American Petroleum Institute Subcommittee on Pressure Relieving Systems Task Force on RP 520 Spring 2008 Meeting Minutes – New Orleans, LA April 15, 2008 I. Introduction and registration of attendance. A registration was taken and introductions made. A handout consisting of the proposed agenda, minutes of the previous meeting, five inquiries and documents related to workin-progress, and an action item list was distributed. II. Appointment of a secretary Don Griglack was appointed secretary for the meeting. III. Approve the minutes of Fall 2007 meeting. A request was made to add “San Antonio, TX” to the header of the Fall 2007 minutes. The minutes were then approved as edited. IV. Review of inquiries. There was some discussion on the inquiry process related to the use of contractors and manufacturers (non-users) when discussing and finalizing responses to inquiries. API requires a balloting process to approve formal inquiry responses if non-users are involved in the discussion. Since it was determined that the input from these groups is critical, the task force decided to utilize the API balloting process to finalize all inquiry responses developed by the task force. There were five inquiries to be reviewed, including two that had been previously discussed but for which no interpretation had been issued. 1. Inquiry 520p1-I-02/07 from Worley-Parsons. The inquiry addresses a clarification of Cp/Cv guidance referenced in inquiry 520-I-05/03 regarding use of ideal gas versus real gas values. The response that was agreed to by the task force is: The Cp/Cv (k value) used in the equations presented in RP520 Part 1 is based on the ideal gas and not the real gas value at the relieving conditions. Note that some simulator software packages provide an estimate of the “real” gas specific heat ratio. Caution should be exercised, as the real gas specific heat ratio is not a good estimate for the isentropic expansion coefficient and its use is inappropriate in the vapor sizing equations provided in RP520. 2. Inquiry 520p1-I-03/07 from Toyo Engineering The inquiry addresses valve selection based on the vendor’s calculation. The response that was agreed to by the task force is: The inquiry addresses the instance when a vendor’s calculations results in a smaller pressure relief valve than is required using the preliminary sizing criteria outlined in API RP520 Part 1. Selecting a smaller valve based on the vendor’s actual orifice area and rated coefficient of discharge is appropriate. An Action Item was added to prepare a change to the text of the RP to reduce confusion regarding API versus actual orifice areas and discharge coefficients. Denis DeMichael accepted this action. 3. Inquiry 520p1-I-04/07 from Jacobs Engineering The inquiry addresses the reference conditions used for certain equations and differences between USC units and SI units. The response agreed to by the task force is: The units presented in paragraphs of the 7th edition of API RP 520 Part 1 for the vapor volumetric flowrate, V, represent reference conditions. Reference conditions in US customary units are called standard conditions and are at 60 oF and 14.7 psia. The reference conditions used for SI units in these equations are called normal conditions and are at 0 oC and 101.325 kPaa. An Action Item was added to prepare a change to the text of the RP to clarify the issue of ‘standard’ and ‘normal’ conditions in equations 3.3 and 3.4. 4. Inquiry 520p2-I-01/07 from Per Helgesen The inquiry addresses the use of a pressure relief device as a isolation valve. The response agreed to by the task force is: A pressure relief device shall not be used as a block valve to provide positive isolation. API RP520 Part 2 does not provide guidance related to what maintenance activities can be safely conducted on either the upstream or downstream side of a closed pressure relief valve. 5. Inquiry 520p2-I-01/08 from ConocoPhillips. The inquiry concerned the isolation of installed spare relief valves when not in service. The response agreed to by the task force is: Yes, the intent of paragraph 6.3.3 of API RP 520 Part 2 is to isolate the spare PRV so that it is not exposed to process conditions. An Action Item was added to propose a change of the text of paragraph 6.3.3 of Part 2 to clarify the intent to have the spare PRV isolated when not in service. Maybe a definition of spare valve or changing the word ‘additional’ to ‘spare. Tom Bevilacqua accepted this action with assistance from Mike Porter, Don Eure and Jude Golla. V. Status of API RP 520 Part 1 An action item was added to check equation D.6 in Appendix D for a potential error raised by Ron Darby. Bill Ciolek, Aubrey Shakelford and Freeman Self will investigate. Phil Henry noted that API staff have had the approved revision to API RP 520 Part 1 for nine months now and the task force has not yet received galley proofs for review. VI. API RP 520 Part 2 Work in Progress 1. Vent Stack Angling – C. Eskridge Chip discussed his research on the effects of angled cut of vertical tail pieces. He listed several possible effects that could be seen from the angled cut, but indicated that not all were significant. His recommendation was that the effects on nozzle loads, vapor dispersion and exit losses should be addressed in Part 2, while the remainder could be neglected. An Action Item was added for Chip to draft proposed text to address the issues with angled cut tail pieces for review at the fall meeting. Bill Ciolek agreed to review. 2. Proposed re-write of 4.2.2 for calculation of inlet losses – A. Shackelford Aubrey provided background regarding the proposed changes to this section of the document and an overview of the changes themselves, without a detailed review of the actual text. After some discussion, a sub-group was formed to conduct detailed review of the proposed changes with a goal of providing a proposal back to the full task force for the fall meeting. The sub-group consists of, in addition to Aubry, Denis DeMichael, Mike Porter, Tom Bevilacqua, Ed Zamejc, Mohammad Ali, Hari Attal, Becky Thomas, Phil Henry, Chris Buxton, Barry Weber and Freeman Self. An Action Item was added for Aubry Shackelford to schedule a teleconference during the early summer to begin this review. 3. Relief Valve Bellows Vent Location – R. Danzy Roger Danzy discussed the idea of venting the bonnet of the balanced bellows PSV to a location that could become pressurized (i.e., to a flare header) and the issues of how to address the changes in bonnet pressure that could result. Roger proposed language cautioning users about bonnet pressure and the effects on set pressure. The task force generally agreed that venting the bonnet to a location that might become pressurized was not a good idea and should not be addressed in Part 2. 4. Balanced Bellows Venting Options – R. McMican Bob McMican presented additional information, in the form of the current ExxonMobil standard for venting of balanced bellows valves that accompanies the figures that he presented at the previous meeting. Using this information as an example of what one user is doing a sub-group was formed to propose language to the task force for consideration at the fall 2008 meeting. The sub-group consists of Carlene Fontenot, Denis DeMichael, Mohammad Ali, Roger Danzy, and Tony Price. An Action Item was added for Carlene Fontenot to propose language for the safe venting of balanced bellows relief valves and language to address the reasons for venting the bonnet of balanced bellows relief valves to a location free of backpressure. 5. Precautions for Rupture Disk Installations – S. Palmer and K. Roth No report. S. Palmer, G. Hernandez and J. Golla will provide information at the next meeting. VII Old Business 1. Review of Action Item List 2002-02: A reference to B31.3 to be added by P. Henry as a note A new Action Item was created to look at the reaction force equation for use of the proper temperature. 2004-07: C. Eskridge to propose language for the necessary caution statement. 2005-05: D. DeMichael to lead on resolution with assistance from A. West. 2005-04: Include this in the work of A. Shakleford’s sub-group on inlet pressure loss. 2002-01: T. Bevilacqua to address at the fall meeting. 2005-06: D. DeMichael to propose language for this caution regarding liquid discharge into an initially empty vertical discharge line. 2005-07: In progress 2006-03: P. Henry to add caution regarding freezing. 2007-02: Include this in the work of A. Shakleford’s sub-group on inlet pressure loss. 2007-04: P. Henry may present the results of his gap analysis at the fall meeting. 2007-13: P. Henry to address 2007-14: P. Henry to address 2007-09: G. Hernandez to address this item with assistance from J. Richardson. 2. P. Henry will add the latest draft of of RP 520 Part II to the drop box and send a note to task force members letting them know it is available. VIII New Business 1. ISO 4126 and TC-185 Tom Bevilacqua ISO 4126 is the ISO counterpart to API RP 520 and was developed in Europe without significant participation by American industry or API. Indeed parts of ISO 4126 were developed by CEN and didn’t have any ISO input. TC-185 that will continue to work on ISO 4126 Part 10 dealing with two-phase flow, and will be re-opening Parts 1 (Spring Operated Valves), 4 (Pilot Operated Valves), 5 (Controlled Safety Pressure Relief Systems - CSPRS) and 7 (Common Data) for review and revision. The devices described in Part 5 are not commonly used in the US, and very little interest is expected from US users. The TC is requesting people from within API to volunteer to be nominated as US technical experts who will participate in the process of review and revision of the documents with their international counterparts. There are also opportunities for people who would like to chair one of the working groups. There has also been discussion within TC-185 of developing a new section regarding performance testing of relief devices. Since the original development of ISO 4126 was heavily influenced by device manufacturers, user and consultant participation in this revision process is strongly encouraged. Please contact Tom or Alan West with questions or to volunteer. Item # Description 2002-01 Include more details in Part 2 on pilot sense line purging techniques Add discussion to Part 2 on reaction forces for steam valves, perhaps utilizing B31.1 Appendix II as a source. Need to add constants for equations in Part 2 par. T. Bevilacqua 10/02 Unassigned 10/02 Bill Ciolek 10/02 No 2002-06 Add a better installation drawing for a closed system RD application to Part 2. B. McMican 10/02 No 2004-07 Modification needed to RP520 Part 2, caution about mechanical loads from initial rupture disk flow should be considered, steady state flow is based on required flow, mechanical design should consider high transient load Resolve once and for all issues related to using rated versus required flow for inlet pipe sizing, need for next revision of Part 2 What rated capacity should be used for inlet DP calc for an uncertified valve in liquid service? Modification needed to Unassigned 07/04 N F. Self, D. DeMichael 04/05 N D. DeMichael 07/05 N 2002-02 2002-03 2005-04 2005-05 Responsible Date Comp. Status Y/N No Left over item that did not make into Part 2, 5th Edition. No Left over item that did not make into Part 2, 5th Edition. Left over item that did not make into Part 2, 5th Edition. Bill submitted draft 9/07 for review in San Antonio. Recommendations provided. P. Henry will make necessary revisions to part 2. Left over item that did not make into Part 2, 5th Edition. Figures submitted by McMican and Ciolek, review in San Antonio, 9/07. See 2007-11. No progress to date P. Henry to ask vendors if they have data supporting modulation for liquid PRVs Item # 2005-06 2005-07 2006-02 2006-03 2006-05 2006-06 2006-07 Description 520 Part 2? Do you include liquid head in discharge line built-up back pressure calcs when system is liquid full? Clarifications needed in Part 2? Any built-up back pressure limitations on open bonnet PRVs? Clarification needed to Part 2? Final review of Figures in part 1, check for hatching, update Figure 2 to include vent hole Add the following cautions to part 2 "It is important to remember that the bonnet of a balanced pressure relief valve must be vented to atmosphere at all times." Add a warning about potential freezing in either cold service including potential for autorefrigeration or cold ambient temperatures. Part 2 Metric units in Section 4.4.1 need to be consistant Responsible Date Comp. Y/N D. DeMichael 07/05 N D. DeMichael 07/05 N Ask MFGs. P. Henry 02/06 N Will review when comes back from API editing of 8th edition. P. Henry 02/06 N P. Henry B. Ciolek 5/06 N 05/06 N 05/06 N Clarify issues regarding A. Shackelford 3% rule downstream of pressure regulator or where the PRV is located far away from source of pressure Research 45 degree cut on C. Eskridge vent pipe outlet and provide recommendations Status Bill submitted draft 9/07 for review in San Antonio. Recommendations provided. P. Henry will make necessary revisions to part 2. Heuristic approach submitted by Shackelford to be reviewed 4/08 in New Orleans. Eskridge provided some background in Seattle 4/2007, needs to be written Item # Description 2006-09 Need further guidance in Part 1 for cases where valve has liquid and vapor release cases, need guidance on sizing (certified vs. uncertified equations) and specification for purchase How do you handle inlet line pressure drop calculations for thermal relief applications Perform gap analysis of ISO-4126 and API 520 Parts 1 and Part 2 o Shackelford – Provide summary of potential scope of this effort o P. Henry – Perform gap analysis on Part 9, “Installation” Check with Roland on the use of “must” 31 times in Part 1 Address a possible waiver of API copyright on the data sheets and the data sheet explanatory text, as was done for STD 537 Inquiry 520p1-I-02/2007 2007-02 2007-04 2007-05 2007-06 2007-07 Responsible Date Comp. Y/N P. Henry 05/06 N D. DeMichael P. Henry 07/07 No A. Shackleford P. Henry 4/07 No P. Henry 4/07 No P. Henry 4/07 No P. Henry 4-07 No Status up Did not make into 8th edition. Left over for 9th edition. See 2007-14. Roland Goodman advised that is was best to change "must" to "shall" where it makes sense. "Must" should not be used as an alternative to "shall" since it denotes an external regulatory requirement while "shall" denotes a requirement in the standard. He thinks these changes could be made without requiring a re-ballot Roland Goodman was contacted and he stated that this should be no problem to include in the 8th edition. Phil Henry will draft a Item # 2007-08 2007-09 2007-10 Description Responsible from WorleyParsons related to use of real gas specific heat capacity ratio versus the ideal value. C. Brooke D. DeMichael B. Ciolek T. Bevilacqua. Inquiry 520p1-I-03/2007 from TOYO Engineering related to selection of a smaller valve based on actual vendor orifice area and certified coefficient of discharge. Final Review of API 520 Part 1 prior to publication P. Henry C. Buxton F. Self Dr. Lai D. DeMichael T. Bevilacqua B. Webber P. Henry C. Eskridge C. Fontenot C. Plants T. Bevilacqua D. Eure J. Stokes M. Porter A. West Dr. Lai D. Griglack S. Palmer B. Ciolek D. DeMichael C. Buxton F. Self B. Webber A. Shackleford E. Zamejc D. Cobb J. Golla G. Hernandez C. Brooke D. DeMichael B. McMican M. Ali Review the different options for bellow vent arrangements and provide a recommendation to the task force. Date Comp. Y/N Status response based on text from the 520-I-05/03 response, cautioning that use of the real gas value is not appropriate. The draft response will be reviewed by several task force members. Phil Henry will draft a response for this inquiry which will be reviewed by several task force members. 4-07 No 9/07 No Assignments for review passed out at the fall 2007 meeting. Phil Henry will distribute the original draft document sent to API and the final version returned from API to the teams when available. The turnaround for consistency and editorial reviews is one month after sending the documents to the teams. P. Henry will also provide an Excel spreadsheet to reviewers to use for their comments. 9/07 No Mohammad Ali will provide additional user guidance to the team. McMican submitted several drawings for draft of 6th edition. Reviewed in San Antonio. Additional Item # Description 2007-11 Review the precautions related to RD installations included in API RP 520 Part 1 & 2 to determine they are adequately addressed and to determine what drawings are necessary to illustrate the installation precautions Consider a title change for API 520 Part 1 so not only refineries are referenced but to include chemical plants. Add precaution that addresses discharges of two-phase releases to atmosphere in API 520 Part II section Add discussion to Part 2 related to inlet and outlet piping pressure drop calculations for thermal relief valves. Inquiry 520p1-I-04/2007 from Jacobs related to units and conversions for paragraph definition of V Inquiry 520p2-I-07 from Per Helgesen of Norway related to use of a PRV as a block valve Inquiry 520p2-I-08 from ConocoPhillips related to sparing of PRVs Appendix D Equation D.6 correction as stated by Ron Darby 2007-12 2007-13 2007-14 2007-15 2007-16 2008-01 2008-02 Responsible Date Comp. Y/N G. Hernandez S. Palmer 9/07 No P. Henry 9/07 No P. Henry 9/07 No P. Henry 9/07 No P. Henry 3/08 No P. Henry 3/08 No P. Henry 4/08 No Unassigned 4/08 No Status text supplied in Spring 07. The recommendations are to be reviewed by Dean Miller, Chester Brooke, & Denis DeMichael