Scheme (syllabus) of the subject:

1. Basic Characteristics of Management – nature of management; management definition:
management as a process, profession, science and art; manager‘s characteristics:
„What do successful and effective managers do?“, managerial roles and skills;
management functions
2. Evolution of the Management Theory and Practice - historical background - classical
approach, neoclassical approach, modern approach, pragmatism in
management, approaches towards integration; the Euro – American and
Japanese style of management; managing in a global environment
3. Managerial Decision Making - types of decisions and problems; decision making
process, decision making models, decision making steps; individual and group
approaches to decision making; decision making techniques
4. Information Systems for Management - information and management; information
systems and management hierarchy; designing and implementing the Management
Information System; emerging Information technologies and changing the job of managers
5. Strategic Management – strategy and tactics; background of the theory and practice;
personality of a strategy manager; strategic management process; development
of strategic objectives and strategies; implementing strategy
6. Planning – nature and purpose of managerial planning; integrated system of business
planning; planning elements; functional plans of marketing and sales, production,
services, R&D, human resources, finance, etc.
7. Organizing – clarifying the organization structure and organizing, distinction between
formal and informal organization; departmentation; line and staff organization
structure, matrix and other modern types of structures; advantages/disadvantages of
centralization and decentralization; effective organizing
8. Controlling – system and process of controlling; classification of control; phases of
control process; basic control methods and techniques
9. Staffing – nature and purpose of staffing; recruitment of employees; appraisal and
rewarding of employees; manager and organization development
10. Leadership – human factor in business; styles of leadership; integrated model of
leadership; transactional and transforming leadership styles
11. Communication in Organizations - communication and the manager´s job;
interpersonal communication; organizational communication; communicating in
teams, managing organizational communication; barriers to effective
communication; managing team conflict
12. Motivation in Organizations - the nature of motivation; early and contemporary
motivation theories; motivation and stimulation, structure of the motivation process;
motivation tools; new motivational programs
13. Ethics in Management – social responsibility, external and internal aspects;
ethical standards; ethical code
1. Basic Characteristics of Management - introductory seminar; explanation of the
course agenda – duties, literature, system of examination, conditions for getting
credits, consulting students problems; establishing a virtual company - four working
2. Evolution of the Management Theory and Practice - the Euro-American and Japanese
style of management. Managing in a global environment.
3. Managerial Decision Making - the decision making process. Individual and group
approaches to decision making. Techniques of decision making.
4. Information Systems for Management - information and decision making in
managerial work. Information systems and management hierarchy.
5. Strategic Management –questions for discussion from textbook; presentation of
student semestral works, discussion; strategic management process in the virtual
company, team work;
6. Planning – questions for discussion from textbook; presentation of student
semestral works, discussion; planning process in the virtual company;
7. Organizing – questions for discussion from textbook; presentation of student
semestral works, discussion; organizing in the virtual
company – development of hierarchical structure, relationships, etc;
8. Controlling – questions for discussion from textbook; midterm examination
9. Staffing – questions for discussion from textbook; presentation of student
semestral works, discussion; staffing problems in the virtual company;
10. Leadership – questions for discussion from textbook; presentation of student
semestral works, discussion; setting styles of leadership in the virtual company;
11. Communication in Organization - interpersonal and organizational communication.
Methods of communication.
12. Motivation in Organization - motivation in managerial work. The process of
motivation. New motivational programs.
13. Ethics in Management – questions for discussion from textbook; presentation of
student semestral works, discussion; conclusion of the course; credits