Settlements & Billing Configuration Guide: IFM Bid Cost Recovery Settlement CC 6630 Version 5.0 Settlements & Billing Version: 5.0 Configuration Guide for: IFM CG CC 6630 IFM Bid Cost Recovery Settlement Date: 12/01/13 Table of Contents 1. Purpose of Document 3 2. Introduction 2.1 Background 2.2 Description 3 3 3 3. Charge Code Requirements 3.1 Business Rules 3.2 Predecessor Charge Codes 3.3 Successor Charge Codes 3.4 Inputs - External Systems 3.5 Inputs - Predecessor Charge Codes or Pre-calculations 3.6 CAISO Formula 3.7 Outputs 3 3 4 4 4 5 6 6 4. Charge Code Effective Date 7 CAISO, 2016 Page 2 of 7 Settlements & Billing Version: 5.0 Configuration Guide for: IFM CG CC 6630 IFM Bid Cost Recovery Settlement Date: 12/01/13 1. Purpose of Document The purpose of this document is to capture the requirements and design specification for a SaMC Charge Code in one document. 2. Introduction 2.1 Background The IFM Bid Cost Recovery Settlement is associated with settlement charge groups as follows: Charge Code IFM Bid Cost Recovery Settlement 2.2 Charge Group Parent Charge Group Bid Cost Recovery Cost Recovery Description IFM Bid Cost Recovery Settlement will perform the calculations necessary to implement the business rules identified in the Business Rules section below. 3. Charge Code Requirements 3.1 Business Rules Bus Req ID Business Rule 1.0 This Charge Code calculates the Bid Cost Recovery Settlement for various Bid Cost Recovery Eligible Resources that are settled on a Resource basis as well as those Bid Cost Recovery Eligible Resources of MSS entities that have selected to settle Energy on a net-settlement basis. Eligible SUC, MLC, TC, Bid Costs and market revenues for IFM are netted across all Trading Hours and Settlement Intervals in a Trading Day for a single Uplift Payment by resource or MSS entity. 2.0 For Multi-Stage Generating Resources, Unrecovered Bid Cost Uplift Payments will be calculated and made at the Generating Unit level and not the MSG Configuration level. 3.0 MSS Bid Cost Recovery Eligible Resources by MSS Operators that have elected net settlement will receive Unrecovered Bid Cost Uplift Payment for MSS Bid Cost Recovery Eligible Resources at the MSS level and not by CAISO, 2016 Page 3 of 7 Settlements & Billing Version: 5.0 Configuration Guide for: IFM CG CC 6630 IFM Bid Cost Recovery Settlement Date: 12/01/13 Bus Req ID Business Rule individual resource. 3.2 4.0 MSS Bid Cost Recovery Eligible Resources by MSS Operators that have elected gross settlement will receive Unrecovered Bid Cost Uplift Payments at the MSS Bid Cost Recovery Eligible Resource level like all other resources. 5.0 Scheduling Coordinators shall receive an IFM Unrecovered Bid Cost Uplift Payment for a Bid Cost Recovery Eligible Resource, if the net of all IFM Bid Cost Shortfalls and IFM Bid Cost Surpluses over a Trading Day is positive. 6.0 This Charge Code must be computed daily on a daily basis. 7.0 The application of the Day-Ahead Metered Energy Adjustment Factor shall never increase a Bid Cost Recovery Eligible Resource’s Unrecovered Bid Cost Uplift Payments. 7.1 In the event that the CAISO discovers that there has been an increase in the Unrecovered Bid Cost Uplift Payment due to the application of the DayAhead Metered Energy Adjustment Factor, the CAISO will adjust the payment to recover the overpayment in a subsequent billing cycle, as permissible. 8.0 The application of the Real-Time Performance Metric shall never increase a BCR Eligible Resource’s Unrecovered Bid Cost Uplift payments. 8.1 In the event that the CAISO discovers that such there has been an increase in the Unrecovered Bid Cost Uplift payment, the ISO will adjust the payment to recover the overpayment, in a subsequent billing cycle as permissible. 9.0 For adjustments to the Charge Code that cannot be accomplished by correction of upstream data inputs, recalculation or operator override, Pass Through Bill Charge logic will be applied. Predecessor Charge Codes Charge Code/ Pre-calc Name Pre-calc – IFM Net Amount 3.3 Successor Charge Codes Charge Code/ Pre-calc Name Pre-calc – Bid Cost Recovery Sequential Netting 3.4 Inputs - External Systems CAISO, 2016 Page 4 of 7 Settlements & Billing Version: 5.0 Configuration Guide for: IFM CG CC 6630 IFM Bid Cost Recovery Settlement Date: 12/01/13 Row # Variable Name Description None 3.5 Inputs - Predecessor Charge Codes or Pre-calculations Row # 1 Variable Name IFMNetAmount BruT’I’M’F’mdhcif IFMMSSNetBCRAmount 2 BT’I’M’mdhcif CAISO, 2016 Predecessor Charge Code/ Pre-calc Configuration Pre-calc – IFM Net Amount. The net difference of IFM Bid Costs and IFM Market Revenue for each Bid Cost Recovery Eligible Resource. Pre-calc – IFM Net Amount. The net difference of IFM Energy Bid Costs, IFM AS Costs, IFM Market Revenue, and IFM AS Revenue for MSS Net entities Page 5 of 7 Settlements & Billing Version: 5.0 Configuration Guide for: IFM CG CC 6630 IFM Bid Cost Recovery Settlement Date: 12/01/13 3.6 CAISO Formula The daily uplift settlement of Bid Cost Recovery for each resource is as follows: 3.6.1 TradingDayTotalIFMBCRUpliftAmount BruT’I’M’F’md = TradingDayIFMBCRUpliftAmount BruT’I’M’F’md + TradingDayIFMBCRMSSNetUpliftAmount BT’I’M’md 3.6.2 TradingDayIFMBCRUpliftAmount BruT’I’M’F’md = (-1) * Max (0, DayIFMNetAmount BruT’I’M’F’md) 3.6.3 DayIFMNetAmount BruT’I’M’F’md = h c IFMNetAmount BruT’I’M’F’mdhcif f c Note: The above charge type is for Entity Type T’ <> MSS or ( Entity Type T’ = MSS and Energy Settlement Type I’ = Gross) as previously filtered by underlying input. 3.6.4 TradingDayIFMBCRMSSNetUpliftAmount BT’I’M’md = (-1) * Max ( 0 , DayIFMMSSNetBCRAmount BT’I’M’md ) 3.6.5 DayIFMMSSNetBCRAmount BT’I’M’md = h c IFMMSSNetBCRAmount BT’I’M’mdhcif f c Note: The above charge type is for Entity Type T’ = MSS and Energy Settlement Type I’ = NET as previously filtered by underlying input. 3.7 Outputs Row # Name Description In addition to any outputs listed below, all inputs shall be included as outputs. CAISO, 2016 Page 6 of 7 Settlements & Billing Version: 5.0 Configuration Guide for: IFM CG CC 6630 IFM Bid Cost Recovery Settlement Date: 12/01/13 Row # 1 Description TradingDayTotalIFMBCRUpliftA mount BruT’I’M’F’md Total IFM BCR Uplift Payment for MSS and Non-MSS entities. 2 IFM BCR Uplift Payment DayIFMMSSNetBCRAmount Daily total offor non5 TradingDayIFMBCRUpliftAmount MSS resources and resources IFMMSSNetBCRAmount BT’I’M’d BT’I’M’hi associated with an MSS entity that BruT’I’M’F’md has elected Gross settlement. 3 DayIFMNetAmount BruT’I’M’F’md Daily total of IFMNetAmount 4 TradingDayIFMBCRMSSNetUplif tAmount BT’I’M’d IFM BCR Uplift Payment for MSS entity that has elected Net settlement. DayIFMMSSNetBCRAmount Daily total of IFMMSSNetBCRAmount 5 4. Name BT’I’M’md Charge Code Effective Date Charge Code/ Pre-calc Name CC 6630 – IFM Bid Cost Recovery Settlement Document Version Effective Start Date Effective End Date Version Update Type 5.0 11/01/13 Open Configuration Impacted CAISO, 2016 Page 7 of 7