fluids chosen and not because of any known limitations for higher molecular weight fluids? Yes. 6. If the isentropic expansion coefficient in the Pv^n relationship is constant, can the value for n be calculated based on the properties of the fluid at the inlet, specifically v P C p as indicated in B.3.1.2? Yes n P v T Cv 7. Can the isentropic expansion coefficient in the Pv^n relationship also be calculated by flashing the fluid isentropically from the inlet conditions to a lower pressure, the choking pressure being an appropriate value to use as that lower pressure, and solving for the value of n based on the pressure and specific volume at both points as implied by the validity of the Pv^n relationship described in B.3.1.1.? Yes 8. If the fluid is an ideal gas where the compressibility factor Z is equal to 1, can one P P show that and that the value for the isentropic expansion coefficient v v T shown in question 5 is equal to the ideal gas specific heat ratio, i.e. n C *p Cv* is used to represent the ideal gas constraint as described in B.3.2.2.? Yes where * 9. Since most gases do not have a compressibility factor equivalent to one, the committee attempted to develop reasonable guidance for when the use of the ideal gas specific heat ratio as an estimate of the isentropic expansion coefficient for use in the Pv^n equation while still using the actual gas specific volume at the inlet (as is customarily done) did not result in errors more than 5% between the mass flux calculated using the ideal gas specific heat ratio as opposed to the isentropic expansion coefficient for the fluids evaluated. Is this the basis for the criterion indicated in B.3.5.2.? Yes 10. If the ideal gas specific heat ratio is used as an estimate for the isentropic expansion coefficient and the compressibility of the gas is forced to a value of 1 for use in calculating the density of the gas, did the comparison of the calculations using this constraint for the fluids selected find that the determination of the mass flux is relatively conservative with respect to the sizing of the relief valve effective discharge area as indicated in B.3.5.1.? Yes Attachment 2 – Outstanding Action Item List 11/24/2009 Item # Description 2002-01 Include more details in Part 2 on pilot sense line purging techniques Responsible T. Bevilacqua C. Buxton R. Danzy Date 10/02 Comp. Y/N No Status Left over item that did not make into Part 2, 5th Edition. Tom to provide cautionary sentence or two to add to Part 2. In Denver (04/2009), C. Buxton and R. Danzy volunteered to draft up wording on pilot purge techniques. 2004-07 Modification needed to RP520 Part 2, caution about mechanical loads from initial rupture disk flow should be considered, steady state flow is based on required flow, mechanical design should consider high transient load 2005-05 What rated capacity should be used for inlet DP calc for an uncertified valve in liquid service? Modification needed to 520 Part 2? 2005-07 Any built-up back pressure limitations on open bonnet PRVs? Clarification needed to Part 2? Clarify issues regarding 3% rule downstream of pressure regulator or where the PRV is located far away from source of pressure 2006-06 Unassigned Proposed wording provided 10/30/09, review in Dallas No progress to date 07/04 04/08 N 07/05 No The 0.6 Kp is a conservative sizing criteria, that results in a very large valve. What will the relieve valve pass? D. DeMichael 07/05 N A. Shackelford F. Self R. Thomas 05/06 N Ask MFGs. Is there any built-up back pressure limitations on a Section I valve in Section VIII service. Heuristic approach submitted by Shackelford to be reviewed 4/08 in New Orleans. (04/2008) C. Eskridge to add cautionary statement to Part 2 D. DeMichael with review by A. West Separate meeting held in Houston to discuss further was August 2008. (2005-04) Resolve once and for all issues related to using rated versus required flow for inlet pipe sizing, need for next revision of Part 2 Review proposed revision 11/2008 in LA. In Denver (04/2009), F. Self volunteered to provide more guidance related to the “engineering analysis” required when exceeding the 3% rule. R. Thomas agreed to provide assistance. 2006-07 Research 45 degree cut on vent pipe outlet and provide recommendations 2006-09 Need further guidance in Part 1 for cases where valve has liquid and vapor release cases, need guidance on sizing (certified vs. uncertified equations) and specification for purchase Perform gap analysis of ISO-4126 and API 520 Parts 1 and Part 2 o Shackelford – Provide summary of potential scope of this effort 2007-04 C. Eskridge B. Ciolek to review P. Henry 05/06 N Eskridge provided some background in Seattle 4/2007, needs to be written up. 05/06 N Did not make into 8th edition. Left over for 9th edition. A. Shackelford P. Henry 4/07 No P. Henry will highlight ISO 4126 parts 7 and 9 these differences to the group in a presentation in Dallas. G. Hernandez will highlight differences between ISO 4126 part 6 and API 520. Item # Description P. Henry – Perform gap analysis on Part 9, “Installation” Address a possible waiver of API copyright on the data sheets and the data sheet explanatory text, as was done for STD 537 Review the different options for bellow vent arrangements and provide a recommendation to the task force. Responsible Date Comp. Y/N Status o 2007-06 2007-10 2007-11 Review the precautions related to RD installations included in API RP 520 Part 1 & 2 to determine they are adequately addressed and to determine what drawings are necessary to illustrate the installation precautions P. Henry 4/07 N Roland Goodman was contacted and he stated that this should be no problem to include in the 8th edition. D. Eure D. DeMichael B. McMican M. Ali C. Fontenot R. Danzy T. Price C. Brooke C. Buxton L. McDaniel K. Roth S. Palmer C. Brooke D. DeMichael J. Golla G. Hernandez D. Miller 9/07 No B. McMican provided figures to consider. Team created to provide text for 520 Part 2. D. Eure volunteered to lead this effort in Denver (04/2009). 9/07 No The recommendations are to be reviewed by Dean Miller, Chester Brooke, & Denis DeMichael. Also volunteering review in April 2008 meeting were J. Golla and G. Hernandez. S. Palmer and G. Hernandez completed draft in 10/2008. Sent to reviewers 11/2008. Revised again 4/09. Reviewed in Denver (04/2009), S. Palmer to make minor revision to A.9 and submit to P. Henry 2007-12 2007-14 Consider a title change for API 520 Part 1 so not only refineries are referenced but to include chemical plants. Add discussion to Part 2 related to inlet and outlet piping pressure drop calculations for thermal relief valves. P. Henry 9/07 No P. Henry B. Weber 9/07 No Combine with (2007-02). P. Henry added text to section 4.0, needs review by task force. B. Weber agreed (11/08) to provide a caution statement related to thermal relief valves that are also part of other relieving scenarios. Inlet piping revision finalized in Denver (04/2009). P. Henry added statement about outlet piping to 5.3, needs review in Dallas. 2008-03 Inappropriate use of expansion resistance coefficient in built-up back pressure calculations. F. Self L. McDaniel 4/08 No F. Self supports NO Joe Leung per B. Otis says NO Ron Darby per J. Golla says NO Per L. McDaniel, July 1994 Hydrocarbon Processing: "Improve Sizing for Relief Systems" by S. M. Item # Description Responsible Date Comp. Y/N Status Ranade of Aspen Technology supports NO L.McDaniel supports NO Brad Otis supports NO J. Golla supports NO F. Self to provide new wording from CCPS Effluent book as a starting point for possible part I revision 2008-05 Prepare a change to the text of the 520 Part 1 to reduce confusion regarding API versus actual orifice areas and discharge coefficients D. DeMichael A. Shackelford P. Henry 4/08 No F. Self provided text on 10/29/09 from Darby for review in Dallas DeMichael and Shackelford provided suggested modifications to paragraph 3.2.6 on 4/15/2008. P. Henry to incorporate in next revision of Part 1 2008-06 2008-08 2008-09 2008-10 2008-11 Prepare a change to the text of the 520 Part 1 to clarify the issue of ‘standard’ and ‘normal’ conditions in equations 3.3 and 3.4 Propose language for the safe venting of balanced bellows relief valves and language to address the reasons for venting the bonnet of balanced bellows relief valve to a location free of backpressure Propose that TF520 update Parts 1 and 2 with respect to the flow rate to use for pressure drop calculations for modulating relief valves, referencing ISO 23251 §7.2.2 and Determine whether there is anything from Clause (removed from ISO23251) that needs to be included into API 520 part 2, including two references, (Cox, and Van Boskirk) Inquiry 520p1-I-02/08 from Chester Brooke of Shell related to 3% inlet loss and PRV sizing P. Henry 4/08 No D. Eure C. Fontenot 4/08 No Related to Action Item 2007-10. D. Eure volunteered in Denver (04/2009) to work this issue. P. Henry 11/08 No F. Self P. Henry 11/08 No F. Self to forward articles to P. Henry and comment on applicability. P. Henry C. Brooke F. Self 6/08 No Response sent to API 11/13/2008. Recalled since F. Self wants to work it again. Finalized response at Denver 04/2009 meeting and sent to API for balloting 4/29/2009. Balloting completed with 1 negative vote, review in Dallas 11/09. Discussed in Dallas and it was decided to send out as is. Sent to API 11/24/2009. 2008-12 2008-13 Modify guidance to PRV datasheets (Line 17) to assist user’s with determining the temperature to use for selecting spring materials Contact Friedl, invite him to speak to TF 520 at the Spring 2009 mtg in Denver. Develop a list of questions that we would like him to cover related to non-equilibrium two-phase P. Henry 11/08 No M. Davies P. Henry A. Shackelford E. Zamejc T. Bevilaqua 11/08 No A. Shackelford, E. Zamejc, T. Bevilacqua and C. Brooke to send P. Henry questions to ask Friedl. M. Davies to keep trying a formal invite to Friedl to attend future API task force Item # 2008-14 2008-16 2008-17 2008-18 2009-01 2009-02 2009-03 2009-04 2009-05 2009-06 Description flow Recommended revision to Part 1. Replace the last sentence (before the note) in with: Although the allowable overpressure differs from the allowable accumulation by the pressure drop between the protected system and the pressure relief device (when the set pressure is equal to the maximum allowable working pressure), this difference is neglected in PRV sizing and selection when the inlet pressure drop doesn't exceed that allowed by API 520 Part 2 P. Saunders to respond to P. Henry regarding using rated flow versus required flow for liquid trim valves on the inlet loss calculations P. Henry to send section to pressure relief valve vendors for comment B. Weber to provide some cautionary wording on exposing thermal relief valves to other overpressure scenarios. P. Henry to work on text for sizing outlet piping from thermal relief valves. Responsible Date Comp. Y/N B. Ciolek P. Henry 11/08 No P. Saunders 11/08 No P. Henry 11/08 No meeting. B. Weber P. Henry B. Weber provided revision 11/24/2008. TF reviewed and modified in Denver, 4/2009. P. Henry sent revised version to Weber in 10/2009 for review. Need to add Kc factor to equation on page 115 of the 2008 edition of 520 Part 1 Inquiry 520p1-I-09 from Tanker Pacific Management related to modifying Figure 1 as a result of the lowering of the hydrotest pressure ratio from 1.5 to 1.3 P. Henry 01/09 N P. Henry 04/09 N Verify that CDTP temperature adjustment is based on relieving temperature as stated in Part 1 In 8th edition of part 1, the definition for C on top of page 57 says it is the ratio of specific heats. It should say that C is a coefficient determined from the ratio of specific heats. Modification of Part 2 to require provision 6.3.1.d to apply to outlet isolation valve as well. Why not make 6.3.1 and 6.3.2 identical? Unassigned 04/09 N P. Henry 02/09 N Inquiry from Middough related to use of Ideal gas equations, Inquiry 520p1- Status P. Henry completed text on sizing of outlet piping. P. Henry to issue errata to API. Reviewed during Denver 04/09 meeting. TF agreed that no changes to 520 required. P. Henry to respond back to API to refer the inquirer to API 521 and the discussion on corrected hydrotest pressure. C. Brooke discovery. P. Henry to issue errata to API. C. Kraus 04/09 N C. Brooke D. Cobb R. Thomas L. McDaniel P. Henry A. Shackelford P. Henry C. Brooke provided revision to 6.3.2.g. In Denver (04/2009), C. Kraus volunteered to review combining the sections and to look how parts of ASME Section VIII Appendix M might be incorporated. She will also expand on cautions of using butterfly, globe and check valves in relief piping. 02/09 N Proposed modification provided 11/4/09, review in Dallas A. Shackelford to answer inquiry questions. A. Shackelford to draft a Item # Description Responsible Date Comp. Y/N I-02/09 Status response with a D. Cobb, S. Cloutier, G. Hernandez review. Aubry completed draft 04/2009. Phil sent to Cobb, Cloutier and Hernandez for review on 10/15/2009. 2009-07 Inquiry from Bectel related to sizing for non-Newtonian fluids M. Porter F. Self 01/09 N Reviewed in Dallas, 11/2009. TF decided not to issue as formal inquiry. Text will be utilized as potential source to modify next revision of Part 1. API 520 does not handle non-newtonian fluids. We will keep this an informal inquiry. M. Porter and F. Self to informally contact the sender for any follow-up items. Both Porter and Self contacted Dr. Rao on 5/4/2009 and pointed out the CCPS book that has a discussion on this topic. P. Henry to add topic of Non-newtonian sizing to next revision of 520 Part 1. See 2009-09. 2009-08 2009-09 2009-10 2009-11 2009-12 Review requirement in Part 1 to base the CDTP temperature correction on the relieving temperature, see Add sizing procedure or reference procedure related to sizing of PRDs for non-newtonian fluids The issue of high body-bowl built-up back pressure on PRVs that have low outlet to inlet area ratios needs further study. This may lead to a modification in API 520 related to the 10% built-up back pressure limitation on conventional valves. Modifications to the iterative procedure for sizing viscous PRVs in API 520 Part 1 needs to be considered. Additional guidance on the viscosity limit (or Reynolds number limit) for PRVs may be developed.. Add to 520 part 2, a list of items that would make up a typical “Engineering Analysis” for exceeding the 3% rule Unassigned 04/09 N Unassigned 04/09 N R. Danzy C. Buxton J. Kolenc 04/09 N The PRV vendors are asked to look for any built-up back pressure test data they can share on 4L6 conventional valves and above R. Danzy 04/09 N R. Danzy to compare present “high” viscosity sizing technology in the document using the Kv and compare to other methods, such as DIERS and Darby’s work being developed for the CCPS Effluent book. F. Self R. Thomas 04/09 N